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Wednesday, March 30, 2011


mengobati jerawat dan membuat wanita awet muda

Kandungan gizi yang tinggi dalamair mani dan spermamembuat manfaatnya selalu menarik untuk diteliti, salah satunya untuk kecantikan sepertimengobati jerawat dan membuat wanita awet muda. Benarkah demikian?

Hasil penelitian Johnson dan Everitt dalam bukunyaEssential Reproduction(2000) mengungkapkan bahwa air mani berisi kandungan gizi yang tinggi.

Dalam ejakulasi khas (kira-kira satu sendok teh) air mani sudah mengandung 150 mg protein, 11 mg karbohidrat, 6 mg lemak, 3 mg kolesterol, 7 persen US AKG kalium, tembaga dan seng.

Selain itu,air manijuga mengandung gula, protein dan asam amino, mineral, vitamin, hormon, asam laktat, urea, asam urat dan nitrogen.

Tingginya kandungan gizi ini membuat air mani dan sperma banyak dimanfaatkan untukmengobati berbagaipenyakit, seperti diabetes dan depresi. Penggunaan sperma juga pernah diterapkan untuk mengobati jerawat, meski sebenarnya belum ada penelitian yang membuktikan efektivitasnya.

Metode masker sperma bahkan diketahui telah digunakan sejak zaman Mesir Kuno (5000 SM), seperti dilansirhealthmedicals, Selasa (22/3/2011).

Secara teori, penggunakan masker sperma dinilai cukup masuk akal karena sperma mengandung sejumlah nutrisi yang bermanfaat untuk perawatan kulit. Seperti dilansirNetdoctor, air mani dan sperma banyak mengandung ascorbic acid (vitamin C) dan vitamin B12, yang dapat membantu seseorang tampak lebih muda dan cantik.

Vitamin C mendorong pertumbuhan rantai protein dalam kolagen, yang merupakan bahan utama dalam semua jaringan berserat. Vitamin C juga merupakan antioksidan yang bisa mendetoksifikasi atau menyingkirkan racun-racun dan pengotor yang ada di permukaan kulit.

Kehadiran vitamin C dalam air mani adalah untuk memastikan bahwa sperma terlindungi dari radikal bebas dan meningkatkan jangka hidup sel sperma.

Selain itu, adanya kandungan antioksidan juga menjamin bahwa sperma bebas dari radikal bebaspenyebabkulit kusam dan cepat keriput. Kandungan yang sama juga bisa ditemukan dalam produk-produk perawatan jerawat dan anti penuaan dini yang dijual di pasaran.

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tipas sehat pemberian air susu ibu (ASI)

Rendahnya pemberian air susu ibu (ASI) merupakan ancaman bagi tumbuh kembang anak. Seperti diketahui, bayi yang tidak diberi ASI, setidaknya hingga usia 6 bulan, lebih rentan mengalami kekurangan nutrisi.

“Masalahnya, promosi ASI ekslusif kalah jauh dari promosi susu formula. Sehingga, kesadaran pentingnya asupan ASI untuk bayi masih rendah,” kata Dirjen Bina Gizi danKesehatan Ibu Anak, Kementrian Kesehatan, dr Budiharja di acara Seminar Peningkatan Pemberian ASI Eskslusif dalam mendukung MDG'S di Hotel Manhattan, Jakarta, Selasa 29 Maret 2011.

Berdasarkan data Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) 2010 menunjukkan, pemberian ASI di Indonesia saat ini masih memprihatinkan. Presentase bayi yang menyusu eksklusif sampai dengan 6 bulan hanya 15,3 persen. Hal ini disebabkan kesadaran masyarakat dalam mendorong peningkatan pemberian ASI masih relatif rendah. Terutama ibu bekerja, sering mengabaikan pemberian ASI dengan alasan kesibukan kerja. Padahal tidak ada yang bisa menandingikualitas ASI, bahkansusu formulasekalipun.

Padahal selain bisa menurunkan angka kekurangan gizi, banyak manfaat lainnya yang bisa diperoleh dari ASI untuk bayi. Berikut keuntungan pemberian ASI eksklusif pada bayi:

- Enam hingga delapan kali lebih jarang menderita kanker anak (leukemia limphositik, Neuroblastoma, Lympoma Maligna)

- Risiko dirawat dengan sakit saluran pernapasan 3 kali lebih jarang dari bayi yang rutin konsumsi susu formula

- Sebanyak 47 persen lebih jarang diare

- Mengurangi risiko alami kekurangan gizi dan vitamin

- Mengurangi risiko kencing manis

- Lebih kebal terkena alergi

- Mengurangi risiko penyakit jantung dan pembuluh darah

- Mengurangi penyakit menahun seperti usus besar

- Mengurangi kemungkinan terkena asma

- Mengurangi risiko terkena bakteri E sakazakii dari bubuk susu yang tercemar

“Dan perlu Anda tahu bedakompisisi ASI dengan susu formula. Susu formula terbuat dari susu sapi, maka lebih banyak mengandung protein yang bermanfaat untuk perkembangan otot. Hal ini karena sapi butuh otot kuat agar bisa menghasilkan banyak energi, sementara ASI mengandung tinggi laktosa yang penting untuk perkembangan otak manusia,” ujar Satgas ASI dari IDAI , I Gusti Ayu Nyoman Pratiwi menambahkan. • 

Sumber :VIVAnews

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tampil cantik dan sehat Tips Alami Rambut Hitam (Natural Black Hair)

Tips Alami Rambut Hitam (Natural Black Hair). Mempunyairambut sehatyanghitam panjang bercahayamenjadi dambaan setiap wanita. Karena denganrambut hitam bercahayabisa menambah wajah cantik menjadi semakin sempurna. Karena rambut merupakan mahkota untuk setiap wanita.

Anda tentu tahu pohon waru? Pohon di Indonesia biasa menjadi tanaman peneduh karena pohonnya yang rindang. Tapi selain itu pohon waru ternyata bisa menjadi bahan dasar kecantikanmerawat rambut hitamatau menghilangkan uban (rambut putih).

Berikut adalah tips alami (natural tips) menghitamkan rambut dengan daun waru.

Caranya : Ambil beberapa daun waru dan daun kembang sepatu. Cuci bersih, kemudian diremas sampai keluar cairan kental. Oleskan secara merata cairan tersebut pada kulit kepala, tunggu sampai kering, kemudian cuci bersih dengan shampoo. Lakukan hal ini beberapa kali dalam 2 minggu.

