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Wednesday, December 21, 2011


bocah nakal sukabumi

bocah nakal sukabumi

Brand New Software Package For You Dede!

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 06:01 PM PST

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Hi Dede,

You are fortunate enough to be in front of one of
the HOTTEST current & future internet trends.. in
its infancy..

It will only skyrocket from the point it's at now
AND WILL prove to be not only a trend.. but will
become STANDARD for ANY web presence.

Of course, this trend is mobile optimized websites..


Craig Raphael

P.S. The fact that more than 20% of internet users
are using ONLY their mobile device to surf the net
is usually enough to convince a potential client
to shell out the cash to have a mobile optimized
version of their website made for them..

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New Blog Post - My Videotalk – Sending Video By Email

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 04:53 PM PST

Hi Dede

Check out my new Blog Post:

My Videotalk – Sending Video By Email

Sending Video By Email

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words, so imagine how much that is multiplied when you put those words in video with My Videotalk. Online communication has evolved to the point where friends and family can now stay connected, not simply by e-mail, but with face to face video chat that really enhances the experience by sending video by email. While most companies who offer their users the ability to do that focus on the family connection, they are actually missing out on a couple of other great applications that online video can provide.

That is where MyVideoTalk comes in, and not only do they have a number of great products, they are also offer regular folks the opportunity to get in on the ground floor of their online opportunity and make a nice living. Any opportunity lives or dies by its products, and MyVideoTalk has five of them that are perfect for home or business.

To continue reading, please CLICK HERE

To YOUR Success

Harold Kurt


Harold Kurt, 1047 NW Jeffery Pl, Beaverton, OR 97006, United States

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*** NEW $10 BUSINESS **

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 02:24 PM PST

*** NEW $10 BUSINESS **

30k members in 60 days Expected!


This is brand new and it is EXPLODING!

(Nearly 2000 members the first 3 months in my Team)

Here is why...

It's not based on hype... it's based on REAL LONG-TERM

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4 domain hosting complete with web host manager
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your very own GVOconference room
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All for only $9.97 per month!!

FOR LESS THAN $10? I am talking about a business
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Now here is the best part.. because they own and operate
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That's why I jumped on board, so should you!! They are
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Take care,

Helping Others To Succeed

Brian & Dora
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looking forward as always...

P.S. And yes, this is my affiliate link above,
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Did you hear about the 3 new permanent bonuses just added to HTP?

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3. Best one yet.... 20% monthly matching CHECK bonuses on all referrals,
including their bonuses! That alone more than doubled my commissions .....

Wealth4Everyone, Latymer Close, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 9ER, United Kingdom

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Free $100 Automated System Download Dede!

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 02:17 PM PST

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Hi Dede,

This is the simple system many use to make at least $100
per day online. Step by step videos.

Get your FREE access now!


Craig Raphael

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from anyone via the internet or offline.

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How To Fight Hair Loss Naturally

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 12:27 AM PST

Hair loss is common problem that affects many people worldwide. The fact that it can happen to anyone, makes you want to know if there is a way around it. This article will discuss how to fight hair loss without taking any prescription drugs or using formulated shampoo.

Men and women can both suffer from hair loss. However, losing hair is more natural for men especially when they age. So, if are wondering what is the best way to prevent baldness, you should start first in determining what causes your hair loss.

For some people, losing hair is hereditary while there are also those that suffer from it because of medication, stress, hormonal imbalance, poor diet, illnesses, and even lifestyle. It is important that you know what causes your problem so you can fight it right.

So, what can you do to stop hair loss if you do not want to take any medications because of possible side effects? Below are just some of the things you can do to stop hair loss, and promote hair growth.

Right Diet – Unknown to most people suffering from baldness or hair loss, their diet is also one of the reasons why they are losing hair. If you daily diet does not contain any nutrients that promotes hair growth, you will not be able to stop the problem but in fact would even make the condition worse.

Scalp Massage – It is a very effective way to prevent hair loss, because it helps circulate the blood in your scalp. Actually, if you massage flaxseed oil, apple cider vinegar or olive oil to your scalp you also bring moisture to your hair, repair the damage skin and remove the clog and bacteria that prevent hair growth.

Relax – Stress is another factor why you are losing hair, exercising daily can free your mind and even make your body healthier.





One Of The Most Intense Turbulence Training Workout Ever…

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 12:26 AM PST

From weddings, to reunions to beach vacations, it seems there is always something to look good for. The trouble, however, is finding the one workout program to plough through that stubborn fat loss plateau and into the sculpted look you're after.

The key to cutting away fat and shaping your best body possible is through hard work and variation. Nothing in life is free, and it's rarely easy.

But, if you're willing to put in the time and do what it takes to shed those last few pounds of fat, then you need a workout program that is going to seriously challenge every square inch of your body.

No pain, no gain, right?  

Now here's the simple truth, if you want to get the most out of your workouts, then you need to be doing the right exercises, and targeting the right areas with the right intensity.

It doesn't get any easier than that. 

The trouble is we often waste our time doing the wrong exercises, which just delays us from ever achieving that beautifully sculpted physique we long for.

And that's why TT Hardcore is the perfect guide – it's one of the most advanced programs I've ever put together.

So if you're a beginner, a teenager, someone who refuses to train legs, or if you take more than a week off from working out, this program is NOT for you.

These workouts are intense, brutally tough, and like I said, ONLY for the advanced fitness enthusiast.

That's because I've taken the most challenging exercises from my other TT workouts and combined them with some of my favourite killer abs exercises to help take your workouts and your results to the next level.

Simply put, the 4-day Turbulence Training Hardcore Fat Loss program is one of the best workout programs for getting advanced results.

You'll probably curse my name while doing these workouts, but by the end of the program you'll have an amazing body and feel better than ever, guaranteed!





How to find support for postpartum depression?

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 12:25 AM PST

It becomes very difficult to explain to people that you are depressed right after having a baby. People would be shocked and might even wonder what is wrong with you. You, yourself, might wonder what is happening. But every fourth new mother has reported suffering from 'baby blues' or postpartum depression. Finding support in such a situation could be difficult. But it is not that only women suffer postpartum depression. Few men too have reported to have got the 'baby blues'.

Postpartum depression strikes usually when least expected – just a few days after having the baby. On the one side parents are just so thrilled to have a new person in their family. On the other, postpartum depression makes them develop a dislike for themselves, even the baby and everything around. Feelings of inadequacy and extreme dullness during this period are normal. Patients might begin with simple feelings of depression and frustration. Dismissing these symptoms could make the feelings get worse leading to even thoughts of suicide. This is when new mothers need the most support. If untreated, the condition could worsen and last for several months or even years. It could become postpartum psychosis requiring urgent medical help.

As of now, doctors are able to support women suffering from postpartum depression only with muscle relaxants, anti-depressants and hormonal therapy. Neither of these seems to be a very good idea with the patient in the process of breastfeeding the baby.

True support and cure for patients of postpartum depression comes from natural healing options. These should be combined with a holistic approach including family support.

There are several nice support groups and blogs online too. You could connect with women from across America who have suffered from postpartum depression and even make friends. Finding solutions, help with holistic and natural cures for the symptoms of postpartum depression (PPD) is all quite easy if you go online. Interacting with other new mothers in special blogs and discussion groups could be way more helpful than sitting back and wondering.

Try and involve your spouse too in the healing process. Your spouse's support is vital when it comes to postpartum depression. Do not wait for others to help you but reach out for support from family members also.

Even though you might not try the regular drugs prescribed for postpartum depression, do not forget to discuss the situation with your doctor. Also discuss with your doctor the herbal or natural cure that you want to try for your postpartum depression. If you check online groups you would also find other women who have used similar natural remedies and you would be able to discuss your fears with them also.

Doctors do recommend psychiatric therapy for postpartum depression. You might not take the drugs but if you feel comfortable about therapy sessions you could try some for support. But remember the key to handling postpartum depression is a natural remedy along with a properly designed diet and exercise routine. That's all the support you really need to beat the 'baby blues'.





The 4 Week Plan to Build a Bigger Back How to Increase Your Wide Grip Chinup

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 12:25 AM PST

A big broad wide back is a very important muscle group that everyone wants to develop. It is a signature factor of any great physique and one that automatically demands respect.

It is a sign of hard work, dedication and attention to detail as not many people train their back muscles as much as their chest or arms let alone train their back with proper form and activation.
The V-Taper creates the illusion of a much larger than life appearance and you cannot achieve that look without developing the lat muscles.

Now there are many ways that one can work their back including machine exercises, cable exercises, compound barbell movements and of course bodyweight movements which of course include good ole fashioned chin-ups.

