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bocah nakal sukabumi |
- The secret to SUCCESS
- Setbacks Happen On The Road To Recovery
- Keys to Staying Fit during Pregnancy
- Setting Up An Affiliate Marketing System
- Short Workouts, Big Fat Loss
- Simple Tricks To Save Money While Losing Weight
- Six “Little-Known” Muscle Building Tips Part 2
- Six Pack Abs- The Secrets To Getting Yours
- Learn How To Build Muscle In 4 Simple Steps
- Learning The Muscle Fiber Types
- Cardio is NOT the Key to Fat Loss
- The Skinny Guy's Guide To Gaining Weight
- The Skinny Guy's Guide To Nutrition
- The Skinny Guy's Guide To Glutamine
- 5 Ways to Cut Your Workout Time
- Skinny Guy's Guide To Creatine
- Smart Affiliate Marketing Advertising
- Sneaky Tactics To Give You More Energy & Productivity At Work
- So Many Affiliate Programs! Which One Do I Choose?
- Some Advice For Those Who Want To Become Affiliates
- The Students Guide To Healthy Eating
- The Cardio Machine that Sucks
- The Death Of Cardio
- 2 “health foods” that are secretly making you FAT…
- Don’t Miss Out…
Posted: 24 Dec 2011 12:30 AM PST We all have dreams and desires and I'm sure you do too. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
Setbacks Happen On The Road To Recovery Posted: 24 Dec 2011 12:30 AM PST Have you ever wondered why people often experience setbacks when they begin to tackle their anxiety? Setbacks happen because, as you face your anxiety and the situations that make you feel uncomfortable, the avoidant/protective side of your personality becomes active. When you decide to tackle your anxiety issue head on, the protective side of your personality would rather that you left well enough alone. Your protective side doesn't like taking risks and feels better when you don't put yourself in situations that make you feel anxious. It's the part of you that says: "Let's stay in our comfort zone today. At least we're safe here." This part of your personality has your interests at heart, but you know deep down that a life cocooned from all adversity doesn't lead to happiness. When you begin on your healing journey, it's all new and it can feel like you're moving into unknown territory. You quickly master areas of your life that were causing you problems. Your protective side takes a back seat and watches with suspicion as you make this progress. Then, after a while, your protective side becomes more active for fear that, with all this progress, a great fall must be just around the corner. As you move upward and onward, your protective side gets scared and tries to put on the brakes. This creates a conflict and fuels feelings of anxiety. The feelings can be very intense and might be similar to what you've experienced before-such as panic and general unease-or there may be new sensations never experienced before. You might have been doing really well for a week, but then your protective side pops its head up and says something like this: "Okay, well done. We're not worried about dizzy spells anymore -fine. But what's that ringing in your ear?" "That sounds like trouble to me . . . LET'S GET WORRIED. "No panic attacks in a week-great. But don't be fooled. That means a really BIG one is about to pounce!" These thoughts undermine your confidence. Suddenly you're feeling vulnerable again, and the anxiety can return as your confidence dips and you obsess again about the way you feel. This kind of response is natural in recovery, and if you've experienced a setback recently, I want to show you how to best deal with it. The first thing to remember is that setbacks happen. Try to never let a setback convince you that you're not making progress. It doesn't mean that all your progress has been undone. In general, setbacks are inevitable, and you need to have an accepting attitude toward them. Secondly, setbacks form part of your healing. To move beyond the anxiety, you need to work with the protective side of your personality and teach it that there really is nothing to fear. When setbacks occur, it's an indication that you now need to take your new understanding and work with your protective side, which is resisting the change. You might want to think of that protective side as a small child who doesn't want you (the parent) to take risks or do anything out of your comfort zone. Talk to this part yourself. Reassure it that all will be well and that it's necessary for you to work through the anxiety in order to experience more freedom and happiness. Setbacks can feel like a big step backward, but they're generally followed by rapid progress on many levels if you engage fully with this protective side of yourself. There's an opportunity here for you to create a new working relationship with your protective self, and this will really seal your recovery. When you educate your protective self that you're really safe and encourage it to take the steps with you, you become fully empowered to end your anxiety problem. All of your internal energies go in the same direction, and there's no conflict. Persistence will carry you through all setbacks and ensure your success. Keep your confidence intact. Build it on the past, on each time you've succeeded. Play those previous successes like a film in your head, again and again, each night as you go to sleep. All the panic attacks you've dealt with, all the sensations of anxiety you've felt and yet you still got on with it. General anxiety disorder and, especially, panic attacks are probably the most frightening experiences a person can go through. In most cases, you feel like you've had a brush with death itself. That's no small feat to deal with while on your lunch break! Be proud of your experiences. You're not a cowardly victim, but a survivor of a terrifying experience-and what's more, you probably stayed at work or collected the kids from school. You continued living. Sure, there may be a few hairy anxiety memories in the past that you'd prefer to forget, but the underlying emotion to build upon is that you survived and you're here now, alive and living a new day. Build a wealth of memories, and they'll be your resource from which to draw strength. Write them down, because that solidifies them and makes them more real in your mind. Read them to yourself regularly. Be sure to keep a diary as written proof of the progress you're making-the trips you take that weren't possible before, the special days when you completely forgot you ever had an anxiety problem. You need to keep a record of these achievements because it's easy for your protective side to negate the great strides you've made. Confidence, just like fear, is contagious. Soon you'll find it spreading to all areas of your life, giving you a quality of life even beyond your pre-anxiety days. Always try to focus on the success you've achieved, and it will grow and expand in your life. Persist with it. Turn a setback into an opportunity to solidify your real confidence. Regardless of what happens, you can handle it. Regardless of how your body feels, you'll move through the anxiety and come out the other side smiling. If you remain persistent, setbacks can be quickly turned to your advantage, and you'll be strengthened by the experience. Setbacks are delicate periods to move through, so you also need to be kind to yourself. Understand that they're the result of YOU just trying to protect YOU. Be your own best friend. When you take your protective self by the hand and teach it that there's nothing to fear, you'll quickly march toward a greater experience of freedom. Recovery is not a straight linear process. It will help if you try not to measure success on a day-to-day basis. Some days will be better than others-that's just the way it is, so don't get upset if you complete something successfully one day but fail the next. Keep your eyes on the end goal, and persistence will carry you there. What If My Anxiety Comes Back? After a person has successfully moved out of their anxiety it is only natural, to at some stage, fear its reoccurrence. I call this the anxiety shadow. It is a worry in the back of your mind that the anxiety could return with full force and disrupt your life all over again. Anxiety leaves such a strong imprint on people's lives that it is normal to have such concerns. Fearing a return of anxiety is common when your life becomes stressful again and you worry that the extra stress will tip you back into a state of general anxiety. If you find yourself worrying in such a manner have faith that all will be well. This worry is just a shadow of what has gone, it is based on the past not the future. Generally the anxiety shadow passes quickly after a day or two and you forget about it again. Remind yourself of the new tools and education you have. Take solace in the fact that your new understanding will lift the anxiety quickly again were it to return. To your success…
P.S. If you have experienced an anxiety setback and want to get over it quickly, get the support and information you need in my course Panic Away. Stage 3 of the course deals specifically with overcoming setbacks. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
Keys to Staying Fit during Pregnancy Posted: 24 Dec 2011 12:29 AM PST Pregnancy, one of the best news a mother could receive. It could also be one of the worst, especially if it's one of the reasons of her unwanted weight gain. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