Milikirambut hitam alami/natural black hairdengan resep tradisional (traditional recipes) dari pohon waru.

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cantik dan sehat bersama ClearPores Resource Example

ClearPores Resource Example

When looking to promote an acne affiliate program it is very important to look at what resources the network has to offer, it is no longer acceptable to just be given your linking code and a few poorly designed banners.
ClearPores Resource Example91 Amateur Product Shots
When building your websites and marketing any brand it is important to have the right resources, with ClearPores you can use 91 product shots to demonstrate the product to the reader.
Building the value in the brand can often be tricky, but a picture paints a thousand words and showing a samples of these images can really help your pre-sell.

Join the CleaPores affiliate program today to access these fantastic resources.
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Acne Affiliate Program - Clear Skin MAX

Acne Affiliate Program - Clear Skin MAX

Clear Skin Max Affiliate Program
Clear Skin MAX is an acne and skin impurity system which contains 6 key products to remove and cure acne, the kit includes:
  • Oil Control Cleansing Gel
  • Acne Vanisher Mask
  • Melanin Expel Essence
  • Pore Conditioning Lotion
  • Acne Emergency Treatment Cream
  • Tava Tea Anti Acne Blend
This daily use kit has been specifically designed to combat acne from all angles ensuring that with regular use all signs of acne will be removed and your skin will feel clean and fresh.
Clear Skin MAX is a very sexy product and has been designed for ultimate customer satisfaction, this product comes with a full 180 day money back guarantee, if you do not feel the product has worked for you, get 100% of your money back.
Clean Skin MAX is brought to you by Roduve (the specialist healthcare group) and has been developed over a number of years. Roduve have invested heavily in taking the product to market, hired a top UK design agency to build a highly converting website and are investing in a large scale advertising campaign.
Clear Skin MAX is by far one of the best acne kits online and with great average order values, high commission rates and fantastic EPC statistics, there is no surprise Clear Skin MAX is taking the market by storm, both customers and affiliates love this brand.
Clear Skin MAX are paying a huge 30% commission on ALL sales, Clear Skin MAX is one of the highest paying acne affiliate programs available to promote.
With a dedicated affiliate manager, lifetime cookies, hub technology and the most comprehensive tracking system available (Mixitrack™) there is no surprise that Clear Skin MAX is the preferred affiliate program for any skin care kit available
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Monday, March 28, 2011


madu obat tradional untuk cantik dan sehat

Madu tidak hanya baik dikonsumsi untuk menjaga kesehatan tubuh, tapi juga berkhasiat menjaga kecantikan. Salah satu khasiatnya yiatu untuk melembabkan kulit dan mengurangi iritasi pada kulit. Madu juga dapat mencegah dan mengobati bibir pecah-pecah, dengan cara mengoleskannya pada bibir.
      Dan bukan hanya itu khasiat dari madu, berikut ini keuntungan-keuntungan yang bisa Anda dapat dari madu :
  • Menghilangkan jerawat. Oleskan 3 sendok makan madu dan 1 sendok teh bubuk kayu manis pada wajah sebelum tidur. Keesokan harinya basuh dengan air hangat. Lakukan secara rutin ssetiap harinya selama 2 minggu.
  • Mencegah penuaan.Semua orang pasti ingin terlihat muda, dan caranya gampang. Sediakan 4 sendok madu, 1 sendok bubuk kayu manis dan 3 cangkir air dan rebus seperti membuat teh. Minumlah 4 kali sehari, dan Anda akan mendapatkan kulit halus dan dapat mencegah penuaan.
  • Infeksi kulit.Ambil 1 sendok madu dan 1 sendok kayu manis, lalu oleskan pada kulit yang terkena iritasi.
  • Mengatasi rambut rontok. Anda bermasalah dengan rambut rontok? Campurkan Minyak Zaitun panas pada 1 sendok makan madu, 1 sendok teh bubuk kayu manis sebelum mandi. Oleskan di kepala dan diamkan selama 5-15 menit, lalu basuh dengan air.
  • Melangsingkan badan.Minum campuran madu dengan air perasan kunyit seminggu sekali, dan buktikan khasiatnya.
  • Menghilangkan bau nafas.Resep tradisonal ini digunakan orang Amerika Selatan untuk menghilangkan bau napas. Caranya sediakan 1 sendok teh madu dan bubuk kayu manis, lalu campurkan dengan air. Minumlah ramuan ini setiap paginya.
  • Bagi ibu hamil,meminum 1 sendok teh madu sehari 2 kali, akan menambah kekuatan tubuh selama kehamilan.
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Kesegaran dan kesehatan kulit wajah modal utama cantik dan sehat

