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Tuesday, March 22, 2011


make yourself the very essence of attractiveness to women

Picture this, you walking down a street and right in front of you, appears a beautiful girl, blonde hair, blue eyes and a body of Venus. As she gets closer to you she looks up, sees you and gives you a fantastic smile. You turn around thinking is it me she is smiling at, and realise that it is. So what you do? As usual you smile back like a grinning fool, do nothing and just walk on by. Sound familiar? Every man that ever walked the earth at some stage in his life has had an experience not dissimilar to this one. It may have been in a bar, on a bus, in the office or workplace or in any other such social situation. Most men ask the question “was she interested in me” the answer to this question is simple! Of course she was you idiot! In sales they would call this a buying signal and you would move in to sign up the deal.
Fear not, understanding the buying-signals of women is only a part of what you will learn in this book.
You will learn insights into understanding yourself and how to make yourself the very essence of attractiveness to women.
You will learn how to approach and talk to women in a way that will make you both charming and interesting to the fairer sex.
You will learn techniques that would give yourself confidence in your ability to attract women at will.
You will also understand what women are looking for in men, and like a chameleon mould yourself into that role to achieve your goal.
These techniques are both simple to understand, and easy to apply, in fact you should be able to use and apply these techniques from day one. You will become a powerhouse of pulling, the very essence of charm
and desirability to women the world over. Your friends will look at you with awe and envy, and wonder where this rich vane or form came from. You will look back with a knowing smile and say, “what can I say I guess I'm just a regular Don Juan”.
Just so that you know, all men can use these techniques. From the athlete, to the nerd, from Brad Pitt to the Elephant man, from the very old to those just starting out on their journey into the mysteries of women. These techniques are timeless and transcend all barriers.
I often hear said, “There are never any women around that I find attractive” well guess what yes there are half the population of the world are women! By most people's reckoning that is approximately 3,000,000,000 women for you to choose from. So saying that there is a lack of women to choose from is somewhat ridiculous.
With all this opportunity that is out there, just waiting for you to make their day, I think we should begin, don't you!
The power of the pulling triangle!
Pulling is my local colloquialism, for attracting the ladies in a deliberate manner, you may know it by many other names, picking up, chatting up or even sharking. It does not matter what you call it, as it all amounts to the same thing, your effort in trying to find favour with the fairer sex.
As the title suggests, there are three sides or points to the pulling triangle. I will talk about them in a little while, firstly I shall tell you how the pulling triangle was developed, it is rather a silly little tale, but there is no denying the power of this technique.
The Idea
One summer while in the garden of a friend's house, myself and a couple of other friends were sitting around drinking it was a beautiful day the beer was flowing and as with most single guys our thoughts turned to women. Now you need to understand that the guys who were sitting around this particular table were having varying degrees of success with the ladies. Fortunately for me, I was doing a little better than the majority of the friends I was drinking beer with. Anyway, a subject was brought up concerning various chat up lines and techniques that each of us were using for pulling women. Many ideas were fielded as to how and what was the best way to attract women. It seemed that there was no definitive answer to the question, as each friend use different techniques in order to meet his goal.
The thought came, that there must be a universal strategy that can be applied to getting you 80% of the way to being able to attract women. The other 20% coming from individual techniques and strategies that makes each persons approach appear individual. Various people have called this the 80/20 solution.
We came to the conclusion that there were three areas that you should be proficient in each forming one of the corners. Thus we came upon the basis of what we came to call “The Pulling Triangle” the universal strategy that got you 80% of the way there. The final 20% or the icing on the cake came down to learn your craft as a would be Don Juan.
Gentleman, I give you the pulling triangle. The first 80%.
Looking Good
Felling GoodTalking Good
In order to understand the simplicity of the pulling triangle we shall break it down into its simplest parts, and discuss each part in detail.

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