Setting Up An Affiliate Marketing System Posted: 24 Dec 2011 12:29 AM PST Affiliate programs will enable a business to generate a lot of traffic and therefore boost sales through promotion by third party sales or sites. It's also a cost effective way to advertise your products and services as you pay only for the efforts that actually turn into sales. Setting up your own affiliate system can be either easy or overwhelming, all depending on how many affiliates you want to recruit, as well as your payment policy and the type of product that you are offering. As for your affiliate systems, there are two options for your business - outsource the entire system or run your own affiliate system through your own web host. Each one boasts its own advantages as well as disadvantages. If you have a small amount of affiliates, then you can run your own affiliate software. If you plan to recruit a large number of affiliates, then you will probably need to outsource. The reason for this, is because you'll find it easy to deal with a large number of sign ups, track payments, monitor clicks, etc. Types of affiliates There are numerous types of affiliates out there to choose from. There's the pay per sale, there an individual is paid only if a sale is generated from the affiliate's link. It's the least attractive to people, unless the product is in high demand and the most profitable for business. Another type is the pay per lead, where you pay only for traffic. With this type, the affiliate is paid only if a visitor is generated from the site of the affiliate. It's attractive to affiliates although costly to web site owners due to the possibility of non sale visits. Considerations When setting up an affiliate, something to consider is whether or not you'll approve affiliates manually or automatically. It's normally recommended to start affiliate programs with your established customer sites then progress to new ones. If you are dealing with pay per clicks, you may have to control the affiliates as the quality of visitors will be a huge factor when it comes to the generation of sales. By manually reviewing, you'll also be able to judge the website or individual affiliates to see if it's in the best interest of your company. If you decide to use your own affiliate system, one of your biggest challenges will be how to pay affiliates a percentage of what you end up receiving from customers. To do this, you can rely on software such as Affiliate shop to help you track and manage commissions. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
Posted: 24 Dec 2011 12:29 AM PST So many questions on TT, so little time. Here's a Q'n'A session all about the benefits of Turbulence Training. Q: Craig, could you explain to me why long slow cardio doesn't really work for fat loss and how your system of training has helped thousands of people shed fat and gain lean muscle? CB: They can workout 6 or 8 hours per week and have lots of muscle so even if they lose a bit, it won't matter. But for people that only have 2-3 hours total exercise per week and want a buff body, rather than a skinny, weak physique, I have found that slow, traditional cardio is not the way to go. Slow cardio is just not efficient for overweight women (i.e. those Those are my observations. And realize that when I talk about training for fat loss, I'm But for real life, slow cardio is one of the last places I would And because there are millions of men and women out there with little time to train but a real need to lose fat. Because there are so many of these people out there that have relied on slow cardio in the past, when they switch to the Turbulence Training approach, it's an almost overnight success story. Hence the high volume of great feedback we have on the program. Q: We live in a very fast paced society. People don't have the extra time for anything these days, especially long workout sessions. Can people get real results with training programs that only take 10-30 minutes? CB: High-intensity exercise (strength training and interval training) And with training, there is a diminishing return on every set. So Q: Can you explain "turbulence" and how it ties into real fat loss and body transformation? CB: During high intensity training, you apply "turbulence" to your This increased cellular metabolic activity results in "afterburn" - So even though you might burn more calories during a slow cardio workout (say 500 calories) compared to during an equal length high-intensity Turbulence Training workout (say 350 calories), you will burn a lot more calories after the high-intensity training session. The net result is more calories burned in the 24 hour period with high-intensity training. Combine that with the muscle-sculpting benefits of strength training, and you'll have a better body in less time. Guaranteed. Q: I have female clients that struggle with the notion of training with resistance because they think they will get does you TT system work with women and what kind of results have you seen? CB: First, let me state that generally, muscle growth is the result of Obviously, the calorie volume should be low on a fat loss program. Next, we aren't using split routines (i.e. where you train one body part per day), so generally we are using only one exercise per muscle group. That cuts down the volume by 2/3 in most cases (as split routines often use 3 exercises or more per muscle group). So we've eliminated the volume to avoid excess muscle growth, but kept the intensity high to reap all the benefits of Turbulence. One other method I use in my workouts to avoid "bulking up" females is bodyweight training. There are many tough bodyweight exercise that provide low-risk Turbulence. Women love the variety in bodyweight training. Q: Can people do your system in their homes with limited equipment and be just as successful? CB: That's it. I designed the workouts for home gyms (as well as to be done in busy gyms) because that is how the real-life clients I deal with have to workout. Q: Craig, I have done your workouts and they have kicked my butt, but I also left feeling better and with more energy then I had before I started. Is this a normal response you get from people that use your system? CB: Regardless of what exercise method you use, simply moving should increase your mood and energy - essential at this time of year as the glow from the holidays recedes and the Northern hemisphere enters its winter dormancy. Q: What are your recommendations for keeping the fat off during busy times of the year, such as the holidays or vacations? CB: There is a huge variety of bodyweight exercises you can do...these will boost your metabolism. Beyond that, stick to your nutrition as much as possible. That Enjoy quality food at parties, but not while you go through And don't fret if you only have 20 minutes to do a workout. Now Make your workouts fun, enjoy your treats in moderation, and stay active with family activities where appropriate - don't leave a big ol' "butt imprint" on your couch or beach chair. Do all of this, and you'll be riding a huge wave of motivation into Sincerely, CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
Simple Tricks To Save Money While Losing Weight Posted: 24 Dec 2011 12:28 AM PST Lot's of dieters right now are talking about how hard it is to eat healthily now that they don't have as much money to spend on food as they used to. Yes, the economy has hit everyone hard, but eating healthy on a budget is still very easy with a little know how. In fact, buying healthier foods can actually help us save a lot of cash. All it takes is for you to keep track of your expenses. Have you ever kept a record of how much you spend on food every week? Most people don't. If you do this, you naturally save pennies. Start tracking all of your food expenses. This includes any kind of food you eat – trips to the donut shop, meals from restaurants, pints of beer at the pub etc. As time progresses, saving money on food will just get easier and easier. You will able to see your average expenses per week and per month. When you do this, it opens your eyes to where you are spending money on unnecessary foods. Then, you can start making wiser choices. Here's a few examples, for each doughnut you buy from the bakers, you could buy say a whole box of cereal bars for only a little more than the cost of one doughnut. So, if you ate one cereal bar from your box each day rather than buying a doughnut a day, you'd save a lot of money and lose a lot of weight! Here's another example, you total up all your expenses and notice that you buy 5 sandwiches a week from a sandwich shop. You could spend less money on a loaf of wholemeal bread, fresh salad and healthy sliced meat. Then you could make 5 sandwiches from home for the same cost of 2 sandwiches from the sandwich shop. Major savings can be made in supermarket shopping. One method to save is to buy fruits and vegetables in bulk quantities as this gives you a better price. A word about vegetables – avoid trimmed vegetables as they tend to cost more. Things like potatoes, garlic, ginger and onions are relatively cheap and carry strong health benefits like strengthening the immune system. With regards to meats, do not buy boneless meat as this will be more expensive. Avoid red meat as much as you can and opt for white meat. This is easier on the wallet and the heart. If you eat high calorie foods for your breakfast, changing to a healthier breakfast can help you save a lot of pennies. If you eat fried bacon and eggs for breakfast, you'd be a lot better of financially and health-wise if you bought things like oatmeal and whole wheat muffins instead. If you are going to eat things like pizzas and burgers, make these at home and avoid eating out at restaurants. The kind you can make at home will be a lot healthier than the types you would get in restaurants. Also, if possible, try to invite your friends around more often instead of going out to pubs. We all know how our wallets can get drained quickly when we go to pubs often. Believe it or not, eating healthily can actually be a good way to save money. Keep track of your food expenses and you'll be surprised at how much you can save by cutting out the junk and buying healthier alternatives. A great diet that you can lose weight with and you can save money on is The Lunch Box Diet by Simon Lovell. In fact MSN reported that this diet could save you hundreds per year if you stick to it. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
Six “Little-Known” Muscle Building Tips Part 2 Posted: 24 Dec 2011 12:28 AM PST So you think you have heard everything there is to know about muscle building? If you have read everything, tried everything and heard everything about muscle building but still resemble the silouette of a Calvin Klien model instead of a buff fitness model than I promise these next three 'little-known' muscle building tips will accelerate your muscle gains immediately!