The Chin-Up Explained:

A chin-up is basically when you grasp a bar that is overhead. You can use a pronated (overhand) or supinated (underhand) grip when performing them.

To develop more width to your back, it is recommended that you perform the wide grip overhand chin-up.

For this exercise, you will grasp the overhead secured bar with each hand spaced about 3-5 inches outside of shoulder width.

From a hanging position you will then focus on pulling the body upwards until you fully contract your back muscles and squeeze the shoulder blades together. You want to make sure you keep your head up and chest out to keep good form.

Then at the top position, you are going to want to lower yourself with a slightly more controlled movement downwards until you are back in the starting hanging position.

The Problem with Wide Grip Chin-ups

The biggest problem people face when it comes to wide grip chin-ups is that they are hard for the majority of people.

Out of all the different variations of the chin-up, the wide grip is by far the most difficult.

It is because when you perform the wide grip chin-up, you are really primarily using the back muscles in an awkward position and most find that their bodyweight proves to be too heavy. But as you use a narrower grip or even switch to underhand, you are using more muscles to pull your body up by including your biceps and back and other supporting muscles thereby allowing you to complete an increased amount of reps.

If a person tries to improve the number of wide grip chin-ups they can perform week after week by simply trying to 'do more', they might resort to using momentum or doing partial reps and end up believing that they can do more than they actually are able to.

This is called false belief. You are changing the variables that should remain consistent and by doing so, you are automatically discrediting the outcome. It's as if you were trying to beat your 100M sprint time and each week you started to spring from a starting point closer to the finish line. Yes your time will increase, but only because you cheated to get there.

Don't worry though, I have devised a 4 week plan that you can use to see improvements in your wide grip chin-up count without having to trick or cheat yourself.



The 4 Week Wide Grip Chin-Up Improvement Solution Plan:

Make sure you 'test' yourself by performing as many wide grip chin-ups as you can the week before starting the 4 week plan. Do this at the beginning of your normal back workout and after of course having warmed up. Just bust out as many as you can with proper form and tempo. Then record that number and keep it in a safe place you will be able to find at the end of the program to make sure you increase your overall count.

"The Test"


Set 1


Set 2


Set 3


Wide Grip Chin-ups



60 sec


60 sec


60 sec

*Perform as many reps as you can

Week 1:

You are going to continue training with the same program you are currently using but you will simply incorporate this specialized training at the beginning of each 'Back' day. You may need to adjust your total training volume since you are adding more in with this specialized plan.

In each week, you will aim to progressively increase your repetitions over each chin-up variation. Since people who struggle with wide grip chin-ups can still perform narrower grip chin-ups even after completed their wide chin-ups, we will further fatigue the back by including a drop-set type of training combined with a rest pause method.

Here is the exercise plan for this technique:

Week 1


Set 1


Set 2


Set 3


Wide Grip Chin-Ups



10 sec


10 sec


60 sec

Medium Grip Chin-Ups



10 sec


10 sec


60 sec

Underhand Close Grip Chin-Ups



10 sec


10 sec


60 sec

*The asterisks under target suggest you perform as many as possible to fatigue. Remember to keep good form and proper tempo.

Week 1 Explanation: You will start by performing as many wide grip chin-ups as you are able to do. Then you would let go of the bar, rest for 10 seconds, then start again but this time using a medium or shoulder width grip and perform as many of those as possible. Once you fatigue and cannot do any more, then let go, rest 10 seconds and then try and complete some underhand close grip chin-ups.

Once you are done your first drop-set of chin-ups, take a 1 minute rest before starting again.
Don't get too worried about how many you actually complete. Just make sure you record the numbers so we have a reference point for the following weeks.

Week 2:

Week 2 you are going to aim to complete at least 1 additional wide grip chin-up in your progression during the work set. So for example, if you completed 15 wide grip chin-ups in your first set in week 1, you would aim to complete 16 this time around. But if for some reason, you are not able to beat that number, and then we are going to use the 10 second rest pause method and continue with the wide grip chin-ups until you do beat your week 1 number.

Are you still with me?

The other thing to note is that since we are only trying to improve on the wide grip chin-ups, we will be reducing the target reps for the other chin-up variations. Let me give you another example:

  • Week 1: Set 1 – Wide Grip: 15, Medium Grip: 10, Close Grip: 5
  • Week 2: Set 1 – Wide Grip: 17, Medium Grip: aim for 10, Close Grip: aim for 5

I want you to 'aim' to match, not beat, the number of reps on the other two variations (medium and close) and focus only on increasing your wide grips in each set. Do not try and surpass your rep count for the close grip and medium grip. You can match the reps from the previous week, but you want to save your energy to try and increase on your next wide grip set.

Here is the exercise plan for this technique:

Week 2


Set 1


Set 2


Set 3


Wide Grip Chin-Ups



10 sec


10 sec


60 sec

Medium Grip Chin-Ups



10 sec


10 sec


60 sec

Underhand Close Grip Chin-Ups



10 sec


10 sec


60 sec

*The asterisks under target for wide grip chin-ups suggest that you try and beat your week 1 rep count by 1 additional rep at least. Use the 10 second rest pause method if you fall short of your goal. Be sure to beat the wide grip rep count before resting again for 10 seconds then moving on to the medium and close grip chin-ups.

*match* means aim to match, but not beat, your week 1 rep count. If you fall short, that is ok. Do not attempt the rest-pause to match week 1. Remember, you are increasing on wide grip chin-ups which will more than likely decrease the other exercise repetitions.

Week 3:

Week 3 you will do the same as week 2 where you will aim to beat your last rep count on each wide grip chin-up set only this time you will aim to beat your rep count from week 2.

Use the same rest-pause method in week 3 as discussed in week 2 to beat your previous week's personal best.

The only difference this time is that you will use a time under tension extension technique on the final set of your wide grip chin-up exercise.

Here is the exercise plan for this technique:

Week 3


Set 1


Set 2


*Set 3


Wide Grip Chin-Ups



10 sec


10 sec


60 sec

Medium Grip Chin-Ups



10 sec


10 sec


60 sec

Underhand Close Grip Chin-Ups



10 sec


10 sec


60 sec

*The asterisks under target for wide grip chin-ups suggest that you try and beat your week 2 rep count by 1 additional rep at least.

Use the 10 second rest pause method if you fall short of your goal. Be sure to beat the wide grip rep count before resting again for 10 seconds then moving on to the medium and close grip chin-ups.

*Set 3: On set 3 of your wide grip chin-ups, I want you once again beat your week 2 total reps by 1 using the rest pause method, but once you beat that count, during the final eccentric action (lowering your body back down), you are going to use a tempo count of 5 which basically means you will take about 5 seconds to lower yourself to the starting point again. This will place a new stress stimulus on your back muscles and force them to adapt
*match* means aim to match, but not beat, your week 1 rep count.

If you fall short, that is ok. Do not attempt the rest-pause to match week 1. Remember, you are increasing on wide grip chin-ups which will more than likely decrease the other exercise repetitions.



Week 4:

Week 4 you will be once again progressing on your wide grip-chin-ups but by now, you will more than likely be starting to reach your maximum and progressions will become more difficult.

Therefore, we are going to introduce a de-loading technique for the medium and underhand grip chin-ups.

By de-loading on those specific sets, you will insure you have more energy to progress on the wide grip chin-up sets.

De-loading is pretty simple.

Basically, whatever your average was during the past three weeks for your medium and close grip chin-ups, I want you to decrease the number of total reps by 2-3 for those particular exercises.

Basically, you do not want to go to failure on those two exercises. We want to conserve energy for the primary exercise (wide grip).
This will allow you to beat your personal best rep count from week 3 on all you wide grip chin-up sets.

Week 4


Set 1


Set 2


Set 3


Wide Grip Chin-Ups



10 sec


10 sec


60 sec

Medium Grip Chin-Ups



10 sec


10 sec


60 sec

Underhand Close Grip Chin-Ups



10 sec


10 sec


60 sec

*The asterisks under target for wide grip chin-ups suggest that you try and beat your week 3  rep count by 1 additional rep at least.

Use the 10 second rest pause method if you fall short of your goal. Be sure to beat the wide grip rep count before resting again for 10 seconds then moving on to the medium and close grip chin-ups.

*de-load* means you are not going to go to failure on these sets. Instead you will purposefully stop short of your average rep count from previous weeks by about 2-3. This will be personal to each individual and the number can vary.

Week 5:
Its time! Week 5 is your test week. All your hard work will soon be rewarded with additional reps being magically added you your personal best records from week 1.

Essentially, you are going to test yourself again just as you did in week 1. Make sure all the factors are the same such as completing the test on the same day, same time of day, beginning of workout and after properly warming up.