Setiap manusia memiliki jenis kulit maupun tingkat kepekaan kulit yang berbeda. Perubahan iklim cuaca, perubahan pola hidup, maupun tingginya aktivitas sangat mempengaruhi proses penuaan kulit, salah satunya adalah kulit wajah. Memiliki kulit wajah yang segar dan sehat adalah dambaan setiap orang, tak peduli pria maupun wanita. Karena kesegaran kulit wajah akan membuat Anda tampak lebih muda dan menjadi lebih menarik.
      Kesegaran dan kesehatan kulit wajah dimulai dari perawatan yang intensif, dan hal tersebut tidak mesti Anda lakukan di salon. Yang terpenting adalah Anda perlu mengenali jenis kulit wajah Anda terlebih dahulu agar diketahui langkah-langkah apa yang harus dilakukan dan tidak boleh dilakukan agar kulit wajah Anda tetap terjaga kesehatan serta kesegarannya.
  1. Perawatan wajah untuk kulit kering
    • Gunakan produk perawatan anti penuaan dini (anti aging) yang sesuai begitu proses penuaan pada kulit wajah mulai tampak (terutama pada wilayah sekitar mata).
    • Hindari mandi dengan menggunakan air panas, penggunaan bath oil untuk mandi sangat disarankan, hal ini berguna untuk menjaga kelembapan kulit.
    • Gunakan produk-produk perawatan wajah sesuai dengan jenis kulit, musim atau iklim, serta gaya hidup Anda.
  2. Perawatan wajah untuk kulit sensitif
    • Sebaiknya gunakan shower saat Anda membersihkan wajah, jangan membasuh wajah dengan menggunakan keran air.
    • Hindari penggunaan kain, tisu, maupun kain berbahan katun atau wol saat membersihkan wajah. Basuh wajah Anda cukup dengan menggunakan jari tangan guna menghindari terkikisnya permukaan kulit wajah yang ditimbulkan oleh bahan-bahan tersebut.
    • Hangatkan terlebih dahulu produk perawatan wajah Anda dengan cara menggenggamnya beberapa saat sebelum digunakan.
    • Hindari penggunaan produk perawatan wajah dengan cara langsung menggosokkan ke permukaan kulit wajah, tetapi terlebih dahulu digosok pada bagian tangan hingga berbusa dan baru usapkan pada wajah Anda.
  3. Perawatan wajah untuk kulit berminyak
    • Hindari mengkonsumsi makanan berlemak secara berlebihan.
    • Lakukan perawatan wajah (peeling) 1 hingga 3 kali seminggu.
    • Hindari kontak langsung dengan sinar matahari.
  4. Perawatan wajah untuk kulit paruh baya
    • Sebaiknya gunakan produk kecantikan yang sesuai dengan jenis kulit Anda untuk melembutkan permukaan kulit wajah Anda.
    • Hindari kontak langsung dengan sinar matahari guna menghindari timbulnya keriput dan flek (noda pada kulit).
    • Gunakan produk perawatan wajah anti aging yang sesuai dengan iklim atau musim maupun jenis serta karakteristik kulit Anda, sangat disarankan untuk melakukan konsultasi dengan ahli kecantikan terlebih dahulu sebelum memilih produk perawatan dan kecantikan wajah.
    • Fokuskan perawatan pada bagian-bagian leher, daerah seputar mata, serta daerah sekitar tangan.
      Selain itu, berikut ini beberapa langkah perawatan ringan bagi kesegaran dan kesehatan wajah yang dapat Anda lakukan sehari-hari :
  1. Bersihkan wajah pagi dan malam hari, meskipun Anda tidak melakukan aktivitas di luar rumah. Pijatlah dengan lembut setidaknya selama dua menit setiap malamnya untuk memberikan rangsangan pertukaran sel kulit, lebih merasakan relaksasi, serta mencerahkan kembali kulit wajah.
  2. Biasakan mencuci tangan terlbih dahulu sebelum menyentuh wajah.
  3. Gunakan selalu pelindung (sun block) saat berpergian, sebab polusi udara dan sengatan sinar matahari yang mengandung ultra violet dapat menciptakan flek dan mempercepat proses penuaan pada kulit wajah.
  4. Perbanyak mengkonsumsi air putih, 8 gelas perhari.
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Berdandan secukupnya untuk tetap cantik dan sehat

Tampil cantik di setiap saat, kapan pun dan dimana pun tentu sudah menjadi sebuah impian setiap wanita. Tetapi bagaimana caranya agar Anda bisa tetap tampil cantik dan mempesona setiap hari ?
      Anda tentu mengenal Jennifer Aniston bukan? Selebriti yang terkenal lewat serial TV Friends serta banyak film layar lebar seperti, Bruce AlmightyDerailedPicture PerfectMarley & MeThe Break-UpHe's Just Not That Into You dan masih banyak film lainnya yang ia bintangi selalu tampil sempurna dalam setiap kesempatan, baik di film maupun di kehidupan nyata. Tak banyak yang tahu jika sebenarnya Jennifer Aniston saat ini usianya telah mencapai kepala empat. Lalu apa saja sebenarnya yang membuat penampilan Jennifer Aniston selalu memukau? Bila Anda ingin tampil cantik ala Jennifer Aniston, tak ada salahnya bila tips-tips berikut Anda jadikan acuan.
Meskipun Jennifer Aniston bukan seorang maniak olahraga yang menghabiskan waktu berjam-jam di gym untuk menjaga kesehatan sekaligus membentuk tubuhnya, namun dia memiliki cara lain untuk menjaga kebugaran tubuhnya. Olahraga kegemarannya adalah jalan kaki ditambah dengan latihan kardio setiap hari sekurangnya selama 20 menit. Selain itu, Aniston juga rutin melakukan yoga serta latihan peregangan sehingga postur tubuhnya selalu dalam kondisi yang baik.
Berdandan secukupnya
Dalam berdandan, Aniston selalu menggunakan pelembab tint atau foundation yang cerah namun dioles tipis. Dia juga selalu berusaha menghindari penggunaan foundation atau pelembab berlebihan yang akan membuat wajah cantiknya justru terlihat berminyak. Hasilnya, wajah Aniston terlihat selalu segar sekaligus tampak lebih muda dari usianya.
Pilih warna alami
Selain berdandan secukupnya, Aniston juga selalu memilih warna-warna alami untuk make-upnya serta tidak ingin tampil menonjol. Biasanya, pilihan Aniston adalah lipstik nude atau lipstik beige serta eye shadow berwarna kecoklatan. Meskipun cukup sederhana, namun hal tersebut berhasil memancarkan pesona kecantikan alami yang dimilikinya. Anda pun dapat mencuri ide Aniston tersebut dengan memilih warna nude yang sesuai untuk kulit Anda.
Anda suka membentuk rambut dengan model yang unik atau senang bereksperimen dengan rambut Anda? Hal tersebut harus Anda hindari bila ingin tampak cantik seperti Jennifer Aniston karena biasanya dia lebih suka untuk membiarkan rambutnya tergerai secara alami yang secara tidak langsung menunjukkan bahwa rambut merupakan mahkota seorang wanita. Atau bila ingin tampil sedikit beda dan seksi, Anda juga dapat menguncir rambut dengan gaya ekor kuda seperti yang Aniston sering lakukan. Namun perlu diingat, gaya ekor kuda lebih cocok diterapkan untuk Anda yang berleher jenjang karena gaya ini akan mengekspose bagian tersebut.
Tonjolkan bagian terbaik
Jennifer Aniston sangat menyadari bahwa bagian tubuhnya yang paling baik adalah pada lengan dan kakinya. Itulah sebabnya setiap pakaian yang dia gunakan selalu mengekspose bagian-bagian tersebut. Meskipun pakaian yang digunakannya berpotongan sederhana, namun bila Aniston yang mengenakan akan selalu tampak indah. Untuk menerapkan ide Aniston ini pada Anda, bukan berarti Anda harus memilih pakaian yang menonjolkan lengan dan kaki seperti yang dilakukan oleh Aniston. Namun Anda dapat mengikuti ide Aniston ini dengan mengetahui bagian terbaik dari tubuh Anda dan tonjolkanlah bagian tersebut dengan pakaian yang mendukung asalkan tidak berlebihan.
Jadi, sudah siapkah Anda tampil cantik ala Jennifer Ansiton dan menjadi pusat perhatian? Selamat mencoba.
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10 Trik Mudah untuk tetap tampil Cantik dan sehat

10 Trik Mudah untuk tetap tampil Cantik

Untuk bisa tampil cantik itu sebenarnya tidak susah. Perhatikan 10 trik berikut, lakukan dengan pehuh disiplin, dijamin penampilan Anda lebih Cling dan beda dari biasanya. SELAMAT MENCOBA !!
1. Untuk mendapatkan hasil yang baik, ketika hendak membersihkan wajah cobalah menggunakan minyak almond atau bunga matahari. Caranya, Oleskan minyak pada wajah dan leher. lalu gosok secara perlahan. Diamkan selama beberapa menit dan bersihkan dengan kapas.