Just because you trained your chest on Monday does not mean your immune system, or hormonal system or central nervous system has FULLY recovered. What happens when you return to the gyn NOT FULLY recovered? Will you be able to lift more weight? If you are not able to lift more weight than guess what happens to your level of fitness? It certainly will not go up because you will be depleting your energy reserves further into a deep, dark hole called 'over-training.' If you can not lift more weight or 'out-do' yourself from your previous workout than how do you expect to create any NEW muscle? It is literally impossible. Taking a full rest day every two days will minimize the chance of overtraining and ensure your energy reserves are replenished. 5. Go Home If You Are Not Stronger Than Last Workout Multiple choice question: Q. You train your chest on Monday and you averaged 4 sets of 8 with 225 pounds on bench press. This workout would be considered a personal best. Your following chest workout, let's say five days later, you come to the gym with great anticipation to out-do your last workout. To your disappointment you discover that you can barely do 4 sets of 8 with 185 pounds this week. What happened? A. Your body had not fully compensated from the previous workout and required a longer recovery period. B. Who cares! You toughed it out and made the most of the workout. C . Complain to the gym owner that his weight plates are messed up and you want a refund on your gym membership. If you picked A than say hurray and pat yourself on the back. The rational decision would be to admit the recovery error, assess the factors that could of resulted from not fully recovering (did you take all your supplements, did you sleep enought, did you follow your nutrition plan etc) and plan for success next time. This is the 'trial and error' process. The emotional and irrational trainee would take option B and slug it out. Consider what is actually happening when you take this approach to your workouts:
This is a very tough and mature training decision one must face. After commencing a workout, if you discover after a few sets that you are on tract for a crappy worout than I would suggest to drop the workout and go home. Plan to come back the next day. If your goals are to simply train to train, than you will probably not follow this rule. However, if your goal is to get huge muscles and pack inches of new muscle onto your frame than this is a critical training decision. To ensure your trip to the gym does not go in complete vain – have a flexibility session to make use of the time and than try and pick up the cute receptionist phone number on your way out! 6. Find a mentor So why do millions of fitness enthusiasts wander aimlessly following generic advice in text books, magazines or websites? Although these methods of learning can provide a theoretical perspective, they are absent in accountablity, a formal system, time and financial comittment and assessment of performance. A wise mentor will guide you step-by-step of the way with a formal system that includes a higher level of comittment and accountablity on your part. You will be required to fulfill tasks, change habits, meet deadlines and perform at a higher level than you would without a mentor. The premise of having a mentor is that he has been there and done that. He has walked in your shoes and will give you the appropriate advice in a timely fashion. If you do not perform and follow the advice than you are wasting the mentor's time and he will 'fire' you! If you do perform and follow his advice than you will be successful and build the muscle you deserve in less time! Serioulsly consider hiring a fitness coach, a personal trainer or anybody who has done what you wish to do and be prepared to elate the same results! CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
Six Pack Abs- The Secrets To Getting Yours Posted: 24 Dec 2011 12:27 AM PST So I went downstairs last week and turned on the television to see one of those infomercial products which promises to build 6-pack abs. Have to say it makes the product look great. You have those amazing transformations where they go from being fat to showing off an amazing set of abs in a stupidly short time! It all sounds fantastic doesn't it! Well it would be fantastic if it actually worked. These ads, as much as they are fun to watch, drive me up the wall! The majority of these companies are ripping you off and mocking your knowledge. Yet we still all buy them. Heck when I first started out I bought them. But today, I want to clear this up for you and help you understand exactly what you need to do to get that all elusive six pack and a toned set of abs. So let's get rocking! So Why Have You NOT Got Six Pack Abs?Well to start off with, you may actually have a 6 pack, but quite simply, you just don't know it yet! For six pack abs, the most important part of your routine is the fat shredding. See, If you have layers of fat on top it doesn't matter, you won't be able to see any abs! For a male, you need to bring your body fat percentage down to around 5-8% whilst women should look to bring it down to between 10-12%. So exercising those abdominal muscles with these machines may help build up a little muscle in that area, but it doesn't do the most crucial thing, burn the fat on top! Now I am not saying crunches and abdominal exercise are NOT important, because they are (they make the six pack muscles bigger and increase your metabolic rate which destroys fat while you rest) but what I am saying is that you can't ignore nutrition and cardio as they play the MOST vital role in getting that elusive 6-pack. See these infomercial companies make it seem like their product alone is the reason for the transformations shown! No they are not, if you read the small print they say things like "whilst following a solid nutrition and exercise plan". Well duh! If you are following a solid nutrition and exercise plan you will get the results without these "wow so freaking amazing" infomercial products! The other thing is, doing the same exercise week in week out won't work either, because your body gets used to it, which means your muscle gain and fat loss results will slow down before you can ever get to those amazing beach body abs. So How Do You Get That Six Pack Then?You need a solid program that has the following: a) A solid cardio routine, including interval training to shred that fat right off If you mess up one of the above you mess up all your results. There We Have It...Follow these small simple tips and you can achieve 6 pack abs that will have hot girls drooling over you! CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
Learn How To Build Muscle In 4 Simple Steps Posted: 24 Dec 2011 12:27 AM PST Are you sick and tired of everyone telling you a different way to build muscle? Are you unhappy with how you look in the mirror? Are you frusturated with your slow progress in the gym? Are you ready to learn five simple steps that will teach you how to build muscle safely and effectively? There is a good chance that you are not maximizing one of these four steps. Your problem and solution lies in correcting these essential steps before you have any chance of building a muscular and lean physique. Get read to learn how to build muscle in four simple steps, in less time, without any drugs and without bogus supplements. Step #1 Focus on eating at least 5-7x a day with balanced meals from carbohydrates, proteins and fats. If your goal is to build muscle than you should be eating at least 15-18 x your current body weight. Your carbohydrates should equate about 45% of your intake, your proteins should equate about 35% of your intake and your fat should be the remaining 20% of your intake. You should focus on over half of those meals being solid whole food meals and the remainder can be liquid meal replacment shakes. Step #3 You should focus on stretching at least half the amount that you lift weights. One of the biggest mistkakes I see is people training, training and training with out any stretching. Stretching helps restore normal length to the tissue and if you are constantly training, your muscle tissues will shorten and big to perform weaker and slower and have a higher incidence of injuries. So if you are lifting weights 4 hours in the week, at least an additional 2 hours should be dedicated to stretching. You must counteract the shortening of the muscle tissues that occurs with weights or else you are a injury screaming to happen. Step #4 Avoid supplements that have not been around for longer than 3 years. I learned this phisophy from an Australian strength coach who recommended not trying any supplement until it has been around at least 3 years to pass the test of time. This will make your life much easier and help you avoid all the marketing hoopla in the latest fitness and bodybuilding magazine. If you follow this rule, you will discover only a small handful of supplements still standing. Here are the ones you should not go with out: a high quality multi-vitamin, fish oil capsules, powdered creatine and a protein powder. These products will cover your nutritional basis for health, healthy body composition, strength and muscle mass. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
Learning The Muscle Fiber Types Posted: 24 Dec 2011 12:27 AM PST Choosing the best type of workout program that will stimulate the muscle fiber type that will get you the results you're looking for is extremely important. Unfortunately, all body building programs are not created equally when speaking in terms of muscle fiber types. While you can't differentiate between muscle fibers from your outside appearance, on the inside of the muscle tissue body, there are three main different fibers present. Type A Fast-Twitch Muscle Fibers The first type of muscle fibers are known as Type A Fast Twitch and are responsible for the most forceful contractions generated, however, will fatigue the fastest. Type B Fast-Twitch Muscle Fibers The next muscle fiber is also classified as a fast twitch muscle fiber but not to the extent that type A are. Finally, the third type of muscle fiber that you have in your body is classified as slow-twitch. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
Cardio is NOT the Key to Fat Loss Posted: 24 Dec 2011 12:26 AM PST Do you have questions about Turbulence Training? How it works? What's in the workouts? Or even what does it mean? Recently one of the UK's top trainers, Paul Mort from Q: First, can you tell us the basics about Turbulence Training? Answer: With the right workout, you can get more fat loss results in less That means: b) More challenging strength training exercises, such as advanced bodyweight exercises and some traditional strength training free weight exercises If you have two hours to spend in the gym everyday, you can feel free to stick to the same relatively ineffective and inefficient Male or female, almost everyone I see in traditional fitness centers could benefit from increasing the challenge in their workout. And they can also benefit from getting in and out of the gym faster. So that's what led me to Turbulence Training. It's simple, no B.S., no-fluff, just-the-basics, results-oriented training. You don't need fancy gym machines or even an expensive gym membership. If you have a bench, a ball and some dumbbells at home, you are set. Q: Okay so we're clear it's a e-book training program package that will melt bodyfat fast, what makes it so effective? Answer: But big deal. If you burn X calories over 30 minutes in the gym And that's what happens with slow, steady workouts that never Instead, by using challenging strength training, and choosing It's like putting money in the bank. It makes you more money even while you sit at home or sleep! That's the power of a more And Turbulence Training workouts, and other "challenging" workouts are always exponentially more enjoyable than staring at a TV (or worse a wall) when "doing your time" on a cardio machine. You can get this great "metabolic turbulence" in a boot camp, with bodyweight, at home with dumbbells, or even in a busy gym. Nothing is more effective than Turbulence Training if you only have 45 minutes, three times per week to workout. Q: In my opinion, resistance training, both with free weights and bodyweight is the key to losing bodyfat, for our readers that are still unsure about this could you give me your opinion on my this statement? Answer: For those that doubt, start with bodyweight training. Not only is Everything from carrying groceries to "seks" will be easier if you are stronger