Because of the previous 4 weeks of specialized training, your back muscles have made adaptations that it did not posses before and it will now be able to handle more total wide grip chin-ups.

So what are you waiting for? Go test it out. You should be able to see an increase of about 4-5 reps on each set.

"The Test"


Set 1


Set 2


Set 3


Week 1 records



60 sec


60 sec


60 sec

Wide Grip Chinups



60 sec


60 sec


60 sec

*Perform as many reps as you can

Here for you,





Postpartum Depression: Try medicinal cures only as a last resort

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 12:24 AM PST

It is normal for new mothers to feel overwhelmed by the amount of work they have to get done in a day. Looking after the baby is a full-time job. Add to that household duties, commitment to relationships, looking after the self, managing your aspirations, etc. and anyone could get frustrated. However, postpartum depression is a medical condition brought on by the hormonal changes that accompany childbirth.

Postpartum depression is also referred to as 'baby blues'. It includes feelings of acute depression, irritation, dullness, anger and even thoughts about suicide. New mothers suffering from postpartum depression might also feel a complete lethargy and disinterest in the baby as well. These symptoms are accompanied by disturbances in sleep and diet patterns.

Postpartum depression usually begins within a week of childbirth. It could last for several days, months or – in extreme cases – several years. It could develop into depression psychosis if left untreated.

Most doctors go for medicinal cures. Doctors would tell you that they can suggest muscle-relaxants, anti-depressants, hormonal therapy and sessions with a psychiatrist. But do you have the time, energy and finances for all these medicinal cures? Actually, taking these drugs could do more harm to you and your baby. As a breastfeeding mother you should steer clear of all kinds of drugs as much as possible.

The answer lies in holistic remedies instead of medicinal cures. You can outgrow your postpartum depression in a completely safe and natural way with herbal formulations combined with proper diet and exercise routines. Holistic cures could also include herbs, vitamins and food supplements to handle your problems.

Some common items suggested for postpartum depression include St. John's Wort, Omega-3 fatty acids, Folic Acid, vitamin supplements, etc. New mothers are advised to cut down on sweets, coffee and alcohol. All these things might give a temporary high but you would relapse into depression once the effect wears off. It is always beneficial for new mothers to explore holistic remedies rather than medicinal cures.

Some women tend to have a greater tendency towards depression because of family history of depression, relationship problems, lack of family support particularly from the spouse, financial problems, etc. In such cases drugs might be prescribed because no other alternative would work. But drugs should be taken only as a last resort. Usually postpartum depression is mild but if untreated it could develop into psychosis and a medical emergency.

Several doctors recommend psychiatric therapy sessions whether the patient is trying a holistic cure or drug-based one. Usually, you might not need these sessions if you manage to get family support. Tell yourself that reaching out to family members and friends just to have light conversations is quite okay. You're already stressed out with the physical and mental responsibility of new motherhood and guilt is the last thing you owe to yourself. Do not hesitate to ask your spouse and other family members for help and emotional support. Some men too suffer from postpartum depression though their number is very less. In such cases also, holistic cures are the best as compared to medicinal cures.





Positive Fat Loss

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 12:22 AM PST

When most people think about their fat loss efforts, they tend to focus on the negative. And it's pretty easy to do that.

You know, they worry that they didn't lose more than a pound this week. Or they focus on the meals where they slipped up. Or they stress about the holiday dinners that put them off track. All this stress and negative thinking can hurt your fat loss program.

You just can't focus on the negative if you are going to get positive results out of your Turbulence Training lifestyle.

You need to stay focused on doing things right the best that you can...and don't stress about the mistakes that you make.

This is very important over the holidays, where you could easily lose yourself in a downward spiral of negativity and situations that are not conducive to fat loss.

Focus on the meals that you can control, and the workouts that you can make.

Think about the progress you can make over the holidays, not the average holiday fat gain suffered by most people living the Western Lifestyle.

So even if you have 3 bad meals in a week, you still have almost 40 meals that you can control this week. Stick to lean proteins, fiber-rich fruits and vegetables, appetite-controlling almonds, health promoting fish oils, and healthy beverages like Green Tea and water.

Now I'd like to say that a TT workout will allow you to eat everything you want but I can' have to do your best to avoid junk. And don't feel guilty for tossing junk food - that's better than leaving it lying around and stressing about giving in to it.

If you get some holiday one, if you want, and then give the rest away or trash them.

Don't turn your body into a trash compactor because of holiday guilt.

And remember, short workouts, when done consistently, can still have an amazing muscle-building, fat-loss power.

With Turbulence Training, I'll show you how to use only a couple of exercises, done at a high-intensity to train your entire upper body. And the short interval workouts and bodyweight circuits will increase your energy, boost metabolism and keep you fit and healthy during this stressful time of year.

So stay positive...and realize that you don't have to start from square 1 each time you make a mistake. Stay committed to your long term goals and you'll have your beach body ready earlier this year.

We're going to make it your best year ever in the gym.







Can You Trust Any Hair Regrowth Plans?

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 12:22 AM PST

Newcomers to the Internet are initially overwhelmed at the cornucopia of wonderful opportunities that seem to be offered to them on every hand. Miraculous cures, the chance to make tens of thousands of dollars every day with twenty-two seconds of work, free computers and free refrigerators, and countless other amazing deals seem to beckon from every side.

After attempting to take advantage of several of these offers, and ending up with subscriptions to three different magazines and a bill for an expensive commemorative plate that they did not order (besides not getting the free car, million dollar annual income, or permanent cure for acne that they wanted), most people come to recognize these offers for what they are: dodges at best, and lies, ripoffs, and scams at worst. Unfortunately, the protective armor of Internet cynicism that we soon develop often blinds us to the real opportunities that come along as well.

The Hair Loss Blueprint is a hair restoration plan that you might dismiss as yet another of the tens of thousands of overpriced hair regrowth scams that separate you from your money while leaving your scalp as innocent of hair as when you began. The Blueprint, on the other hand, is genuine – a low cost, high effect technique that uses readily available items to coax a fresh growth of hair from your pate.

The Hair Loss Blueprint doesn't rely on an endless stream of bottles, creams, or procedures to return "foliage" to your head. In fact, the author isn't selling anything except the Blueprint itself. After finding out, largely by accident, that a few grocery items mixed into a concoction, and a regular program of scalp massages, will regrow your hair far more effectively than the dangerous cures most restoration plans provide, the Blueprint's author decided to go public with his information in the name of restoring hair and self-image worldwide with his sensational discovery.

You will tackle life with new zest and greet each day with fresh confidence after the Hair Loss Blueprint has helped you regain the hair that you have been missing for so long. This opportunity may not last long – especially at the remarkable one-time price of $37 – so get your copy today and discover how genuine and beneficial the Blueprint really is!





Pooch Belly Syndrome Why Your Belly Bulges And What To Do About It

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 12:21 AM PST

QUESTION: Dear David, I am 1.57m, 53kgs, Asian, 45 years old, 2 kids both Caesarian (and I am wondering if this has anything to do with my abdominal problem). My diet is fairly healthy, but I am not that strict because I love food, both healthy and sinful. I don't binge and have a pretty good control over my cravings. I stir fry and eat a lot of veggies, rice, meat, fish, an enormous amount of fruit, not a lot of bread but when I do it's whole grain. Not a lot of junk food either because I hate greasy food - maybe twice a year if at all.

My food consumption is well within my daily quota of 2,200 calories per day, if not less. I hate breakfast, so I drink one serving of whey protein, a cappuccino and one banana.

For my workouts, I run, use an elliptical trainer because of my knees. Sometimes I run sprints to get some aggression out of my system. My cardio ranges from 40 to 60 minutes, burning an average of 500 cals if I can believe the digital output, and I do an average of 3 hours cardio per week.

Then I do various strength training, mostly upper and mid body since I do a lot of running. I alternate so that I spend about 1.5 hours in the gym depending on the rest intervals. In conclusion, I think I have a sufficient deficit of 1500 calories per week at least.

The big question is: Why on earth can't I seem to lose that bit of roll on my tummy or get my stomach looking flat? I am highly motivated. I like what I am doing and often come home feeling better than when I left.

Should I resign myself to the fact that two caesarian childbirths make it impossible to get a nice flat (not even thinking of ripped) abdomen again?


I read through your e-mail, and noticed quite a few potential issues that might be contributing to your frustration with your abdominal area. If you address these issues properly, you may be pleasantly surprised with the change in your body fat level and especially the muscle development in your waistline.

I thought that these were such important issues, that I am going to answer question in detail for the benefit of all our readers.

Obviously, two C-sections does not help and can make things more challenging. One question I have is how much time was there between childbirths? If it was less than two years, the physical structures which contributed to childbirth may not have been repaired completely before they were asked to do it again.