2.Saat membersihkan meke up, jangan menarik kulit disekitar mata terlalu keras. Lkukan secara perlahan. Ingat kulit disekitar mata, sangat tipis. Menariknya secara keras dapat menyebabkan pengeriputan dini.

3. Untuk menjaga agar mata selalu tampak segar, Oleskan susu dingin di kelopak mata. Gunakan kapas untuk mengoleskannya.
4.Untuk mengangkat sel kulit mati dan memperlancar sirkulasi darah di area bibir, satu minggu sekali pijatlah bibir menggunakan sikat gigi bayi yang telah din olesi baby oil.
5. Leher sering menjadi baggian tubuh yang disepelekan, baik ketika memebersihkan wajah ataupun memberikan pelembab dan antiaging. Padahal leher adalah bagian pertama yang paling mudah mengalami pengeriputan. Oleh karena itu, jangan pernah lupa membersihkan leher dan memberi antiaging.

6. Jika ingin tidur nyenyak , hindari makanan yang mengandung protein setelah pukul 18.00. Lebih baik makan malam sebelum jam 19.00

7. Untuk menghilangkan lingkaran hitam disekitar mata, gunakanlah concelear, pilih yang senada dengan warna kulit atau setingkat lebih muda. Cara termudah adalah tidur Lebih awal, jadi mata anda mendapatkan waktu istirahat yang cukub.
8. Selalu simpan compact powder di dalam tas. Walaupun tak punya waktu merias diri, setidaknyasapuan bedak di pipi dan kening bisa sedikit memeperbaiki penampilan. Selain pelembab bibir atau lip gloss juga barang wajib bawa.
9. Untuk rambut hindari penggunaan hair dryer panas terlalu sering. Saat rambut masih basah sebaiknya menggunakan sisir yang renggang. Jangan pernah gunakan sikat rambut saat rambut basah. Setidaknya kondisi kering hingga 70%, baru menggunakan sikat rambut dan hair dryer.
10. Hindari Sinar Matahari secara LangsungUntuk menjaga kesehatan kulit sebaiknya hindari sengatan sinar matahari secara langsung, gunakan produk perawatan kulit yang mengandung SPF. Sesuaikan tingkat SPF dengan kebutuhan kulit anda. Jika anda beraktifitas di udara terbuka (outdoor) gunakan pelindung sinar matahari dengan tingkat SPF yang tinggi, tetapi jika anda berada di ruangan , tidak terkena sinar matahari secara langsung, gunakan pelindung sinar matahari dengan kadar SPF yang rendah. Kadar SPF yang tinggi memiliki kandungan minyak yang lebih tinggi sisi buruknya adalah menyumbat pori-pori kulit sehingga menghalangi kulit untuk bernafas lega.
Jadi hati-hati memilih pelindung sinar matahari, kadar SPF yang tinggi belum tentu
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Make up merupakan salah satu perlengkapan wanita untuk cantik

Wanita selalu identik dengan keindahan dan kecantikan. Sehingga tidak heran, bila kaum hawa ini sedang berdandan. Apalagi kalau bukan untuk selalu tampil cantik dan menarik. Hampir semua sedang berdandan. Sebenarnya tidak hanya wanita saja yang memperhatikan penampilan. Kaum adam pun juga. Namun, tidak terlalu ribet seperti wanita, kelihatannya.
Apalagi jika pekerjaan menuntut Anda selalu tampil cantik dan menarik. Tentunya, make up tidak pernah lepas dari keseharian Anda. Memang saat ber-make up merupakan momen yang menyenangkan. Ditambah, Anda tidak terburu-buru dalam memoleskan beberapa produk kecantikan agar wajah selalu terlihat menawan.
"Pekerjaan saya sebagai BA menuntut agar saya selalu tampil cantik dengan memakai make up. Karena itu, saya tidak pernah lupa menggunakan make up," ujar Linda, BA salah satu Cosmetik di Robinson. 
Lanjutnya, sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan make up saya selalu membersihkan wajah. Supaya hasil yang saya dapatkan bagus dan sehat.
Tidak heran, dengan menggunakan make-up, penampilan pun jadi terlihat berbeda dan membuat Anda semakin cantik. Asalkan, tahu bagaimana cara memakai make up dengan baik dan benar. Tentunya, Anda sebagai seorang wanita sudah hampir mengenal semua kosmetik dan kegunaannya agar penampilan Anda menjadi lebih menarik dan menawan. 
"Make up juga bisa menutup kekurangan wajah agar tetap tampil cantik. Apalagi disaat kurang tidur, dengan make up wajah tetap terlihat fresh," tuturnya.
Memang benar dengan menggunakan beberapa polesan produk kosmetik, Anda bisa menutupi kekurangan dan membuat penampilan jadi beda. Sehingga membuat diri menjadi lebih percaya diri. Seperti dituturkan Linda, saat kurang tidur, sehingga terlihat seperti mata orang yang lesu dan tidak bersemangat. Namun dengan make up, bisa membuat penampilan jadi bersemangat, meskipun sebenarnya mata Anda lesu atau kantung mata Anda berat. Karena kurang tidur.
"Menggunakan concealer dan pensil mata serta maskara, bisa membuat penampilan mata yang lelah terlihat segar dan menarik," ujarnya.
Hal senada juga diungkapkan, Fitri, Sales Counter Asuransi di Top 100 Jodoh. "Saya bekerja ketemu banyak orang, penampilan itu penting untuk diperhatikan dan dijaga," ujarnya.
Masih kata wanita berambut panjang itu, dengan make up bisa membuat penampilan jadi terlihat segar dan menarik.
Sehingga, sebelum berangkat kerja. Wanita berkulit putih itu tidak pernah lupa menggunakan blush on, lipstik agar penampilan terlihat segar dan simple namun elegan. Berbeda saat pergi ke pesta, ia lebih senang menggunakan berbagai macam jenis kosmetik untuk membuat penampilannya terlihat berbeda.
"Kalau kerja, saya lebih senang memakai make yang natural agar terlihat seperti tidak menggunakan make up," paparnya.
Masih katanya, berbeda dengan pergi ke pesta atau menghadiri
 suatu jamuan, tentunya kita ingin tampil beda dan menawan. Karena itu, saya setiap ke pesta saya senang menggunakan make up yang terkesan glamor.
Dengan demikian, tidak heran lagi. Make up merupakan salah satu perlengkapan wanita agar tampil cantik dan menarik. Sehingga, hampir disetiap tas milik wanita selalu terdapat beberapa kosmetik agar tetap membuat penampilan terlihat menarik. Hal ini sudah wajar. Karena, wanita selalu ingin terlihat menawan disetiap kesempatan, kapan pun dan dimanapun.
Namun, Anda jangan hanya tahu menggunakan make up saja. Melainkan juga harus terpikir sudah berapa lama Anda menyimpan produk kosmetika yang sudah menjadi koleksi Anda. Jangan sampai produk kosmetik Anda sudah kadarluasa dan masih tetap digunakan. Sebab tidak baik bagi kecantikan. Sekedar diketahui, periode ideal menyimpan produk kosmetik untuk Lipstik 1 tahun, Eye Makeup 3 bulan, Blush on 6 bulan, dan Cat Kuku 2 tahun. Tentunya Anda ingin pandai bermake-up juga pandai merawat produk kosmetik koleksi Anda. Sehingga Anda tetap bisa tampil cantik dan menarik. (dwi)
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Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Beach Sand Can Cause Diarrhea