in the bodyweight exercises. Your mobility and stamina will increase, so that you will be able to carry your children to bed easier, you will be able to do yardwork with less fatigue, and you'll literally improve your "zest for life" simply from mastering your bodyweight strength. All of these benefits without touching a single free weight...but Research from the 2001 meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine showed that female subjects boosted their post-exercise metabolism to a greater level when they did 8 reps per exercise, rather than 12 reps. So low rep, strength training is best for boosting metabolism. It Q: I'm always telling people that aerobic exercise is useless for fat loss, does you agree with this? And why? Answer: By that I mean, the benefits pale in comparison to the fat loss you can achieve in less time with interval training. Most people would be able to cut their workout time in half simply by using intervals rather than aerobic exercise. Now I've witnessed a few people lose fat and maintain a beautiful body with aerobic exercise, but these have been limited to: young University-aged males that also did 4 days of heavy strength training, who had no "life" stress and plenty of time on their hands to train up to 10 hours per week (not counting recreational sports). But does that sound like your average gym-goer's lifestyle? I doubt it. If it does, where do you live? I want to move there! So next time you go to the gym, do this admittedly un-scientific In the strength training area, no doubt. And in fact, we can also find a lot of beautiful bodies in the Yoga Nutrition. Nutrition is the #1 factor in fat loss. It trumps any fat loss That's why I spent almost 500 quid to have Dr. Christopher Mohr put together an easy-to-follow, healthy, fat loss nutritional guidebook to go along with the Turbulence Training workout package. It has diet plans for both men and women. So Paul, getting back to the original question. There are far more efficient ways to change your body. Eat for fat loss, and do some form of strength training to sculpt So that's why you don't see cardio in my structured program. If Q: What about somebody that isn't a member of a gym? Can they still benefit from Turbulence Training? Answer: I've done many of the bodyweight exercises outside, as obviously you don't need any equipment to do many of the novel ab, leg, and pushing exercises. Heck, I bet you use many of the exercises in your boot camps and you know how little equipment is needed for a hard workout. Think back to the days before the glitzy chrome-and-machine gyms. People were still able to get fit with free weights andbodyweight. And good nutrition certainly doesn't need a gym membership. Q: And lastly, I meet a lot of people who seem to have tried every diet going, tried classes, gyms and DVDS, what makes Turbulence Training different from these? Answer: By intensity, we are talking about working closer to your maximum level of effort. Sure, a set of 15 repetitions to failure for triceps pressdowns is And dont' worry, even if you can crank out dozens of pushups, there are a few variations in the Turbulence Training program that will give even the savviest gym veteran an intense workout. The same goes with the cardio vs. intervals. If you switch to Stay consistent with the plan, and you're gold! Sincerely, P.S. Don't forget... As one of your bonuses for ordering Turbulence Training, you'll "Craig's Bodyweight Turbulence Training program lets you use your body as the most comprehensive home gym available. In turn the results are like nothing else out there. What really impressed me was his inclusion of a self assessment that lets you monitor your own progress so that you keep getting stronger and leaner without any wasted time. If going to the gym ever feels stale, I immediately switch to Craig's Bodyweight TT program to get and stay in shape." "Craig, I just wanted to let you know that I've been using your CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
The Skinny Guy's Guide To Gaining Weight Posted: 24 Dec 2011 12:26 AM PST How would you like to learn how to gain weight fast? If the title of this article caught your attention, there is a good chance you are sick and tired of not seeing the weight on the scale budge. Most likely you just got home from the Mandarin buffet and still can't budge the scale. You could live on McDonald's and Pizza Delight and your Ferrari style metabolism would simply burn it off. In a world that is obsessed with losing weight – you are interested in gaining weight! Are You Sick and Tired Of People Telling You How To Gain Weight? It probably sounds like this: "All you have to do is eat, eat, and eat some more to gain weight..." "Weight gain is just a matter of eating..." "You just gotta overload your metabolism to gain weight fast..." "You can't build a house without the bricks and mortar for gaining weight..." Don't throw me to the wolves quite yet. There is certainly truth to these statements and some of these analogies can prove quite powerful. I think I'm even guilty of preaching a few! But the problem with this advice is that it's usually followed up with the same old regurgitated blah, blah, blah advice that only tells you what to do and does not reveal real-world, practical how-to action-steps. If you are someone who has struggled their entire life, trying to pack on extra muscle mass and still consider yourself underweight, then you are not alone. I was once skinny and underweight myself... People, predispositioned to skinniness, are commonly referred to as "hard gainers." This is the cool way to label your scrawny frame despite the fact that your body turns into a Number 2 pencil when you wear yellow! It's Not Totally Your Fault You're Skinny Even though you might think your genetic deficiencies have sentenced you to a life of frailty and surprised looks when you tell others you lift weights, I am living proof that hard gainers with very 'muscle-unfriendly genes' can fight back against their genetics and gain muscle weight. I defeated my skinny genetics just after college and I am about to show you four tips that helped me climb from a 149 pound weakling to a rock hard 190 pounds in six months. Trust me, no body has worse genetics for building muscle and gaining weight than an ex-long distance runner who abused his body with 60-80 miles of running a week (for over 10 years). Skinny Guys Must Play By A Different Set Of Rules "Taking advice from someone who can gain muscle weight easilyis like taking money advice from someone who inherited a fortune or is making money illegally." You must think outside the box and give up the excuse of being a "hard gainer." It is time to stop listening to all the naysayers who have told you that is impossible to gain weight because of your genetics. Regardless of what you have been led to believe, you do have the potential to build an impressive physique that turns heads and even intimidates! If you have read this far, I am guessing you are ready to longer resemble a microphone stand! You are prepared to overload your metabolism for muscle growth, to ensure you are never referred to as 'underweight' or 'skinny' ever again. Start following these simple steps and don't be surprised if you gain an extra ten pounds of muscle weight in the next four weeks. Simple How To Gain Weight Action Steps To Start Growing Like A Skyscraper!
CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION 1. Double It Up One of the most practical steps you can take is to double whatever you are currently eating in the kitchen right now. If you are eating one chicken breast per meal, then cook up two. If you are only eating two slices of bread, then make it four. If you are eating one handful of nuts, then make it two. If you are using only two scoops of protein powder, then make it four. Most likely you are only a few dozen meals short of filling out your underdeveloped body parts and attracting the attention of that sexy girl at your gym. I assume you are already in the kitchen and have the food out. So would you agree, you really have no good excuse not to shovel down a greater percentage of calories by doubling it up? 2. Live Your Life Around Food Sure, you know that you must eat every 2-3 hours, but how well do you execute? Set your clock on a countdown timer to go off every 2 and ½ hours so that you reinforce the habit of eating literally not a second late for each meal! Don't turn off the damn beeper until you start chowing down. Ensure you are eating your first meal within 15-30 minutes of waking up - absolutely no later. This first meal of the day should always consist of REAL food to flood your body with quality nutrients. I question anybody's commitment to gaining weight if they are too lazy to wake up 15 minutes earlier to eat a real meal. Lastly, don't be surprised if you are not gaining weight if you do not find yourself spending more time preparing food, more time eating food and more time cleaning your kitchen. You should notice you are spending more time in the grocery store and you should also notice a larger grocery bill each week! 3. Use BIG Eating Equipment If you want to bulk, then you have to eat like Hulk. Do you think Hulk eats out of a small plate, or a small bowel, or a small cup? If you are aiming to get big and huge, you are going to require large amounts of food, most likely close to double of what you are currently eating. So get BIG eating equipment! Get a BIG cup, get a BIG bowel, and get a BIG plate. Surround yourself with BIG. Most of the time hard gainers are nothing more than "under eaters." If you struggle to complete a meal, then a bigger serving on a bigger plate will look small! 4. Never Train Hungry How many times have you woken up, whipped up a protein shake and than headed off to the gym? Or maybe you had a long afternoon and missed a few meals and then attempted a weight training workout after work? I thought this was common sense to avoid, until a few of my skinny clients confessed that they were showing up for their workouts having only eaten a piece of fruit and some crackers within the entire day! After dropping the 45-pound plate on my foot out of shock, they reassured me: they were not hungry. I sometimes screamed back, "Yeah, that's because your metabolism is in starvation mode and shut right down, you skinny pencil neck!" I understand that training in the morning is the only time for some, however, I recommend to aim for a minimum of at least three solid meals in your system prior to training. Or eat the biggest meal of your day immediately after your AM workout. Would you take your car out on a long trip with a half empty fuel tank? Not unless you wanted the car to die and you push it the rest of the way. So why would you take your body through a grueling training session on an empty stomach? 5. Eat Nutrient Dense Foods Focus on caloric-rich foods that are loaded with nutrients. Avoid foods with empty calories, which means there is little or no nutrient value in the calories you are eating. Why would you consume a 500-calorie plus meal that is loaded with fat and sugar which does nothing but make you feel sluggish and soft? Instead, eat a high caloric meal loaded with slow releasing carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and fiber. Here are some of the best choices: Carbohydrates – Oatmeal, rice, breads, yams beans, potatoes, fruits and veggies. Proteins – Steak, chicken, lean beef, cottage cheese, whole milk, eggs and salmon. Fats – Olive oil, flax oil, avocados, nuts and peanut butter. Extras (high calorie cheat food) – Ice cream, raisins, dried fruit and trail mix. 6. Drink A Carb And Protein Drink While You Workout How hard is to sip on a calorie-rich drink during your weight training sessions? Simply mix up a 2:1 ratio of carbohydrate to protein with one liter of water and you instantly have a few extra hundred calories per day. Now have an extra workout drink before your workout and extra workout drink after your workout and that's easily an extra one pound per week. Only use this technique if you are weight training at a very high intensity. 7. Live the motto, "Never Stop Eating" Did I hear you say, "But I'll throw up if I eat all day?" Maybe... Is it necessary? Of course not. But this is a part of pushing your body's threshold. Don't worry, you will get used to it and your body will require more food as you gain more muscle on your body and your metabolism increases. Just think that if you are not eating, then you are not growing, and if you are not growing then you are staying the same. Is that what you want?