After pregnancy, the body needs to normalize and it takes 9 months or more to get back into physiological balance. This balance is not just hormonally-related but also related to body weight, proper posture and normal muscle tension. If all of these things are not in balance, you will tend to have inflammation that inhibits the inner (muscular) unit and you will have a higher incidence of abdominal wall and inner unit dysfunction.

When you have a C-section, the abdominal wall is cut and the muscles are sewn back together. This creates scarring through all levels of your abdominal wall. This scarring contributes to the muscle's inability to glide over the top of each other during muscle contraction. The net result is weakness and that contributes to the lack of stabilization.

This also could happen to the muscles of the pelvic floor after childbirth. When your inner unit and abdominal wall become dysfunctional, then your outer unit muscles which are used for movement (such as your gluteus maximus), become overused and will try to stabilize your pelvis and lower back. Also, when the pelvic floor is inhibited, the Transverse abdominis muscle (TVA) is lengthened and lordosis (lower back curve) begins to increase. This creates a short Psoas muscle and this can and does inhibit the gluteus muscles.

If this sounds complicated, let me simplify everything I just mentioned by saying that an exercise program needs to balance muscles that may have become unbalanced. One way to do that is to include a lot of body movement on unstable surfaces such as a swiss ball. Another way is with special exercises for the inner unit.

Although this may seem like complicated or boring details to you, if you really want that flat and lean lower abdominal area and you can bear with me through some anatomy and physiology, I promise it will be worth the effort.

To get a stomach area that is flat, strong, stable and hard as a rock, you really need to understand what these "inner unit" muscles are all about.

The inner unit is a group of deep muscles that provide the necessary joint stabilization for the spine. If the inner unit doesn't activate your spine properly, your spine, pelvis and joint structures are placed under a lot of stress and this can lead to orthopedic injuries (and other dysfunctions like your lower abs "pooching" out, regardless of body fat levels).



The inner unit consists of the transverse abdominis, multifidus, the pelvic floor and the diaphragm. Research has shown that the inner unit muscles operate on a different neurological loop than other core muscles.

The Transverse abdominis (TVA) is the deepest, innermost layer of all abdominal muscles. Think of the TVA muscle as your body's natural weight- lifting belt. When the TVA contracts, it causes hoop tension around your mid section like a girdle or corset. If the TVA muscle does not tighten up and work properly, acting as a girdle around your waist to stabilize your spine and pelvis, you are at much higher risk of injury (or dysfunction as in a protruding abdominal wall).

For example: you bend over to pick up the laundry basket and your TVA does not activate properly. The stress to the spine that follows eventually leads to overload of the segmental (one-joint) stabilizers and POW! You back low back goes out and you're in pain.

This happens because the segments of your spine tighten down but the gross stabilizer (the TVA) does not, leaving the spinal segments to work on their own. They cannot provide enough muscular strength at the segmental level to withstand such a movement. Now can you imagine lifting weights, a full suitcase off a conveyor belt or reaching overhead to pull down a heavy box of books?

When the TVA does not work properly, the joints will begin early degeneration leading to many other types of orthopedic problems as well.

To activate the TVA, draw your belly button up and in towards your spine. This activation should be done before any bending over or reaching overhead, especially with heavy loads. A little trick is to get a string and tie it around your waste at the bellybutton level. Draw your abdomen up and in toward your spine as far you can, then let it out about three-quarters of the way and tie the string at that point. It should be tight but really not noticeable. If your TVA relaxes and extends your abdominal wall, the string will tighten up and you will immediately get feedback.

The next inner unit muscle you have to consider is the multifidus. This muscle lies deep in the spine spanning three joint segments. The multifidus provides joint stabilization at each segmental level. Each vertebra needs stiffness and stability to work effectively to reduce degeneration of joint structures.

The third set of inner unit muscles are the pelvic floor muscles. It's important for the pelvic floor and the inner unit to work properly. In many cases, due to operations such as hernias, hysterectomies and C-section childbirth, the inner unit muscles have been cut, reducing communication to these muscles. By doing some very simple, but very important exercises, you can re-establish communication between the nervous system and the muscles, tighten and tone the muscles, and prevent or reduce incontinence, leakage and pelvic dysfunction.

You mentioned that you were doing "mid body exercises," however, if you're not specifically working each of these three inner unit muscles, plus the diaphragm, your lower abdominal area will not achieve the strength or muscular look that you're after. You might be surprised to see that the primary exercises used to improve inner unit muscle activation are NOT the usual abdominal exercises you see in the magazines like crunches and sit ups. My Firm And Flatten Your Abs ebook is based on strengthening and developing not just the outer unit "six pack" muscles, but also these important inner unit muscles.

Let me share a few of these inner unit exercises with you:

- Four point transverse abdominis tuck - Horse stance series - Heel slides - Pelvic Tilt

In your situation, where you're eating well, you're training and you're highly motivated, another condition could be a contributing factor in your abdominal area not looking like you want it to: It's called visceroptosis.

Visceroptosis is a condition in which the internal organs have been compressed and displaced by poor posture and the enlarging womb from pregnancy, and this has a direct effect on inner unit dysfunction.



The displacement of internal organs can stretch the attachments which hold the stomach, liver, and kidneys in their proper place in the upper abdomen. As a result, they are left suspended in a lower position. This produces a tendency for the inhibition of the inner unit. It also influences other structures such as blocking or squeezing of tubular structures, ducts, blood vessels, and nerves. This can lead to all kinds of problems such as indigestion, kidney problems and constipation.

The long and short of all this is that your insides have to be in shape for your outside to be in shape and that requires exercises that most people are not doing.

You could also look into other aspects of your workout schedule, especially your cardio training. At up to 60 minutes per session, you might be doing more cardio than you need. When cardio is overdone, muscle imbalances or injuries such as knee problems can occur. I would suggest alternating days of resistance and cardio exercise. It looks like you are doing some alternating, but you shouldn't consider running as a replacement for lower body strength exercise.

Keep in mind, your body can adapt very quickly to an exercise program as you get in better and better condition. When I was training Greg Haugen, the 4 X world champion boxer, I would have to adjust his exercise regimen every 21 days. If I didn't, he would adapt and stop making progress.

It's especially easy for your body to adapt to aerobics. When you do too much aerobic exercise, your body becomes more energetically efficient. As you run on the treadmill, it says you burned X amount of calories, but you're really expending less energy at a given workload because you're in better condition than you used to be.

So the question is, what is the alternative? One solution is to begin alternating some of your conventional steady state cardio with higher intensity interval training. Interval training is very challenging but very effective, not to mention time efficient and it's a good way to break a plateau if your body has adapted to conventional long duration, steady state cardio.

For example: run hard for one minute, reduce speed for two minutes, run hard for one minute, reduce speed two minutes, and so on. A great interval program I learned from Ori Hofmekler, author of the Warrior Diet is as follows:

Start jogging on the treadmill at the 7th level for one minute, increase it to the 8th level for one minute, increase again to the 9th level for one minute, place it to the 10th level for one minute, reduce it back to the 9th level for one minute, reduce it again today to the 8th level for one minute again, reduce it to the 7th level for another minute. Go up the pyramid and down the pyramid for 10 to 12 minutes. This burns a lot of body fat and stimulates metabolism.

After your interval program, then go on to do your regular resistance training for the entire body or do a simple circuit weight training program, depending on your goals and amount of time you have. Resistance training builds muscle and more muscle means you burn more calories and more body fat. Resistance training also elevates your metabolism for many hours after a training session.

Your diet may also be contributing to your abdominal frustration. Your diet seems very clean, but if you have food intolerance to certain foods it will tend to bloat your lower intestines and contribute to the "pooch belly" syndrome. When gluten is one very common intolerance and tends to interfere with good digestion thus causing inflammation and bloating.

When someone has food sensitivities, it's important not to eat foods from the same source until your immune system has had time to deal with the problem food. This keeps it from being overburdened and leads to a nicer looking body. Try rotating your foods. Do not eat the same foods within a given 72 hour period.

The simplest test for food intolerance is to eat your normal diet and ask yourself two hours after a meal, how do you feel. If you feel sluggish, mentally-clouded and lethargic, then the last foods you consumed may not match your body type. Each individual has a specific body type and metabolic type. As we have always heard, one woman's fruit is another woman's poison.

Also on the subject of diet, you mentioned you figure you have a 1500 calorie per week deficit. Over seven days that's only a 214 calorie per day or just under 10% deficit. If you have a 2200 calorie per day maintenance level that would put you at 1986 calories per day. Although its not a good idea to cut calories too low, fat loss does boil down to calories in versus calories out and you might need to reduce your calories further. I'd recommend you journal your food intake to be sure or your caloric intake and then test the results of another 200-250 calorie per day decrease.