Adults and their children who dig in the sand at the beach are at an increased risk of developing gastrointestinal diseases and diarrhea due to fecal matter in the sand. Children are particularly vulnerable because, after playing in the sand they tend to put hands in their mouths, according to the experts at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the Environmental Protection Agency.
Individuals who build beach castles and while playing bury their bodies in the sand, are at even greater risk, according to the study authors. "We have known about water-associated illnesses for some time," said Chris Heaney, Ph.D., a postdoctoral epidemiology student at UNC's Gillings School of Global Public Health and a principal investigator of the study. "And we have known for some time that beach sand can contain indicators of fecal contamination, but we have not understood what that means for people playing in the sand," Heaney added. This research appears to be the first to demonstrate that there is a link between specific sand contact activities and illnesses.
The conclusions are based on interviews with more than 27,000 people who visited seven freshwater and marine beaches on the Great Lakes, the Gulf Coast, and in Rhode Island between 2003 and 2005, as well as in 2007. Researchers specifically chose sites where solid waste was discharged within seven miles. The quality of water at the beaches was within acceptable limits.
During the study, the investigators asked all the participants about their contact with sand on the day they were on the beach. The questions included whether they were digging in the sand or whether they were burying themselves in it. After that, between 10 to 12 days later, the surveyors were telephoned and asked if they have developed any health issues since their last visit to the beach.
These follow-up interviews have revealed that several days after their beach visit, some beach goers developed gastrointestinal diseases, as well as upper respiratory illnesses, skin rash, eye ailments, earache and infected cuts. Diarrhea and other gastrointestinal conditions were more common in about 13 per cent of individuals who said that they were digging in sand, and in nearly 23 per cent of those who said that they were buried in sand.
According to Tim Wade, Ph.D., an EPA epidemiologist and a lead author of the study, people should not be discouraged from enjoying playing in the sand at the beach, but should take precautions, such as using a hand sanitizer or washing their hands after digging in the sand.
A lot of people like to spend time at the beach, especially in the summertime, the investigators said. They added that in spite of the fact that only a small percentage of individuals who played at the beach developed health issues at a later time - less than 10 per cent in any age group, for any amount of exposure - it is still critical to look at the situation more closely. "If we find evidence that shows exposure to sand really does lead to illness, then we can look for the sources of contamination and minimize it. That will make a day at the beach a little less risky," the experts concluded.
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Hamburger disease is caused by a specific type of bacteria called E.coli 0157:H7

If you eat undercooked ground beef, it may result in a type of food poisoning that is commonly called hamburger disease. You can minimize your risks by handling and cooking raw ground beef properly.
Hamburger disease is caused by a specific type of bacteria called E.coli 0157:H7. E.coli live in the intestines of cattle, and can be transferred to the outer surface of meat when an animal is butchered. The process of grinding can then spread the bacteria throughout the meat. You can not tell the difference between contaminated or non-contaminated ground beef by the way it looks, smells, or tastes.
Contact with E.coli 0157:H7
Two of the most common ways to come into contact with E. coli 0157:H7 are by directly handling raw ground beef without taking precautions, and by eating ground beef that is undercooked. People who get hamburger disease often report that they ate ground beef before they became ill.
You can also be exposed to this type of E.coli through other sources, including fermented (culture added) meats, unpasteurized milk, unpasteurized apple cider, unchlorinated water, and contaminated vegetables. In addition, you can spread the bacteria just by touching an infected surface, such as a cutting board in your kitchen, and then touching another surface.
Symptoms of Hamburger Disease
People who become infected with E. coli 0157:H7 experience a wide range of health effects. Some do not get sick at all. Others feel as though they have a bad case of the flu, with symptoms ranging from severe stomach cramps, to vomiting, fever, and watery or bloody diarrhea. These symptoms usually appear within two to ten days after contact with the bacteria, and clear up within seven to ten days.
Some people who get hamburger disease experience life-threatening symptoms, including kidney failure, seizures, and stroke. While most of these people will recover completely, others may suffer permanent health effects, such as kidney damage, and some may die.
Minimizing Your Risk
By following some common sense guidelines in the way you handle and cook food, you can Fight BAC!®, and drastically reduce your risk of contracting hamburger disease and other foodborne illnesses.
  • Bacteria grow quickly at room temperature, so when you are running errands, make grocery shopping your last stop
  • Buy perishable foods last, and refrigerate or freeze them as soon as you get home
  • Never defrost food at room temperature; thaw food in the refrigerator, in cold water, or in the microwave if you are going to be cooking it immediately
  • Marinate food in the refrigerator
  • Set your refrigerator to 4°C (40°F) and your freezer to -18°C (0°F)
  • Always wash your hands for at least 20 seconds before handling food, and after handling raw meat, poultry, seafood or eggs
  • Sanitize countertops, cutting boards and utensils with a mild bleach and water solution before and after preparing food
  • Use paper towels to wipe kitchen surfaces, or change dishcloths daily to avoid the risk of cross-contamination and the spread of bacteria
  • Avoid using sponges, as they are harder to keep bacteria-free
  • Separate raw meat, poultry, and seafood from other foods in your grocery cart
  • Store these raw foods in sealed containers or plastic bags on bottom shelves in your refrigerator to keep their juices from dripping onto other foods
  • Use one cutting board for produce, and a separate one for raw meat, poultry and seafood
To make sure you kill bacteria, cook hamburger and other ground meats thoroughly, as ground beef can turn brown before disease-causing bacteria are killed. Use a digital instant read food thermometer to ensure thorough cooking to an internal temperature of 71°C (160°F)
Never place cooked food back on the same plate or cutting board that previously held raw food - people often make this mistake when cooking on the barbeque
Never use left-over marinade for basting or as a sauce, unless you boil it first to kill bacteria
Health Canada's Role
Health Canada sets policies and standards governing the safety and nutritional quality of all food sold in Canada. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) enforces the policies and standards, ensuring that any foodborne illness is detected early, and that all necessary warnings go out to the public quickly.
As a founding member of the Canadian Partnership for Consumer Food Safety Education, Health Canada also participates in public awareness campaigns about safe food practices. One example is a program called Fight BAC!® , which encourages Canadian consumers to think of food safety at every step of the food handling process, from shopping for groceries, to re-heating leftovers.
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You've probably heard people call mono the "kissing disease