Here is my promise to you. You have the ability to gain at least another ten pounds of solid weight in the next four weeks by simply applying the advice above. If you are truly committed to your goals of gaining muscle weight and no longer being known as underweight, then I believe you will rise to the challenge and take action! Are you with me? CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
The Skinny Guy's Guide To Nutrition Posted: 24 Dec 2011 12:25 AM PST "Give me a 64-ounce steak, double-baked potato with extra sour cream and an apple pie for dessert. No, not a slice – give me the whole pie, please." If you have ever had the opportunity to go out with a bodybuilder for dinner, you would be familiar with that kind of order delivered to the distressed waitress. These high-carbohydrate, high-protein, and high-fat diet meals were the popular method for packing on muscle and climbing the scale. "I'll pack on all the weight I can now, then melt off the fat later," was the common motto. Many bodybuilders put a lot of focus into the details of their nutritional strategy. A small food scale, calculator, note pad and pencil are common items found in their kitchen. Some competitive bodybuilders go to the extreme of weighing and measuring everything wherever they go and scribbling numbers into their notepad after every meal. Obviously, not every skinny guy has the same aspirations, desire and determination to live the life of a bodybuilder. Skinny guys will be more successful today if they have a quick and convenient plan to follow that involves minimal measuring and minimal number crunching.
For the most part, the See Food Diet is typically not the most healthy meal plan since it puts zero restrictions on any food categories and is more a concept to shift a skinny guy's mind-set than anything else. These days, the majority of readers should know the fallacy of a See Food Diet. Sure, you can eat a super high calorie diet, like the See Food Diet, and add some muscle, but you'll add even more fat. And from personal experience, and I'm sure many of you can personally testify, putting the fat on is much easier than taking it off! Conveniently, bodybuilders now have an "off-season shape" card to flash year-round to excuse themselves of looking like a pregnant powerlifter. Muscle-Building Nutrition Principles Mastering the principles of nutrition should be like mastering the principles of training – simple. Master the basics and execute them consistently. Think about the 80/20 rule. 80% of your results will come from 20% of your knowledge. Taking what you already know and putting it into action consistently is the magic formula. Let's go over the most important nutrition principles you'll need to practice to get your body growing. Principle #1: Eat Often – Every 2.5 to 3 Hours Don't expect to pack on quality mass – muscle without body fat – on three square meals a day. This would lead to massive quantities of both protein and carbs at each meal. Your body can only store so many calories per meal, so guess what this results in? Bloating, poor digestion and unwanted body fat. Your first meal should be consumed within 15-30 minutes of waking up and consumed every 2.5 to 3 hours. Set your stopwatch to beep until you get something in your body. Don't view these meals as burdensome but as opportunities to fuel and grow your muscles. Look at them as growth surges. Think of the next meal as a fuller chest, broader shoulders, bigger arms and rock-hard abs! And if you miss a meal, visualize a sea of piranhas eating up your muscle tissue like it's an all-you-can-eat buffet. And those deadly piranhas are eating up your CURRENT muscle that you are not even satisfied with. They are actually making your muscles smaller. No, you will not lose an inch on your arms if you miss one meal, but once you start averaging 3-4 instead of 6-8 meals a day, don't be upset when people look surprised when you tell them you work out with weights regularly! So how many meals should you be eating? That's easy - just divide the time you're awake by 2 or 3. I would suggest mastering eating every 3 hours before you consider every 2 hours. So if you're awake 18 hours a day, eat 6 meals. What if one of those meals falls right before bedtime? Then eat up! Take the opportunity to eat. If we went to the extreme we would eat every 3 hours throughout the night as well. No matter what you have heard on this (never eat after 7 P.M. garbage) ignore it. Trust me! Also, don't view these feeding opportunities as 'snacks.' This is a wimpy word mentality that should not be in your vocabulary if you are trying to build muscle. Do you think Ronnie Coleman says, 'Hey, I think I'm going to go eat a snack?' Every 3 hours you should be eating decent size meals that will make your body better. Principle #2: Eat A Variety Of Foods It is easy to get into a robotic state of nutrition where we eat the exact same foods every day, ingesting the same breakfast, lunch and dinner and the only time we eat differently is when we go out for dinner or someone else cooks for us. It is easier to choose convenience over variety. Just like our training that we rotate around to prevent boredom, you should rotate your food selection. Normally, you will eat whatever is in your house, so the best strategy to eating a healthy variety is to shop for different foods each week. This will help balance out your diet and help you measure the response a variety of foods. Don't go for the boring and easy route. Principle #3: Eat Enough Calories Building muscle is an eating game because your muscles grow on calories. Not eating enough calories is like an attempt to buy a $50,000 car with only $25,000 in the bank. It's not going to happen. If you are not gaining at least 1-2 pounds per week, then add some extra carbohydrates and proteins to your breakfast, pre-workout meal or post-workout meal. THERE IS NO WAY AROUND THIS STEP. Even if you have the perfect training routine, you will never grow unless you provide your body with the proper amount of nutrients. It's like saying you want to build a house but you do not have enough bricks, cement and wood. It will be impossible to build that house. It's like saying you want to race a car as fast as possible but you don't have any gasoline or oil. It's downright impossible. If you wish to ensure that your muscles have enough fuel to support your workouts, lift heavy weights for high reps, recover from workout to workout and, let's not forget, GROW NEW MUSCLE, then you have to keep track of what you are eating every day. There is no way around it. This is the number one reason why skinny guys never gain weight or why anybody for that matter will not make quality gains that they so desperately strive for. Keeping track of what you eat is a lot easier than it sounds – it's probably why most people avoid it, because they perceive it to be difficult. Sure, you're going to have to take some extra time to read containers and labels, but if this method will promise another 20 pounds in a few months from now, is it not worth it? And the good news is that your brain will create a new file to store all your new nutrient calculations, and since you are eating from the majority of the same foods, your 'memory food bank' will expand quickly.