Last but not least: What is your stress level like? When your body is constantly stressed, losing body fat is extremely difficult. By reducing your stress level with such things as yoga, tai chi, and qi gong, you will dramatically improve your mental and physical wellness. Make sure that you're getting a good amount of sleep, drink plenty of water, and eat as organic as possible

Wow. I think this was the longest Q & A column I have ever written, but your question raised so many important issues and I know that so many people with similar situations will be reading this that I wanted to be thorough and cover as many bases as possible.

You now have a lot of ideas and suggestions to work with and some new exercises to incorporate into your abdominal/core routine. Still, having a flat, strong, functional and lean abdominal area is such a huge subject that it can't be tackled in one column. If you want more information including many more exercises that work both the outer "six pack" muscles as well as the important, deep "inner unit" core muscles, then take a look at my e-book, Firm And Flatten Your abs





Politically Incorrect Holiday Fat Loss Tips

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 12:20 AM PST

I was at a big event last week and was reminded how
important it is to have strategies for this season of high-calorie
parties and busy schedules. But I get ticked off by the tired old
suggestions you find on the Internet or in magazines like Woman's World.

Often the suggestions are lack any substance, because the writers don't want to imply you actually have to make a sacrifice to succeed. They make fat loss sound easy, as if all you had to do was park at the far end of the parking lot and you'd burn all the
calories from 5 shortbread cookies.

Well it doesn't work that way...So here are my politically
incorrect, unique Turbulence Training strategies to help you keep off the holiday pounds.

By the way, I "borrowed" a few ideas from contestants in my
Turbulence Training Transformation Contest. The Transformation is rocking with social support and success stories right now, even while the rest of the world struggles with weight gain, these TT users are losing fat over the holidays.

Click here to get started with Turbulence Training for Fat Loss:

Strategy #1 - Green Tea & Almonds

One of the most common tips you'll hear is to "fill up" before you
go to a party where there will be lots of goodies.

Unfortunately, most people I talk to have no luck with this tip.
Most people still go to a party and eat everything in sight.

But recently TT users have told me that having a cup of Green Tea and one ounce of almonds has helped them avoid holiday cravings better than anything ever before.

The fiber from the almonds reduces appetite while the small amount of caffeine from the Green Tea seems to increase mental alertness and keep you "energized" at the party.

Hopefully that might work for you...

Strategy #2 - Don't waste your time on any fancy cardio programs

Listen, the bottom line over the holiday season is that your success depends almost entirely on your nutrition.

You can't expect to hit the cardio confessional and burn off last
night's 2000 calorie smorgasboard. That's a 4-hour workout. Instead, don't get into that situation in the first place.

Here are more nutrition tips:

- Focus on portion control (and if you have no discipline, forget
even trying to eat just one)
- Nix all drinks mixed with calorie-containing beverages, or better yet, just stop getting drunk. Period.
- Write down everything you eat to identify your problem spots. Then do whatever you need to do to eliminate your weaknesses. If you don't record your nutrition, chances are you'll miss big
opportunities to change your diet and lose fat.

Strategy #3 - Take care of yourself first.

My friend Holly Rigsby (of is always reminding busy moms to take care of themselves first, and I think that suggestion applies at this time of year to everyone.

So take a deep breath. Ask yourself as you're running around to
please everyone else, "Have you set aside time for yourself"

Be selfish. Make sure you have had some exercise time, some good nutrition, and some rest before overextending yourself and doing too much for other people when you haven't taken care of yourself and your goals first.

Strategy #4 - Get on a roll

This one comes from a TT Transformation contestant who is too busy losing fat to get off track over the holidays.

Don't procrastinate till January 1st. Get started now. Dozens of
men and women are doing their Turbulence Training Transformations right now - through the heart of the holiday season.

They aren't waiting for Jan. 1st to show up. They are taking
control now, and getting on a roll, and not letting anything (from
work parties to peer pressure) get in their way.

Strategy #5 - Exercise in short bursts whenever you can

Don't be afraid to dance at your Christmas party. Don't worry, there is bound to be at least one worse dancer than you out on the floor. Have fun and get down!

On a more serious note, here's how to avoid falling off the fitness
program during the busy holiday season.

Get your butt out of bed 15 minutes early so you can have 3 minutes to wake up and 12 minutes to do the December 2007 Turbulence Training 12-Minute Workouts.

Get this workout as part of your bonuses when you start using
Turbulence Training today:

Stay healthy and fit over the holidays,





The Perfect Workout For Busy Gyms

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 12:20 AM PST

Imagine you're about to workout and suddenly notice it requires two different dumbbell weights or two different machines, used back to back without rest (a superset).

Now this sometimes isn't a problem, but usually the gym is busy, making it virtually impossible to quickly get through the workout as it was intended. UGHH!

So what are you supposed to do?

Well, you could…

  1. Stockpile dumbbells around your bench - this will surely anger others around you.  Plus, with the gym so busy to begin with, you probably wouldn't be able to grab more than one set of dumbbells anyways.
  2. Ask someone if you can work-in with them on a machine, or borrow their dumbbells. Since you'll now be accommodating someone else's workout, you'll inevitably have more rest time, and ultimately lengthen your own workout.   

Now while these suggestions can work, they're NOT recommended for those who want maximum results in minimum time.

And so that's precisely why I designed Turbulence Training 2K6.

With this workout at your disposal, you should be able to use the same dumbbell weight for pairs of exercises in a superset, or you'll find that I've combined a dumbbell exercise with a bodyweight exercise.  So you'll no longer need to change your weight or get new equipment for the second exercise.

Plus, if you want either a little variation from the traditional interval training workouts or just simply an off-day workout, then you'll love the "Total Body Ten" bodyweight workout that I've also included in the program.

I'm pretty sure neither of the two scenarios listed above sounded very appealing, especially if it's results you're after.  And when all is said and done, TT 2K6 is a great way to help you overcome busy gyms. In fact, you'll be flying through these workouts so fast that you probably won't even know how packed the gym is! 





The Only Personality Type That Can Achieve Muscle-Building Success

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 12:19 AM PST

There are 3 types of people in this world…

1) The ones who say they're going to accomplish something yet they never even attempt it.

They talk the talk and never walk the walk. They spend their lives making excuses for their problems and never actually getting off of their asses to do something about it.

They will waste their years wishing but never having. They will resent and criticize those who succeed because they know that they will never succeed themselves.

They lack willpower and discipline. They are doomed to a life of mediocrity but will never accept responsibility for this.

2) The ones who say they're going to accomplish something, attempt it, and quit soon thereafter.

They talk the talk, begin to walk the walk, but fall down in exhaustion, never reaching their goals or enjoying the fruits of their labour on any kind of long term basis.

They lack patience. They lack perseverance. They too will never stand among the elite and will struggle time and time again but continually fall short.

They deserve some credit for their attempts at success, but simply do not possess the tools needed to follow through.

3) The ones who say they're going to accomplish something, form a blueprint for how they will get there, and then, quite simply, they get there.

They make firm decisions that contain no hints of "maybe" or "try". They understand that there are 2 possible outcomes in any decision: success or failure. They crave success, and they will do anything they have to do to achieve it.

When they make a decision to accomplish something, they already know that they will succeed. They don't question their ability to achieve a goal, they only question the time that it will take to get there.

They understand that within their minds lies all of the tools necessary to accomplish anything in the external world. They have faith in their talents and beliefs and truly feel that they can accomplish anything they want.

They make no excuses. They understand that they are in complete and total control of their destiny, and that every man and woman is responsible for their own lives.

They are ready and willing to battle through setbacks, physical and mental pain, discomfort and exhaustion. They know that anything worth having does not come easy, and that no man or woman ever achieved anything great without a struggle.

They are willing to struggle to be great.

They never fail in the long run. They only experience momentary setbacks and bumps in the road. When a setback or bump in the road presents itself, they form a plan for how they will get past it.

They don't stop, stare and question whether to quit or keep going. Quitting is not an option in their minds, and they thrive on the battle and understand that setbacks and mistakes serve no other purpose than to make their inevitable victory that much sweeter.

They see the big picture.

And when the smoke clears and dust settles, they stand among the elite. They soak up the satisfaction of their victories and look back on their accomplishments with a feeling of pride and fulfillment. They gain the respect and envy of others and know that they deserve it.

Which category do you fall under?

True bodybuilding success is only reserved for category 3.

It is an ongoing battle that does not lend itself to those who seek instant gratification. It will not be had by those who are unwilling to dedicate themselves to a goal and work hard to achieve it.

If you have any doubts about your ability to succeed, eliminate them.

Dissolve your questioning, your fears and your wondering.