Missed parties. Postponed exams. Sitting out a season of team sports. And loneliness. These are a few of the ways that scourge of high school and college students known as "mono" can affect your life.
The disease whose medical name is infectious mononucleosis is most common in people 10 to 35 years old, with its peak incidence in those 15 to 17 years old. Only 50 people out of 100,000 in the general population get mono, but it strikes as many as 2 out of 1,000 teens and twenty-somethings, especially those in high school, college, and the military. While mono is not usually considered a serious illness, it may have serious complications. Without a doubt your lifestyle will change for a few months.
You've probably heard people call mono the "kissing disease." But if your social life is in a slump, you may wonder, "How did I get this 'kissing disease' when I haven't kissed anyone romantically recently?"
Here's how. Mono is usually transmitted though saliva and mucus — which is where the "kissing disease" nickname comes from. But the kissing or close contact that transmits the disease doesn't happen right before you get sick. The virus that causes mono has a long incubation period: 30 to 50 days from the time you're exposed to it to the time you get sick. In addition, the virus can be transmitted in other ways, such as sipping from the same straw or glass as an infected person — or even being close when the person coughs or sneezes. Also, some people can have the virus in their systems without ever having symptoms and you can still catch it from them.
Two viruses can cause mono: Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and cytomegalovirus (CMV). Both viruses are in the herpes family, whose other members include viruses responsible for cold sores and chickenpox.
EBV causes 85 percent of mono cases. About half of all children are infected with EBV before they're 5, but at that young age, it usually doesn't cause any symptoms. If you don't become infected with EBV until you're a teen or older, you're more likely to develop mono symptoms. After you're infected, the virus stays with you for life, but usually doesn't cause any additional symptoms. Still, every now and then you may produce viral particles in your saliva that can transmit the virus to other people, even though you feel perfectly fine. By age 40, 85 to 90 percent of Americans have EBV antibodies, indicating they have the virus in their systems and are immune to further EBV infection.
CMV is also a very common virus. About 85 percent of the U.S. population is infected with it by the time they reach adulthood. As with EBV, CMV is frequently symptomless, and mono most often results when infection occurs in the teens and 20s. Sore throat is less common in people who have CMV mono than in those infected with EBV.
As another one of its nicknames — glandular fever — implies, perhaps the most distinguishing mono symptom is enlarged glands or lymph nodes, especially in the neck, but also in the armpit and groin.
Another common mono symptom is fever. A temperature as high as 39.5 degrees Celsius (103 degrees Fahrenheit) is not uncommon. Other symptoms include a tired achy feeling, appetite loss, white patches on the back of the throat, and tonsillitis.
"My tonsils got so swollen they were touching each other in back," says Heidi Palombo of Annandale, Va., who had mono when she was a senior in college. She recalls her throat being "so hot and swollen that the only thing that felt good was ice water."
Cold drinks and frozen desserts are both ways to relieve sore throat symptoms. Doctors also recommend gargling with saltwater (about half a teaspoon salt to 8 ounces of warm water) and sucking on throat lozenges available over the counter in pharmacies and other stores. If throat or tonsils are infected, a throat culture should be taken so the doctor can prescribe an appropriate antibiotic. Ampicillin is usually not recommended because it sometimes causes a rash that can be confused with the pink, measles-like rash that 1 out of 5 mono patients develops.
For fever and achiness, you can take acetaminophen (marketed as Tylenol, Datril and others) or ibuprofen (marketed as Advil, Motrin, Nuprin, and others). If you're under 20, don't take aspirin unless your doctor approves it. In children and teens, aspirin taken for viral illnesses has been associated with the potentially fatal disease Reye syndrome. Sometimes a person with mono may have trouble breathing because of swelling in the throat, and doctors have to use other medications and treatment. A person who has mono — or those caring for the person — should contact a doctor immediately if the person starts having breathing problems.
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ladies have always been looking for an intelligent type of a man