Principle #4: Eat 40-60 Grams Of Protein Per Meal Building muscle is not on your body's 'to do' list – simple survival is. Not getting enough protein for your internal organs results in your body robbing it from your muscle tissue. Your body cannibalizes itself for the amino acids it needs! This is the polar opposite of what skinny guys want. Proteins should make up at least 35% of your overall caloric intake. This translates to 40-60 grams of protein per meal for males less then 200 lbs and will be enough to maintain your appetite, increase your muscle mass, accelerate recovery and keep body fat levels low. Hit this level and you're doing well. It is better to get your protein from whole, complete, and lean protein. Remember that protein is a costly food and burns twice as much energy as carbs and three times as much energy as fat. You need protein to maximally turbo-charge your metabolism, improve your muscle mass and accelerate recovery. Aim for lean meats such as ground beef, chicken, turkey, etc. Aim for fish such as salmon, tuna, orange roughy, etc. Aim for Omega 3 eggs and pasteurized egg whites. Aim for dairy from cottage cheese, yogurt and partly skimmed cheeses. And if you have to resort to supplement shakes, go for whey, casein or milk protein blends. Principle #5: Eat 60-80 Grams Of Carbohydrate per Meal Not getting enough carbohydrates will make you feel like you're carrying a bear on your back throughout your workouts. Your body's gas tank is comprised of carbohydrates. No carbs and don't expect to get that car too far. A lack of carbs in your diet can slow the muscle-building process because your muscle tissue can be used as energy if your body's preferred source of energy, carbs, are not available. It is best to get your carbohydrates from a variety of high-fiber, complex and low-glycemic carbohydrates as opposed to simple carbs (sugars) found in fast food, fried food, processed food and junk food. Complex carbs release a slower and longer lasting energy that is critical for your intense training workouts. Complex carbs will rarely get converted to fat unless you are clearly eating too many of them. If you are gaining more fat around your midsection as opposed to muscle, then you know you should cut back on your complex carbs or add a few cardio workouts. Aim for high-complex, muscle-building carbs such as bran, barley, buckwheat, beans, brown rice, cornmeal, oatmeal, pasta, potatoes and whole grains. Principle #6: Eat 20-30 Grams Of Fat Per Meal About 30% of your diet should consist of fat - this number should remain pretty consistent for everyone. And as a skinny guy or anybody who wants to maximize muscle growth, then eating 30% of your intake from fat is critical for boosting testosterone levels. However, the key is to balance out your intake between saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat. If you achieve 1/3 in each of these, then you will optimize your health and muscle gains. This is not as complicated as it looks. Since North Americans are harshly deficient in mono (olive oil) and poly fats (from fish oils) and get enough of saturated fats as it is, your job is to simply include more olive oil and fish oil into your diet. This is something that can be recommended for every man and women and has no potential side effects. Again, don't worry; the meal plans included have got you covered. The only fats you MUST avoid at all costs - for so many reasons - are trans fats. Trans fatty acids, also known as trans fat, is an artery-clogging fat that is formed when vegetable oils are hardened into margarine or shortening. It is found in many other foods besides margarine and shortening, including fried foods like French fries and fried chicken, doughnuts, cookies, pastries and crackers. In the United States, typical French fries have about 40 percent trans fatty acids and many popular cookies and crackers range from 30 percent to 50 percent trans fatty acids. Doughnuts have about 35 percent to 40 percent trans fatty acids. To determine the amount of trans fat in a food you must know what to look for on the food labels. Whenever you see shortening, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oil higher up on the list of the ingredients, the more trans fat. Principle #7: Eat Vegetables With Every Meal How are vegetables supposed to promote muscle gain? Your mom was right when she told you to eat up all your vegetables if you wanted to grow big and strong. Finally, the 'muscle-nerds' are catching up. Not only are vegetables loaded with vitamins and minerals but they also contain important plant chemicals called phytochemicals that are essential for optimal physiological functioning. The most neglected benefit of eating vegetables is their role in recovery. Sure, you need calories to grow, but you also need these veggies for their high antioxidant profile that will help reduce the amount of free radicals from heavy training, and they will accelerate recovery by healing damaged muscle cells. Most people are unaware that proteins and grains create high levels of acid loads to the blood, and if this is not balanced out with alkaline rich vegetables and fruits, then too much acid can result in a loss of bone strength and muscle mass. So it is important to keep these acid levels balanced by ingesting vegetables (and fruits) for their alkalinity to the blood. The best way to get your vegetables is to cut them all up at the start of the week. This will make life easier and make them more accessible. Aim for at least 2 servings, which is the equivalent of 1-2 cups per meal. Yes, every 2-3 hours you must be eating veggies. Principle #8: Eat Your Biggest Meal At Breakfast, Pre-Workout and Post-Workout No matter what anyone says, I believe this is the safest and most effective way to maximize your muscle:fat gain ratio when bulking. In this article we will not discuss the topic of nutrient timing. Shortly we will discuss the benefits of packing the bulk of your calories around the most catabolic and anabolic times of the day so you will have sufficient energy to train hard and heavy without any risk of muscle breakdown, not to mention enough calories to support muscle growth. How much food you eat at a particular time of the day should be based on the NEEDS OF YOUR BODY AT THAT CURRENT MOMENT. Principle #9: Plan Ahead This principle could easily be number one because oftentimes it is not a shortage of information that creates a roadblock but our lack of CONSISTENCY and CREATIVITY. I bet if you did not change anything about what you are currently eating but ensured food was there when it was time to eat, you would experience a growth surge. I strongly agree with the famous cliché that states, 'Failing to plan is planning to fail.' It is so true. You must have a plan that will ensure you have the food prepared and cooked in the right selection and amounts every time you eat. This might require you to spend a few hours on Sunday evening cooking and storing all your food in Tupperware containers. This might mean waking up half an hour early so that you can cook all your meals for the day. This might require you to carry a lunch bag wherever you go. This might mean packing a few shaker bottles if you know you will be on the road most of the day. Bottom line - be prepared.
Principle #10: Eat Whole Foods 60% Of The Time and Liquid Meals 40% Of The Time I often have my clients use as few supplements as possible for the first few months of training. You will be amazed at the results achieved by simply putting all your efforts into following your meal plan, proper training and sleep. It's a very eye-opening experience when they see almost immediate changes in body composition, health and energy levels. Your food intake should come from high quality food at least 60 % of the time, which means at least 4 of the 6 meals you are eating. This will ensure more vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber that supplements and pills lack. Whole food is loaded with digestive enzymes as well that help the absorption of food instead of eating too much 'ground up' food in the form of powder. Power shakes will make your life much easier and will remove some of the inconveniences of having to cook and prepare food all day. Aim to use these at least 2 out of your 4 real meals a day and never more than three power shakes unless your life is extremely hectic and unmanageable. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
The Skinny Guy's Guide To Glutamine Posted: 24 Dec 2011 12:25 AM PST When was the last time you read an article discrediting the effects of glutamine? Maybe this will be your first one? Unfortunately, the majority of bodybuilding and muscle magazines still have this supplement on their "Top 5 Lists." I am not here to convince you to never buy another tub of glutamine again, but if stay with me, I will do my best to debunk some of the common myths that have led you to believe that this expensive supplement is necessary.