Make firm decisions for what you want to achieve, create a map for how to get there, and then… quite simply, get there.

Only when your decisions contain questions of "when can I reach this goal" rather than "will I reach this goal" will you ever truly succeed both in bodybuilding and in life.

I can't make the decision for you, I can only teach you how to get there. Your choice comes from within, and not a single person in this world can make those choices but you.

Take the leap of faith.

If you've got the will, I've got the way.

 for step-by-step details on how you can put your energy and willpower to work and finally develop that head-turning dream body you deserve. You can gain instant access to my renowned "Muscle Gain Truth No-Fail System" as well as sign up for my free 8-part muscle building email course.





Pitfalls To Avoid When Starting Your Affiliate Marketing Business

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 12:19 AM PST

Well, you have left that awful job and now are working for yourself. You have jumped on board your new venture which is affiliate marketing. You're incredibly excited and are working all the hours God sends to make this venture a success. You checking up and monitoring your site and you see that sales are going quite well. Many of the strategies and things that you put in place have helped your affiliate company sell quite a bit. The end of the month finally arrives and you're waiting for that first large payment. When you check your account you are slightly disappointed. You did make some money but according to your calculations you should have had more. You check your sales figures again and decide to contact the company. They inform you that some of the items sold were returned so those had to be deducted from your commission.

This is disappointing but it does happen. Companies do not pay out commission on returned goods. You need to be aware of this to avoid fall into further pitfalls. No one would expect to be paid a commission on a returned item however; some less than honest affiliate marketing companies can use this to scam some of your profits. You need to make sure you understand their return policy and how it will affect the amount that you are paid.

A return occurs of course when a customer brings an item back. Charge backs can also happen when they dispute an amount on a credit card. Be sure you keep a close watch on which items are being chargeback or returned. See if there are any patterns that are obvious. If you notice that the orders that are charged back are always very high ticket orders then they could be giving you false information. They are doing this to keep you commission down and keep some for themselves. Keep a close eye on returns especially if you think it is happening a little too often.

Charge backs are also indicative of another more serious problem. If you notice that many of these charge backs are happening during an initial trial period, or the money back guarantee time, then there could be further problems. This is a sign that the product or service that you are promoting isn't up to customer satisfaction. It could be misleading or just poor quality. However, it will effect your commission and your future as an affiliate marketer. If this seems like it is happening a little too often then again, there are problems somewhere in the company. Look to get out and make alternative arrangements.

You also need to be aware of which items are actually commissionable. Make sure you understand which products you will be earning money from to avoid disappointment later. Sometimes the company will offer a selection of products to put on your site, however only certain items may be commissionable. Before agreeing to anything like this checks your terms and conditions carefully.

Finally, you also need to make sure that items that are sold don't have any other conditions attached. Some will only pay a commission if the customer fills in the payment details immediately. If they select an item and continue to shop, you may not receive any commission on that item. You can also loose commission if the customer clicks on any other links before completing the order. If they order 30 of an item you promoting but click on something else then you have lost out on quite a large amount of commission.

Affiliate marketing is a great way to earn money. However, before jumping in head first you need to read your terms and conditions carefully. It may be worth having an attorney look them over for you. You need to be aware of the many pitfall people fall into when they go into affiliate marketing. Read and understand your terms to avoid disappointment later.





Politically Incorrect Fat Loss Works

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 12:18 AM PST

You know who is your worst enemy in the fight against fat?

Well-meaning fitness professionals that don't want to make you feel bad for being lazy and eating crap. That's who.

They write articles about how "diets are bad", how you can lift
soup cans and get fitness model arms, and how you should exercise in the nice and easy "fat burning zone" to get results. Basically, they give you what want to hear - plenty of excuses for avoiding hard exercise and strict nutrition (the real keys to fat loss).

But I don't. You'll get no such excuses from me.

Here's the real deal on fat loss. You have to work hard in your
workouts and even harder on your nutrition if you want results. Or you can take the politically-correct easy way out and have the same body in 3, 6, and even 12 months from now.

Love me or hate me, I promise you results. Let's take a look at why the PC-solutions don't work...

Q: I've been told to exercise in my "fat burning zone". What's the best cardio method for weight los.

Cardio is not the only solution.

Clearly it adds to the energy deficit and overall calorie balance
that favors fat loss.

BUT it's not the "be all & end all" of fat loss success - and that
is anecdotally supported by the number of overweight distance

I almost never recommend long, slow cardio...simply because no one I train or consult with has the time for this, and it doesn't work any better than shorter, less frequent, more intense interval training sessions.

Five or six days of 45-minute cardio sessions in my fat-burning
zone? Yeah right, like anyone has time for that.

If I told you that you could get the same results (or better, as
recent research suggests) in three 20-minute interval sessions
each week as you could from three or five 45-minute slower cardio sessions each week, which would you choose?

Yes, intervals feel about 10x's harder than regular, slow, boring
cardio. And yes, you won't be able to read your people magazine
when doing intervals. And you might breath a little heavy. So if
you're worried about sweating, than maybe fat loss isn't for you.

But if you don't mind going against the crowd, intervals are worth every second for the superior results.

Q: Should men and women train differently for fat loss?

Nope. Next question.

Seriously, the answer is no, but just to add to that, men and women don't have that many differences when it comes to fat loss, so they both do well with the Turbulence Training style workouts.

Now here's one reason why TT may actually work better for women than men...

More women tend to start Turbulence Training after having spent months or years using slow cardio and light (if any) weights. And selfishly, I could not be any happier - because when these dedicated women start using the shorter, more intense strength and interval sessions they make rapid progress and make me look like a genius.

The accolades come pouring in...I have dozens of testimonials from women thanking me for saving them TIME while helping them finally breakthrough stubborn fat loss plateaus (and eliminating the pain from their overuse injuries that occurred due to high volumes of cardio). Their words make me feel like a million bucks because the TT workouts are making these women feel like a million bucks.

That being said, I sometimes make small changes in TT workouts to adapt to a woman's pre-conceived notions about strength training. Some women are very hesitant to lift weights. But you and I know that is necessary for bodysculpting, fat loss, and health benefits such as building bones.

So what I do is sub a few (not all!) of the weight exercises out
and replace them with equal intensity bodyweight exercises. Some bodyweight exercises can be classified as traditional strength exercises (i.e. for a woman that can only do 5 full pushups, the pushup exercise is almost a max strength exercise). But women "mentally" deal with this type of strength training better than putting a dumbbell in their hands.

On the other hand, some bodyweight exercises provide more of an interval training effect (i.e. bodyweight squats). Either way,
bodyweight exercises can put turbulence (i.e. "stress") on the
muscle and boost metabolism and help female clients get the results they want and deserve.

Q: What differentiates Turbulence Training from other programs?

That's a tough question to answer, as there are other systems out there that give impressive results in an acceptable time frame.

I will say this however, I am extremely dedicated to Turbulence
Training and the entire "fat loss" cause.

One of the factors behind my dedication is that I find the general concept of fat loss to be so simple, and yet millions and millions of people around the world have an incredibly difficult time achieving their goals.

I want to give them every possible resource available to them to
help them succeed.

So I am constantly tinkering with new workouts, exercises, and
interval methods, and interviewing other trainers and nutritional experts for every single little fat burning advantage I can find. And that comes through in what I offer to the readers of my newsletters and clients that use my programs.

I said in a past newsletter that "Fat loss is easy, once you
realize how hard it is." You have to respect that it's not
something you put on "auto-pilot". Taking the stairs at work
instead of the elevator, parking 100 extra feet away from the door, and subbing 1% milk for 2% milk is not going to help you lose 13 pounds of fat in a year like the politically correct articles

You need a politically-incorrect plan to eat right 90% of the time
(i.e. saying "no" when an office-mate brings in doughnuts) and you have to have the best workout plan available to you if you want to get the most results in the least amount of time.

And then you still have to have a plan to help you stick to those
plans - and that should involve a social support group. There are
many tricks and tips to success, so you always have to keep
learning and trying to improve. And that's what I help with in my programs and newsletters.





Postpartum Depression – A Review

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 12:17 AM PST

Statistics show that postpartum depression affects one in every four new mothers. It occurs usually within a day or a week of giving birth. Postpartum depression is also called 'baby blues' and usually lasts for a few days after childbirth. However, in some cases it might last for several weeks. That's when it is a worrisome issue. Postpartum depression could last for several months and years if untreated. It could also turn into a medical emergency situation when it becomes depression psychosis.

What are the Symptoms of Postpartum Depression?

