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Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Kikabink News: Social Media is NOT a Big Traffic Generator

Kikabink News - Internet Marketing News and Comment

May 11, 2011

In This Issue: 

News and Comment: Small and Medium Sized Businesses Embrace Cloud Computing
Feature Article: Social Media is NOT a Big Traffic Generator
Kikabink Lab: What Should You Do About Negative
Publicity In The Search Engines?


Small and Medium Sized Businesses Embrace Cloud Computing

Microsoft's global 'SMB Cloud Adoption Study 2011' finds that 39 percent of small and medium sized businesses (SMBs) expect to be using one or more cloud services within 3 years, up 34 percent from the current 29 percent of SMBs.

According to the study, the number of cloud services SMBs pay for will nearly double in most countries over the next three years. SMBs will increase the average number of cloud services they use from fewer than 2 to 3.3.

SMBs are particularly interested in software as a service (SaaS) providers in the areas of collaboration, data storage and backup, and business-class email.

Marco Limena, vice president, Business Channels, Worldwide Communications Sector at Microsoft observed:

"As cloud computing becomes more ubiquitous and SMBs' existing IT becomes outdated, adoption will grow rapidly. Hosting service providers should consider the appropriate sales, delivery and support models to target larger SMB customers that are more likely to pay for cloud services."

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How To Start Your Own Online Business (With Almost NOTHING)

If you could start your own online business, in just a week or two, with almost no expense to get started...

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Social Media is NOT a Big Traffic Generator

Social media generates less than 1 percent of traffic for the average website, according to research by ForeSee Results.

According to ForeSee's research, social media websites are not directly responsible for much website traffic, but still play an influential role.

While only 1 percent of the average website's visitors come from a social media website, 18 percent of visitors say they're 'influenced' by social media to visit a particular website.

Now, these numbers are averages. They're based on nearly 300,000 completed consumer surveys on more than 180 websites in the private and public sectors, including websites for the Department of Defense,, General Mills, ESPN, Express, Kellogg, Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Ticketmaster, Sears, and Suntrust, among others.

But if you really want to know how much traffic social media sends your way, look no further than your website analytics application. You can see for yourself how much traffic you get from social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and others.

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What Should You Do About Negative Publicity In The Search Engines?

What should you do when the top few search engine results for your company include one or more listings that are blatantly negative? Articles that are wrong, biased, misleading or worse?

One approach is to contact your lawyer. If the person behind the negative listing has lied or defamed you or your company, you may have a case for defamation. But litigation is costly. Moreover, the culprit in question may not necessarily have defamed you in the legal sense. They may have simply published an item of 'free speech' that is negative, but not strictly defamatory.

Another approach is to complain to the search engines. But they're unlikely to do anything unless you can show them that the negative listing is unlawful or the result of 'gaming' the search engines.

A more practical approach is to beat the negative listing at their own game: use search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to push down their listing in the search engine results pages (SERPs).

Now, as with anything to do with SEO, you can take a 'white hat', 'black hat' or 'grey hat' approach. A 'black hat' approach is to try to game the search engines; a 'white hat' approach is to follow the 'rules' i.e. the rules of relevance and authority; and a 'grey' hat approach is somewhere in between the two.

The problem with black and grey approaches is that while you may be able to get rid of the negative listing in the short term... in the long term you run the risk of losing your own listing altogether and damaging your reputation among the search engines.

This is rarely a risk worth taking when dealing with your company and/or brand name and main website.

On that basis, a 'white hat' approach is the only approach I recommend for optimizing your main site AND for defending against threats to your search engine positioning and/or reputation.

And what if you actually rank highest for your company name anyway, and are simply trying to get rid of a negative listing that sits BELOW your listing? In that case, it's not so much a matter of optimizing your main site or page any further... but to get other favorable listings to rise above, and push out, the negative listing.

One way to do that is to build and optimize alternative websites... but that's likely to take a long time and a lot of effort on your part. This is because, among other things, the search engines tend to be slow to rank brand new domains highly in the SERPs.

Here's a much easier - and more effective - way suggested by Aaron Shear: build a presence on various popular social media sites.

The search engines tend to rank the popular social media sites highly. Therefore, by establishing a page on all the major social media sites - Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter and so on - you'll have a shot at getting those pages ranked... and ranked higher than the negative listing you're trying to get off the first few pages of results.

The key, of course, is to put some unique, compelling content on those pages, and attract in-bound links to those pages from authoritative sites. But it may not be as difficult as you think. Placing videos on YouTube, for example, is something you might be interested in doing anyway, and will likely to have many benefits (in terms of traffic and conversions) other than ousting those negative sites from the top listings.

Indeed, building a presence on the popular social media sites is a recommended traffic and SEO strategy and, by including links to your main site, can also aid in achieving or maintaining a high ranking for your main site.

It's certainly your best bet in terms of getting rid of those negative listings that just don't seem to go away.

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Source: Aaron Shear, "Maintaining Your Company's Image in the SERPs", Search Engine Watch, November 4, 2008, 

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That's it for now. If you have any questions or feedback click here to drop me a line.

To your profit,

Anna Johnson

Anna Johnson
Editor, Kikabink News
Kikabink News
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