Since I have already wasted thousands of dollars on certain, not all, supplements myself, I feel an obligation to tell you the other side of the story. To reveal the glutamine research that NOBODY wants you to read. But this is obvious - nobody makes money disproving the credibility of a hot selling supplement! So here is where I will make my stand. Glutamine has no muscle-building effects whatsoever. Now before we get too deep, remember that I am not a PH.D student or a research geek. I will pass along the information and let you decide for yourself, and, in the process, do my best to make this fun and interesting. Glutamine 101
Recently I received an article from a fellow colleague, David Barr MSc., who collected a large batch of research with an exhaustive reference list supporting the notion that glutamine is useful for only very specific conditions (which we will discuss shortly). Here is a list of some of the most interesting data that David Barr found in his research with my extra commentary:
So Is Glutamine A Worthless Supplement? Well, if you stopped reading right now you would think so! And you are probably confused as heck right now because everything you have heard on glutamine before today praised its holiness. Remember, the supplement industry is a billion-dollar industry and nobody makes money by disproving the effectiveness of supplements. In the end, you must decide for yourself what you wish to believe. When Glutamine Is Worth Using
In Conclusion At the start I stated that, "Glutamine has no muscle building effects whatsoever." After reviewing this article, you will notice that is not as black and white as that. However, the take home message, especially to you skinny guys, is that if you are on a proper muscle-building meal plan and using solid post-workout nutrition strategies, glutamine is not a worthwhile supplement for you. Save your money and put it towards food if you are motivated to gain muscle weight. Save your money and put it towards food if you are motivated to gain muscle weight. I hope this supplement was a good example of looking at the evidence rather then the hyped-up muscle rags and advice from the 'expert' at your gym. In the end, you are free to believe what you wish, but remember that the current research today does not support the spectacular muscle-building effects supplement companies claim. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
5 Ways to Cut Your Workout Time Posted: 24 Dec 2011 12:23 AM PST Do you know the 2 biggest reasons men and women stop exercising? 1) Lack of time Let's tackle "Lack of Time" today with 5 ways you can get your Here are 5 ways to cut time from your workouts. a) Supersets I use "non-competing" superset. This means, choose two exercises for different muscle groups - and preferably completely opposite movements. For example, choose a push and a pull. That way, one muscle group rests while the other works...and you cut the rest time you need between sets. b) Choose a better warmup strategy Don't waste 10 minutes walking on the treadmill. Instead, use a c) Pair dumbbell and bodyweight exercises together in your This saves you time at home (you don't need to change the dumbbell weight between exercises) and in the gym (you don't need to fight for 2 sets of dumbbells). d) Choose Intervals over slow cardio The latest research shows more weight loss when people use e) Limit the use of isolation exercises Pick multi-muscle exercises, such as squats, pulls, pushes, and In addition, don't spend more than 10 minutes per week on direct ab training. It's not efficient and won't give you rock hard abs alone. Workout less, live life more,
PS - Don't know where to start? If you are a beginner, start by reading Dr. Mohr's nutrition Beginners should also start with the Introductory TT workouts to prepare their muscles for the upcoming intense training. For others, it's best to start with the Intermediate Level TT If at any time you need a break, try the TT Bodyweight 4-week plan. And then finish off with the TT Fusion Fat Loss program followed by the 30-day Maximum Fat Loss program to cap off a full 24 weeks of Advanced TT fat loss workouts. After that, choose between the TT for Women or TT for Muscle CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
Skinny Guy's Guide To Creatine Posted: 24 Dec 2011 12:22 AM PST What is creatine? How do I take creatine? What are the side effects of creatine? What is the best creatine? Unless you just arrived from another planet, you should know that when it comes to muscle building supplements, creatine is the king! To date, creatine has proven to be the most research-proven sport supplement on the market to day. Creatine has collected hundreds of clinical studies that show increased lean muscle mass, improved energy levels, increased muscle strength and size and improved exercise performance. There is even a new batch of research showing creatine supplementation having a significant effect on memory and intelligence, as well as immune function. Bigger, smarter and healthier, not that's a solid combo!
It was once thought, that a loading phase was required to maximize the effects of creatine but there is countless research that shows you don't have to go through all the hassle of loading. This will appeal to the individual who experiences gastrointestinal upset, diarrhea and other problems with higher dosages. Personally, I have found the best time to take creatine is 15 minutes BEFORE a workout and AFTER a workout with a liquid protein and carbohydrate drink. As well as first thing in the morning on non-training days. What kind of creatine should I buy? There has much debate about creatine purity and it is not accepted that not all creatine is created equal. Creatine ethyl ester is a new form of creatine. It is made up of a creatine, alcohol and acid meaning the absorption rate into the tissue is better. Manufacturers claim it does not cause bloating, cramping or stomach discomfort and gets into the muscle faster resulting in better results. Due to it's chemical structure, it might result in greater stress on the liver. Although it does seem to have potential, wait for more research and rely on the time-tested powdered creatine. Should I take creatine with sugar? CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
Smart Affiliate Marketing Advertising Posted: 24 Dec 2011 12:22 AM PST Affiliate marketing is really about the promotion of products with an online company. The affiliate will sign up with the advertiser or marketing arm of the company, then the affiliate will become an active looker of clients. Advertising is the means to making a great number of consumers aware of certain products. Therefore, advertising should be both attracting and appealing to consumers. If the advertising isn't appealing enough, it won't be effective. If the advertising manages to pull the attention of consumers, then it's considered to be powerful. To make advertising powerful and effective, the affiliate must use smart methods of advertising. An example of smart advertising is the re-use of one key concept of affiliate marketing - the harnessing of human resources. What this means, is that an affiliate may tap on the capacities of others to bring more visitors to the website. The economics involved of making an affiliate marketing program beneficial can be simple, yet unquestionable. Say for instance, when a visitor ups a form to the website of the affiliate, the affiliate may be earning .50 cent from the company that he's promoting. In a single day, he may refer ten visitors - which is equivalent to 5.00. Keep in mind, the affiliate may increase his income by utilizing others as well. The more people an affiliate manages to recruit or get to make purchases or fill out forms, the more money that affiliate will make. To have a significant increase in income in affiliate marketing, an affiliate can actually do three things. First of all, the affiliate must search for a profitable site. Next, he'll need to link with companies that are generous with their leads. Last, the affiliate will need to locate a progressive and rising company online then recruit affiliates for the company. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
Sneaky Tactics To Give You More Energy & Productivity At Work Posted: 24 Dec 2011 12:22 AM PST Dealing with the pressures and challenges that most of us face in the workplace on a daily basis is no easy task. You really have to go an extra mile in the workplace in order to get noticed, but you certainly do not have to compromise your health to do this. Eating healthy at work isn't hard when you know how… It's no surprise that some people get tired and stressed at the end of a long day at work. However, there always seems to be some people who are bright and vibrant all day long who seem to deal with all situations easily. These are the people with more energy – more often than not they are the ones who are getting all the vitamins and minerals they need from their diet to stay sharp and focused throughout the day. So, how can you improve your productivity and performance at work through your diet? Here's how… First of all, make sure you eat breakfast every day. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and can determine your energy levels for the entire day. A combination of milk and oats or cornflakes is an ideal breakfast and provides your with lots of calcium. Boiled egg is also a good way to start the day – this gives you lots of proteins and carbohydrates to get you through a busy morning and afternoon. While you are at work, do you ever get tempted to drink coffee? I know it can be very tempting, but in actual reality coffee can have the reverse effect that people are hoping for. Most people drink coffee to boost their energy levels, but too much caffeine can lead to lethargy, and can cause your body weight to increase at faster rates. It's important to not skip any meals during the day and that's where the Lunch Box Diet comes in, it's always available to you, you can keep it on your desk or in your office fridge. When your workload piles up, it can be easy to skip meals in order to get things done, but try your best to eat all the meals you need. Take responsibility for the food you eat. If you are being served a work lunch, get yourself a nice salad or whatever is the healthiest option. Your choice of food will have a big impact on you work performance. If the food provided by your work is not up to scratch, don't hesitate to make your own lunchbox and use my tasty combinations to keep you interested, that way you're more likely to stick with it. If you are going to snack when you get home, which you will probably be tempted to, try and supplement it with something healthy like a piece of fruit. So if you feel like eating some fried food, eat something healthy along side it to restore the healthy balance. A great healthy diet plan to look at is The Lunch Box Diet which has been called one the best diets ever by Elle Magazine who said it became a 'way of life' Summary: Eating Healthy to Excel at Work: - Eat breakfast every day - Avoid drinking too much coffee at work - Don't skip any meals - Stick to salads and healthy sandwiches made from home - Supplement fatty snacks with healthy accompaniments CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