Mild symptoms include laziness, dullness, changes in diet and sleeping patterns along with a disinterest in the self or the baby. Mood swings, refusal to get out of bed, irritation, inability to focus or take decision are all part of symptoms of postpartum depression. Symptoms are similar to what women experience during normal hormonal changes. However, if untreated these symptoms could worsen leading to extreme thoughts about committing suicide or even hurting the baby. Several women suffering from postpartum depression say they had feelings of inadequacy about looking after the baby. This made them lose self esteem and they started to worry unnecessarily about even routine household issues. These symptoms also affect family relations and could have a psychological impact also. Experts say mostly postpartum depression goes untreated in primary care clinics. It is important that new mothers do not dismiss the symptoms but discuss them with their doctor.

What are the Screening Tests for Postpartum Depression?

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) does not list postpartum depression separately from other types of depression. However, it lists the 'Postpartum Onset' symptom details that are said to occur within four weeks of having given birth.

This most popular formal system of screening for postpartum depression is known as the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. This is used in widely in America, New Zealand, Australia and Europe. The Scale includes a questionnaire with a 10-item form. Women can score themselves on the questions and discuss the final score with their doctor. Australian experts say there is nothing to worry unless the score is 12.5 or more in which case it would require medical help. However, some doctors say the method is not fully effective in the diagnose of postpartum depression and results vary depending upon individual temperament and medical history.

What are the Treatments Available for Postpartum Depression?

Ironically, doctors treat postpartum depression like any other depression giving anti-depressants and muscle-relaxants. Some doctors also suggest some kind of hormonal treatment because hormonal changes cause postpartum depression. However, a holistic approach with a natural cure is the ideal solution for postpartum depression. Drugs like anti-depressants and muscle-relaxants are not recommended for breastfeeding mothers. Combining a proper diet and exercise routine with a natural cure is ideal for handling postpartum depression. There are no side effects with natural cures. If required, therapy with a psychiatric could also be taken. Family support is very important in helping women with postpartum depression. Women should discuss their depression with their spouse and other close family members. Some men too suffer from postpartum depression and they should also follow a similar treatment plan.





Postpartum depression – holistic cures are the best remedy

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 12:15 AM PST

Holistic cures work best for postpartum depression. Hormonal changes associated with motherhood are the triggers of postpartum depression that could ruin the joy of having a baby. Postpartum depression usually affects one in every four new mothers. The first symptoms of depression start within a week of childbirth. However, most women witness these 'baby blues' fade away within a few days or a week or so. But when the symptoms of depression last for several weeks or months then some treatment is required.

The problem is that regular medicinal cures could do you more harm than good. Your doctor would be able to prescribe you a combination of anti-depressants, muscle-relaxants and sleeping tablets. This is because medical science does not view postpartum depression as separate from other types of depression. You would understand how all these pills could have potential side-effects. Neither should you be taking these drugs if you are breastfeeding because the potential side-effects would pass on to the baby.

Statistics have also shown that women lapsed back into depression once these drugs were discontinued. Another question is would you have the time and money to spend on such drugs when you already have too much to handle. Looking after the baby and other household chores is quite a task requiring plenty of hard work. Doctors also suggest that you go for psychiatric treatment or therapy sessions.

On the other hand, hundreds of women who have tried natural and holistic cures say not only did they get out of their depression much faster but the symptoms did not recur once the treatment was complete. In most case of mild to moderate postpartum depression, holistic cures are the best solution. However, if postpartum depression is left untreated then it could develop into depression psychosis.

Doctors also suggest that new mothers might try hormonal therapy. Yet, the problem with hormonal therapy is again the risk of side-effects and there is no surety that you would achieve a complete cure of your postpartum depression.

Holistic cures come without any side-effects. You could also combine natural cures with homeopathy medicines which too, are free of side-effects. Homeopathy medicines work best when your doctor is accomplished in understanding your body and personality type.

Holistic cures come with another benefit. While taking drugs depends upon making you dull and subdued, holistic cures actually pep you up. Holistic cures give you additional energy and enthusiasm to handle your workload as a new mother because of the approach of combining natural supplements with the right kind of diet and exercise. A good nutritionist would be able to help you chalk out the right diet. In the long run you're actually improving your entire system and not just getting rid of your depression.

In either case – whether you go for medicines or holistic cures - reaching out to family, friends and your partner is the basis of a successful recovery from postpartum depression. You could still try therapy sessions with a psychiatrist without taking the other drugs.





How To Look Like A Female Fitness Model

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 12:15 AM PST

Do you pass by the magazine stands in the
store and envy the bodies of the cover models? More and more women today are
coveting this body type; strong and muscular while still being feminine. Gone
are the days where strong women are seen as too masculine and unattractive.
The female fitness body is here to stay.

Now, curves are back so long as they are created with muscle mass and have a softer appearance. Hot celebrities such as Jessica Biel and Jessica Alba are now gracing the covers showing off their new curves. What's more is that these women are garnering a great deal of male attraction - much more than their thinner counterparts such as Lindsay Lohan or Victoria Beckham.

Luckily, if you make some smart changes to your workout program you can get yourself on the road to looking like the next female fitness model, maybe even covermodel!

First things first. Pink Weights.

If you want to add sexy curves to your body, you need not be afraid of heavier weights. Don't worry, you are not going to bulk up and begin bearing resemblance to Vin Diesel, as women simply do not have the testosterone in their bodies to be able to do this. In fact, in a very good situation, assuming sound training and great nutrition, a woman would be lucky to put on about half a pound of muscle mass per month. Not quite as scary as you thought right? And that is assuming everything is done right… many will experience a slower rate yet.

The problem with pink weights is that for most of you, they aren't challenging! You'd be surprised at how strong you already are if you'd just push yourself that little extra bit. So next time you're in the gym, pick up a ten pound dumbbell or if you're really ambitious, go for fifteen. You'll start noticing your body changing more in the next few weeks than in the last few years you've spent slaying away on the stairmaster.

Weights have the power to completely transform your body. They will make you a smaller, yet curvier version of your body now.

Don't be alarmed at your scale weight though as upon weight training your body weight may go up. Relax however, because one pound of muscle takes up much less space on your body than one pound of bodyfat does, therefore you may weigh more, but you will look smaller.

Next comes cardio.

Women have this tendency to just gravitate towards the cardio section of the gym. Whether it is the best place to check out the men lifting or it feels safer to them, whatever the reason, they go there and stay there - for hours at a time.

This is something that has to change. Think about how many hours of your life you've spent on that treadmill, stairmaster or elliptical machine. Do you really look that much different because of it? I'm guessing probably not.

Not only that, but how many of you put in your hour while watching TV or reading your favourite magazine? This is probably a good indicator that you aren't quite working as hard as you could be.

The truth of the matter is that your body will quickly adapt to all that cardio training that you are doing. So while before you might have burned a hundred calories running a mile, now you are only burning 80. Unless you continually add more and more time to get the same calorie burn, it is going to stop being an effective fat loss tool. And when you're already doing six hours a week, who really wants to spend MORE time doing cardio?

The secret is changing the format of your cardio from that of a comfortable steady-state session to one that's composed of high intensity intervals that will really kick you out of your comfort zone - and blast away body fat as well.

This is by far a more productive form of cardio to be doing so rather than wasting another hour of your life not really getting anywhere, next time you're in the gym for cardio, do twenty minutes, alternating thirty seconds going as hard as you possibly can with a minute and a half at a much easier pace to recover. It will be hard - I warn you. Stick with it for one month however and you will be extremely happy you did.

Now. Bring on the carbs.

Have you grown a love-hate relationship with carbohydrates? You love the way they taste but don't like the number they're doing to your waist. Understandable - many women feel this way.

The key thing to remember with carbohydrates is that they are not necessarily 'evil', so long as the portion size you eat remains under control and you are timing them properly. To have carbohydrates working most effectively for you, it is critical that you time them before and after your workouts. This is when your muscles are going to need the energy and will rapidly soak them up!

So if you're craving a bagel, have at it, but enjoy it right after you've finished a hard lifting session, as described above.

Get rid of your fat phobia.

One critical thing that many women do not understand is that in order to lose fat, they must eat fat. Women in particular actually tend to do better on a higher fat diet than males do. This has to do with their hormonal make-up and the way their body functions and responds to various macronutrient levels.

How many times have you reached for the cookies on the shelves, solely because they were 'fat-free' so you thought they'd be a safe dieting food? This was a terrible mistake.

When you remove the fat out of products, often times manufacturers will begin to add in extra sugar to make up for the taste. Newsflash. Extra sugar sends insulin levels skyrocketing and guess what insulin is? The fat storage hormone. So, what you need to do is try and minimize the amount of insulin surges you create throughout the day, while staying within your total calorie budget. Do this and you will have your best defence against warding off both hunger and fat gain.

Now, guess which macronutrient has the least effect on insulin levels? That's right - dietary fat.