Did you know that women prefer men who can make them laugh to those who are not so funny? Well, according to a new report, they really do, and what is even more - women perceive men with good sense of humor as more intelligent and more suitable for a long-term relationship.
Throughout the history, ladies have always been looking for an intelligent type of a man, and have given more preference to those who could put a smile on their face, as opposed to the business serious type, said Kristofor McCarty, psychologist and a researcher at Northumbria University in Newcastle, England, and a lead author of the new study. This happens, McCarty explained, because women equal wit with intelligence, which, in their opinion, makes the potential partner a better bet for stable family life, since he would always be able to figure out how to get out of problems.
McCarty's survey involved 45 heterosexual women with the ages between 18 and 30. All the participants were asked to rate various self-descriptions of men, who had applied to lonely-hearts advertisements. The scientist invented the fictional lives of ten men and then created a funny and slightly funny profiles from each of their perspectives. Afterwards, the women were offered to read all 20 descriptions and report their preference on qualities such as likeliness of friendship, likeliness of long-term relationship, honesty and intelligence.
When all the results have been analyzed, the experts found that the significant majority of ladies who took part in the experiment, appeared to be attracted to men with good sense of humor, and thought it was an essential feature for a strong relationship. The men in the humorous ads were rated as more intelligent in spite of the fact that there were no descriptions that contained their IQ levels. They were also believed to be more honest and better financially secure for a relationship or a friendship, the study found.
Previous studies in evolutionary psychology have shown that for a long-term relationship women appreciate and value much more when a man is able to acquire resources, such as earning a good salary, for example. That idea recalls the early days of humans, when women relied on men's resources during childbearing years. A more intelligent person is less likely to fall into traps, McCarty wrote, and may be more able to provide for a partner and future kids.
But Mr. McCarty sent his warning to men, saying that in order to attract a woman's attention, they should not just concentrate to be funny and joke on anything that comes first to mind. He said that according to the new findings, the humor must be genuinely funny, and only in this case women rate men as more intelligent.
However, as to men - they do not pay so much attention to a woman's smartness. It turns out that when a man says that he enjoys a presence of a woman with a good sense of humor, he really prefers the one that will laugh at his jokes. "A man wants a woman who laughs at his jokes and is not too bothered if his girl is not funny at all," Mr. McCarty said.
The research was presented this week at the British Psychological Society Annual Conference in Brighton, England.
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make yourself the very essence of attractiveness to women

Picture this, you walking down a street and right in front of you, appears a beautiful girl, blonde hair, blue eyes and a body of Venus. As she gets closer to you she looks up, sees you and gives you a fantastic smile. You turn around thinking is it me she is smiling at, and realise that it is. So what you do? As usual you smile back like a grinning fool, do nothing and just walk on by. Sound familiar? Every man that ever walked the earth at some stage in his life has had an experience not dissimilar to this one. It may have been in a bar, on a bus, in the office or workplace or in any other such social situation. Most men ask the question “was she interested in me” the answer to this question is simple! Of course she was you idiot! In sales they would call this a buying signal and you would move in to sign up the deal.
Fear not, understanding the buying-signals of women is only a part of what you will learn in this book.
You will learn insights into understanding yourself and how to make yourself the very essence of attractiveness to women.
You will learn how to approach and talk to women in a way that will make you both charming and interesting to the fairer sex.
You will learn techniques that would give yourself confidence in your ability to attract women at will.
You will also understand what women are looking for in men, and like a chameleon mould yourself into that role to achieve your goal.
These techniques are both simple to understand, and easy to apply, in fact you should be able to use and apply these techniques from day one. You will become a powerhouse of pulling, the very essence of charm
and desirability to women the world over. Your friends will look at you with awe and envy, and wonder where this rich vane or form came from. You will look back with a knowing smile and say, “what can I say I guess I'm just a regular Don Juan”.
Just so that you know, all men can use these techniques. From the athlete, to the nerd, from Brad Pitt to the Elephant man, from the very old to those just starting out on their journey into the mysteries of women. These techniques are timeless and transcend all barriers.
I often hear said, “There are never any women around that I find attractive” well guess what yes there are half the population of the world are women! By most people's reckoning that is approximately 3,000,000,000 women for you to choose from. So saying that there is a lack of women to choose from is somewhat ridiculous.
With all this opportunity that is out there, just waiting for you to make their day, I think we should begin, don't you!
The power of the pulling triangle!
Pulling is my local colloquialism, for attracting the ladies in a deliberate manner, you may know it by many other names, picking up, chatting up or even sharking. It does not matter what you call it, as it all amounts to the same thing, your effort in trying to find favour with the fairer sex.
As the title suggests, there are three sides or points to the pulling triangle. I will talk about them in a little while, firstly I shall tell you how the pulling triangle was developed, it is rather a silly little tale, but there is no denying the power of this technique.
The Idea
One summer while in the garden of a friend's house, myself and a couple of other friends were sitting around drinking it was a beautiful day the beer was flowing and as with most single guys our thoughts turned to women. Now you need to understand that the guys who were sitting around this particular table were having varying degrees of success with the ladies. Fortunately for me, I was doing a little better than the majority of the friends I was drinking beer with. Anyway, a subject was brought up concerning various chat up lines and techniques that each of us were using for pulling women. Many ideas were fielded as to how and what was the best way to attract women. It seemed that there was no definitive answer to the question, as each friend use different techniques in order to meet his goal.
The thought came, that there must be a universal strategy that can be applied to getting you 80% of the way to being able to attract women. The other 20% coming from individual techniques and strategies that makes each persons approach appear individual. Various people have called this the 80/20 solution.
We came to the conclusion that there were three areas that you should be proficient in each forming one of the corners. Thus we came upon the basis of what we came to call “The Pulling Triangle” the universal strategy that got you 80% of the way there. The final 20% or the icing on the cake came down to learn your craft as a would be Don Juan.
Gentleman, I give you the pulling triangle. The first 80%.
Looking Good
Felling GoodTalking Good
In order to understand the simplicity of the pulling triangle we shall break it down into its simplest parts, and discuss each part in detail.
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You've perfected one supersexy look Some people seem