So Many Affiliate Programs! Which One Do I Choose? Posted: 24 Dec 2011 12:21 AM PST Ask questions first before you join an affiliate program. Do a little research about the choices of program that you intend to join into. Get some answers because they will be the deciding point of what you will be achieving later on. Will it cost you anything to join? Most affiliate programs being offered today are absolutely free of charge. So why settle for those that charge you some dollars before joining. When do they issue the commission checks? Every program is different. Some issue their checks once a month, every quarter, etc. Select the one that is suited to your payment time choice. Many affiliate programs are setting a minimum earned commission amount that an affiliate must meet or exceed in order for their checks to be issued. What is the hit per sale ratio? This is the average number of hits to a banner or text link it takes to generate a sale based on all affiliate statistics. This factor is extremely important because this will tell you how much traffic you must generate before you can earn a commission from the sale. How are referrals from an affiliate's site tracked and for how long do they remain in the system? You need to be confident on the program enough to track those people you refer from your site. This is the only way that you can credit for a sale. The period of time that those people stay in the system is also important. This is because some visitors do not buy initially but may want to return later to make the purchase. Know if you will still get credit for the sale if it is done some months from a certain day. What are the kinds of affiliate stats available? Your choice of affiliate program should be capable of offering detailed stats. They should be available online anytime you decide to check them out. Constantly checking your individual stats is important to know how many impressions, hits and sales are already generated from your site. Impressions are the number of times the banner or text link was viewed by a visitor of your site. A hit is the one clicking on the banner or text links. Does the affiliate program also pay for the hits and impressions besides the commissions on sales? It is important that impressions and hits are also paid, as this will add to the earnings you get from the sales commission. This is especially important if the program you are in offers low sales to be able to hit ratio. Who is the online retailer? Find out whom you are doing business with to know if it is really a solid company. Know the products they are selling and the average amount they are achieving. The more you know about the retailer offering you the affiliate program, the easier it will be for you to know if that program is really for you and your site. Is the affiliate a one tier or two tier program? A single tier program pays you only for the business you yourself have generated. A two tier program pays you for the business, plus it also pays you a commission on the on the sales generated by any affiliate you sponsor in your program. Some two-tier programs are even paying small fees on each new affiliate you sponsor. More like a recruitment fee. Lastly, what is the amount of commission paid? 5% - 20% is the commission paid by most programs. .01% - .05% is the amount paid for each hit. If you find a program that also pays for impressions, the amount paid is not much at all. As you can see from the figures, you will now understand why the average sales amount and hit to sale ratio is important. These are just some of the questions that needed answering first before you enter into an affiliate program. You should be familiar with the many important aspects that your chosen program should have before incorporating them into your website. Try to ask your affiliate program choices these questions. These can help you select the right program for you site from among the many available. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
Some Advice For Those Who Want To Become Affiliates Posted: 24 Dec 2011 12:21 AM PST Today, many of us are growing increasingly tired of the workplace and the daily grind. We are continually overworked and undervalued. Working a traditional job offers very little incentive to produce more. The vast majority of us pare paid a wage with very little movement for increases. Increasing numbers of us want to work for ourselves but this requires money and a great deal of risk. Starting your own business is a risky venture and it may be years before any significant profit is seen. Most of us can't wait that long as our financial obligations need to be met immediately. To bridge this gap, some are turning to the field of affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing allows you to work for yourself. Instead of creating your own business, you working to expand an already existing one. This keeps the risk factor and investment low so you can concentrate on how to make profits. Many think it sounds easy. Certain aspects of affiliate marketing make it very attractive but it isn't easy at all. There are steps and loads of advice you should follow before plunging head first into and affiliate marketing scheme. The first thing you should do before committing to an affiliate marketing scheme is to evaluate your skills and expertise. How motivated are you? How many hours are you willing to put in? What business skills do you already have and what skills do you need? Even though the risk is minimal, you want to make the most of the venture. You will need some business and sales skills. If you have none then you need to learn. There are very few products that sell themselves. If they did the company wouldn't need you to do it for them. You profit will be based on your performance. If you can't perform then your venture will struggle. The next thing you should consider is a product themselves. You should find something that you know something about. That way you sound much more sincere when you are marketing them. However, you also need to look into how salable they are. You may have loads of knowledge about a particular area but if it isn't something that sells it will be useless. Find out from the company how well these items sell. How much of a return you can reasonably expect. Don't let them dazzle you with the sky is the limit speech, or one of our salesmen hit the million dollar mark. You need to know what you are likely to achieve. Finally, you need to have realistic expectations. One of the reasons that many work at home ventures fail is that people want instant results. Running a business of any type takes time and hard work. With affiliate marketing your will get out only what you put in. with patience and hard work it will be lucrative. Learn what is realistic and shoot for that. If you make more then great. Affiliate marketing is a fantastic way to start in your own business. If you're self motivated and independent then this fields could be an excellent choice. Before you jump in, research the company. Look up the salability of the products and ask for reasonable projections. Base your goals on these and build from there. With patience and hard work you will make a success of affiliate marketing. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
The Students Guide To Healthy Eating Posted: 24 Dec 2011 12:20 AM PST You might not have known this, but how you diet during your exams can can be a big factor in determining how well you perform. Studies have shown that people with healthy diets achieve better grades than people who skip breakfast. Of course there is no physical exercise required for a written exam, but you need plenty of iron, minerals and vitamins to give you good concentration. If you can't concentrate during an exam, your chances of performing well are slim. Eating well will also make you feel motivated. You see, if you just eat a load of junk food you will probably feel fatigued and lazy. If you feel deflated like this during an exam, you're not going to have any level of motivation or energy to get through it. If you want to do well in your exams, eat carefully. You only get one shot at your exams, so it's worth doing everything you can to ensure you are on the ball when in the exam rooms. Good foods to eat to help aid your concentration are things like cereals, peas, spinach, baked beans, and non-vegetarians foods like white meat. Fish is also great to eat because it is rich in vitamin B, C and E, which are essential for having a strong memory and help to keep you relaxed. Like many students you may drink coffee to keep you awake when studying. This is a bad idea. You probably don't know that excess caffeine can actually make you feel more lethargic. A better and much healthier alternative to is to drink milk or soup while studying. Don't drink any more than two cups of coffee a day. It's also a good idea to eat lots of small but frequent meals during your exam period as it will keep your body constantly supplied with nutrients, maintaining your sharpness and energy levels. A diet called The Lunch Box Diet is great for students because all of your food is contained in one place and you can 'graze' in between sessions, keeping your energy and focus up when it's needed most. It has been used and loved by many students Be sure to eat plenty of fruit whilst studying. Fruits help to maintain sugar levels ensuring you have more energy all day long. Studying for long periods can be a real energy drainer, so keeping up your sugar levels is very important. Also be sure to keep yourself hydrated. Soups and juices are another good source for water. Another good tip is to take regular short walks around your house or flat in order to help your body digest food quickly and efficiently. It's best not to study straight after eating because it can make you feel tired and sluggish. Summary of dieting to help succeed with your exams: - Eat lots of fish, green vegetables and white meat - Avoid drinking too much tea or coffee to stay awake - Eat small meals at regular intervals - Eat lots of fruit - Don't study straight after a meal CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
Posted: 24 Dec 2011 12:20 AM PST Recently, I was in Tampa, Florida, at a seminar. Between sessions, a physician from Georgia stopped me in the hall and said, "Hey Craig, you were right about those crosstrainer machines. I've had your program for a few months now and I'm getting better results with the bodyweight circuits." It's always great to meet clients, and I was curious to find out how he heard of me. Turns out, he found me through Google, landing on an article I wrote about "how elliptical machines (crosstrainers) suck for fat loss". That's right, I think those machines are almost a complete waste of time. "I was using one of those machines for a long time and was wondering why I wasn't getting any results," the physician continued, "I'm so glad I found your program and now I'm using the bodyweight circuits from the Dumbell-Bodyweight Fusion Workout", he added. I told him how I wasn't surprised. In fact, I've never personally known anyone to get great results with one of those crosstrainer machines. Now I've watched really lean people use them, but they didn't get lean with those machines. I know some people will be angry with what I have to say because they like exercising on the crosstrainer, but the truth is that they just don't work as well as harder forms of interval training. And hey, any time you are traveling or want a break from regular interval training workouts, you can use one of the 4 bodyweight circuits from the TT DB-BW Fusion Fat Loss program that you get as a bonus when you order the Turbulence Training fat burning workout routine. Let me know how it goes for you, CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
Posted: 24 Dec 2011 12:20 AM PST Did you know you're only getting 15% of the fat loss results you could be getting if you're using a treadmill or elliptical machine? It's true… While the treadmill & elliptical are the "norm" in most gyms – they certainly aren't the most effective workouts… My friend Vic Magary, who's a former ARMY soldier and personal trainer just made a free video reveals a 15 minute workout that gets 9X the results of a cardio workout… And the best part is, you don't even need any equipment – You can just use your bodyweight for the simple 15 minute workout. P.S. – Vic emailed me today and said the free video will only be up for a short amount of time. Check it out now before he pulls it down… CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
2 “health foods” that are secretly making you FAT… Posted: 24 Dec 2011 12:19 AM PST Big food companies have been fooling us for years… They package up a big slew of crappy ingredients and preservatives, and then slap some creative marketing on it and suddenly we all think it's a "health food"… This is what makes you fat… My friend Vic Magary who's a world known personal trainer & former ARMY soldier just made a really cool video exposing 2 of the biggest so called "health foods" that are secretly making you fat… P.S. – Vic told me he's going to be pulling the video down soon, so make sure you check it out now. I think you're gonna be STUNNED by what he reveals in the video… CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
Posted: 24 Dec 2011 12:19 AM PST Did you know the secret formula for success? CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
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