Your score on their sexual lovemap. We fancy people who look or act like other people we love or have loved. From the moment we're born, our brain continuously feeds us physical data about people close to us. It divides these characteristics into 'people I like and were nice to me' and 'people I don't like who hurt me', then it tries to generalize. If two-thirds of the people you've disliked had bushy eyebrows, you'll be suspicious of everyone who has a hair or two extra. If it was the opposite, your tongue will be on the floor at the sight of them. When we meet a potential partner, our subconscious checks against the 'liked people' list in our heads and tries to find the closest match. The more 'chemistry' we feel, the more matches we've found. We do the same with gestures. The way she brushes the hair from her neck, the dimple he gets when he smiles, all affect our opinion of who's sexy, who's not. Lesson: Don't take rejection personally. It's not just about you, it's about their past. (All the more reason to take risks and go for what you want!)
• You stick your bum out Women spend their lives trying to reduce the size of their buttocks - yet the more pert and rounded they are, the stronger the sexual signal to men. Bottoms are so integral to sex appeal, zoologist Desmond Morris believes they're even more important than the two matching bumps on our front. Females of all other primates send sexual signals via the colour and smell of their bottoms, which, since they walk on all fours, are in full view of potential mates. Humans have evolved to walk upright and we tend to face people, which means our bottoms aren't on constant display. Breasts provide us with a front-on sexual signalling device. Not only do they mimic our buttocks to attract a partner, our nipples tend to stiffen with desire to show we fancy them. (Unfortunately, a cold breeze has the same effect which confuses things somewhat, but the thought was there).
To show your bottom off to its best advantage, turn your back to someone you fancy, put your hand on one hip, shift your body weight so the hip with your hand on it juts out furthest, then turn your upper torso around and make eye contact. Just as good: put your hand in the back pocket of a tight-fitting pair of jeans or (absently) slide both hands over your hips. The overall show-off-your-bottom award though goes to… high heels. Heels lengthen legs and shorten bottoms. According to the Harper's Index (yes, bizarre as it sounds, there is an index for measuring this), the average increase in the protrusion of a woman's buttocks wearing heels is 25 percent. (This, remember, is a good thing.) They might not have their own ass-index, but a tight, toned male bottom also rates extremely high on the 'Cor!' sex scale for women.
Lesson: Stop asking 'Does my bum look big in this?' and start asking, 'Does my bum look big enough?'
• You've perfected one supersexy look Some people seem born knowing how to turn legs and loins to jelly with one look. The best look I've ever received was from a guy sitting opposite me in a restaurant. I was having a business lunch, he was there with friends and I noticed him because he had the sexiest mouth I've ever seen in my life. Over the next two hours he drank 3 glasses of wine, ate salmon fishcakes but skipped dessert (doesn't have a sweet tooth), divulged plans to buy a house on the river, would love to come to Peter's place for dinner next week and if the neighbour's cat pees on his front porch one more time it's history. Not that I was looking at him or eavesdropping or anything. I was hardly noticed he was there. OK, in between staying supremely focused on the work issues I was discussing with a colleague (not), I might have darted a few (65 billion) little glances at him. He looked at me just once. His eyes slid up, caught mine and then, maintaining eye contact, he sat back, put down his knife and fork and simply stared at me. His lips curled in a half-smile which made me drop my eyes to look at his mouth and that's when he caught his bottom lip with his teeth, released it slowly and then, when my eyes went back up to his, smiled. It wasn't a 'Would like to get to know you' smile. It wasn't even an 'I've watched you watching me' smile. This was predatory: a we-both-know-I-could-make-you-faint-with-pleasure smile. I suspect he was right because I damn near fainted on the spot, without him even touching me. Now, that's what I call sexy.
Mr Sexy Stranger had it down pat. Happily, it's something everyone can learn. Practise in front of a mirror. Yes, you will feel like a right twit but who cares if you can waltz around making people swoon all over the place.
Lesson: Copy what he did or invent your own. Choose from the many eye contact techniques in the book, then add your own individual mouth, hand or hair movements until you've come up with your own signature 'sex look'.
• You've chosen your moment Certain events and situations make us more attractive to someone. If someone's just been dumped, lost their job or been through a rough time, they're much more likely to find you sexy than when life's going well. When your self-esteem is low, you underestimate your own attractiveness and over-estimate other people's. You're vulnerable, need a cuddle and are less fussy about who gives it to you! Being scared also has the same effect - but for different reasons. Research shows when our bodies are flooded with adrenaline, we're more likely to fancy whoever is with us at the time. Which makes mountain climbing or skydiving a damn good option for a date (though a rollercoaster ride or seeing a good thriller will also do the trick). Lesson: This also means it pays to be around immediately before and after things like job interviews and dreaded public speaking events. If you fancy them, volunteer to hold their hand.
• You don't go overboard on the compliments Once, while making a TV show, I had to be filmed walking in and out of the front doors of a busy bar. Needless to say, this took rather a long time since it's pointless even bothering to ask big groups of drunk people not to look at someone repeatedly making an entrance surrounded by three whopping great cameras. Anyway, the first time I walked in, a guy sitting near the bar said to me, 'I read somewhere that you're 35 but there's no way you are. You're having us all on.' Given that I was 39 at the time, I was obviously flattered and the next walk was a lot bloody jauntier, let me tell you. Problem was, he insisted in telling me the same thing every single time I came through the door. All 10 takes were ruined by his you-don't-look-your-age line, to the point where you had to assume he wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed. My suspicions were confirmed (and ego dashed to the ground) when another man came bursting through the doors to claim him. 'He escaped,' he said, 'He's not meant to be unaccompanied'. Excellent.
You get my point though. When someone tells us we're sexy, young-looking, funny, clever - whatever - it has the optimum effect the first time it's said. Keep harping on about it and you not only dilute the compliment, you get the opposite reaction to the one intended: instead of liking you, they find you annoying.
Lesson: Only compliment people once on that particular attribute.
• They know you fancy them We fancy people who fancy us. If you know someone thinks you're brilliant, you instantly up their attractiveness to make it more of a compliment. It also forces you to consider them as a prospective partner and - perhaps most importantly - provides some (often much-needed) feedback. You've got to have hope or you give up. There's no point in being attracted to someone when we know without a doubt, there isn't a chance in hell of ever waking up to find their face beside yours on the pillow.
Lesson: Let people know if you think they're sexy.
• You're happy to get your gear off Few of us are completely happy with our body and proud to prance around naked. Yet nothing is sexier when it's let's-get-naked time than someone who shows off their bits and let's their lover admire them, rather than cowering under the covers. There's loads on getting over a bad body image on pX, but I just want to have a little word here about size hang-ups. Most particularly that size hang-up guys. I know you've heard it before but I'm going to tell you again (and you have to listen to me because I'm a 'sexpert' remember?): people don't fall in love with bits, they fall in love with the person they're attached to. Make this your personal mantra if you are concerned you're too small. There's loads you can do to even it all up - any good sexual manual will fill you in on the specifics - so do your homework, but then forget about it. (To solve any misconceptions once and for all, here are all the statistics you could possibly want. An average flaccid (relaxed) penis is about 4 inches long, 1 ¼ inches in diameter and has a circumference of 3 ½ inches. An average erect penis is about 6 inches long, 1 ½ inches in diameter, with a circumference of 4 ½ inches. While we're on the topic, penises don't seem to be proportionate to body size either. The tall, muscle-bound body builder doesn't necessarily have a large penis. If anything, there appears to be an inverse connection. Evidence suggests small, slender men often have proportionally larger genitals.)
Lesson: Relax about your body. The only time size is a problem is when it's turned into one through paranoia.
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