So do not be so scared of consuming fat in your diet. It will help you deal with hunger and help your food taste better. Ideally you should be aiming to get no less than 25-30% of your calories coming from a combination of healthy fats (fish oil is particularly important).

Work Those Glutes

Finally, the one body part that most women usually will say they want to improve upon is their glutes. That curvy, sexy backside appearance tops the list of many gymgoers and in order to achieve this you are going to have to be doing the right exercises.

Concentrate on adding heavy-weight lunges, one legged squats, hamstring curls and ass-to-the-ground squats into your program. These are your fast track to a great behind. You can do all the cardio you want to try and get it, but unfortunately, all that might do is make you a smaller version of your exact same self. If you want to change the way you look, then you need to change the way you train.

So next time you pass by one of those covermodels and start dreaming about what it would be like to have that body - make it a reality for you. Many women are capable of making great improvements to their bodies if they would just stop with the training methods they are currently using and get on ones that are much more in tune with their goals.





Postpartum depression – What your doctor might not have told you!

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 12:14 AM PST

As a new mother your life changes like nothing you could have imagined. All the joy of having a new member in the family is accompanied by lots of work, endless list of thing-to-do and tackle. The last thing you want amidst all that is postpartum depression. However, according to most doctors, postpartum depression affects at least one in four new mothers. The onset of postpartum depression takes places in the first few days after childbirth. Sometimes it just goes away in a few days but it could also last for several weeks or months.

'Baby blues' that last more than a week or so requires medical help. Unfortunately, what your doctor is going to tell you is to take a mix of anti-depressants and muscle-relaxants. Your doctor would also suggest that you go for therapy sessions with a psychiatrist. Not only would this require more time and money but it is really not something that is recommended. Simply because anti-depressants and muscle-relaxants could have potential side-effects. As a breastfeeding mothers, that's the last thing you would like to take. But then medical science is limited in its scope to treat postpartum depression.

You will be surprised to know how hundreds of women have tried Postpartum Depression Miracle Cure and reported a 100 per cent cure! In fact some women have even used it to prevent postpartum depression completely.

Combined with a proper diet and exercise routine, Postpartum Depression Miracle is a sure cure for new mothers. You could also try it for a risk-free trial period. Not only does this Miracle Cure not have any side-effects but it would also give you more energy, more confidence and more strength to handle the daily tasks and responsibilities of being a new mother. In any case you should rather try it before going for all those drugs!





How to Maximize Your Metabolism

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 12:14 AM PST

You cut calories and you exercise. You do exactly what the articles say - Your calories out are greater than your calories in. You should be losing fat. But if you aren't, perhaps you're still not paying attention to an often forgotten factor of fat loss - your metabolism.

Your metabolism is a measure of how many calories you are burning each day. But did you know that the food, exercise, and lifestyle choices you make every day have a significant impact on your metabolism? For example, if you starve yourself (instead of following a sensible fat-loss eating plan) your metabolism will slow down. If your metabolism slows down, it means your calories out will be less. And that means no more fat loss, and possibly even continued fat gain.

So for every day that you continue to slow your metabolism with unhealthy lifestyle choices, you get further and further away from fat loss. To help, I've put together a list of the top 10 ways to maximize your metabolism, so that you'll burn as many calories as possible each day so that you can finally lose the fat. For the exact workouts and nutrition plan to help you lose the maximum amount of fat in as little time as possible, visit

1. Don't starve yourself! Cutting calories too much is one of the worst things you can do to your body. Starving yourself actually causes you to lose much more water weight and muscle than fat. Use to find out your daily calorie intake.

2. Eat 6-8 small meals per day with an emphasis on lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables. You have to have a nutrition plan, so spend a couple hours on a day off preparing as much food as you can for the upcoming week.

3. Eat breakfast. You have to make this meal part of your daily metabolism-boosting plan. At the very least, eat a lean protein, drink some Green Tea, and consume a fiber-rich fruit to get your fat loss day started right.

4. Eat healthy fats. Sources of healthy fats included nuts, fish, olive oil, and flax oil. I consume 10 grams of fish oil per day. Replace all processed carbohydrates in your diet with almonds. For example, if you currently eat a small bag of pretzels as a mid-afternoon snack, eat almonds instead (eating the same number of total calories).

5. Eat high quality foods that will help you control your blood sugar levels, insulin levels, and energy levels. Insulin management will help you lose fat and prevent you form gaining fat. Controlling your hormone levels is the #1 neglected factor in fat loss programs.

6. Eat 1.14g of protein per pound of lean body mass. If you don't know your lean body mass, then simply eat 1g of protein per pound of body weight. But if possible, stick to the lean body mass recommendation, as that eliminates excess fat mass when calculating protein needs.

7. Don't drink alcohol. Alcohol intake can quickly add hundreds of calories and alcohol prevents fat burning. Alcohol intake can also reduce testosterone levels, a big no-no for men looking to get lean.

8. Drink Green Tea and water. While I don't believe that either of these will increase your metabolism, I do believe that they help prevent decreases in metabolism. Not too mention, these are your 2 healthiest beverage options.

9. Stick to a consistent sleep schedule. Don't stay up all night, and if possible, avoid working afternoon and overnight shifts. If you must work shiftwork, stick to the rest of these principles as strongly as possible.

10. Use the strength training with moderately heavy weights (that allow you to complete 8 perfect reps per set) and interval training for the most efficient and effective metabolism boosting workout.

If your metabolism has slowed down due to improper dieting or lifestyle, then follow these tips to help you get back on track to lose fat and gain muscle. Once you correct your metabolism, you will be on the road to losing the fat for good. Just in time for summer.





Postpartum Depression Miracle changed my life

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 12:13 AM PST

Could the days of your greatest joy also become the days of your worst depression. They did - with me - and I had no clue what was happening. Right after my baby was born, something happened. I was on top of the world. My husband and I were happy that all had gone well.

Two days later I was very scared. I couldn't get out of bed. I felt a dullness envelope me. I didn't want to look at the baby and I knew I was snapping at everyone around for no rhyme or reason. Initially, I thought it would pass. An elderly neighbor also told me that women do go through these 'baby blues'.

She said these bouts of depression were a normal part of motherhood and I would be okay in a few weeks once the hormonal changes settle down. However, despite my husband being extra loving during those days, I only got worse. Eventually, we went to see my doctor. She advised me a couple of pills and therapy sessions. I was sure I didn't need those. More so, I didn't want to take drugs while breastfeeding my baby. You won't believe the mess I was in. I was going crazy. Finally, my husband found this Postpartum Depression Miracle. It changed my life. I combined it with a nice exercise routine, a low-fat diet and started getting back to my radiant self – or said my husband and family.

My doctor too was surprised. She wanted to know what I had been using considering I was not willing to take drugs recommended by her. She was quite impressed by the results I got with the Postpartum Depression Miracle. A natural healer that brought my happy days back. I don't hesitate to recommend it to new mothers in my family!





How to Practice Home Massage Techniques When Pregnant

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 12:13 AM PST

More and more women are turning to alternative treatments for the aches and pains associated with pregnancy. This is largely thanks to a growing knowledge base, which tells us that alternative treatments are safer, for you and your baby.

Home massage is one of those types of treatment, and if you are interested in practising home massage while you are pregnant, then there are a few things you should know before hand.

Speak to Your Doctor

There are specific conditions that you may have while pregnant, that make some or all forms of home massage dangerous or unsafe.

If you're considering making home massage a part of your ante natal treatment, make sure that you speak to your doctor first, and rule out all of those conditions first. It is always best to be safe, rather than sorry, and while home massage during pregnancy is usually perfectly safe, you need to be sure before you start!

Learn Proper Techniques

Home massage during pregnancy is not as simple as it is at other times. There are certain areas of your body that should be massaged in certain ways and specific techniques that should, and should not be used.

There are online courses, as well as real world training programs, that can help you to practice home massage during pregnancy safely, and with maximum benefit to you and your baby, and it is always a good idea to make sure that you know what you are doing before you incorporate it into your pregnancy routine.

Equip Yourself

If you are planning to make home massage a part of your pregnancy routine, then there are specific types of equipment and materials that can be useful. Heating and cooling pads, pregnancy safe massage oils and lotions; a firm and stable massage surface and other items are all things that you might like to consider. There are, of course, also many items that you probably already own that can be incorporated into home massage during pregnancy, and it need not be an expensive or difficult process.

Enlist Your Partner

During the early stages of your pregnancy, it may be possible to practice home massage techniques yourself, however, as you progress through your pregnancy, that will become more difficult. Enlist your partner's help to massage your back, abdomen, and other areas of your body that you cannot reach. Not only does this make home massage during pregnancy easier, and more comfortable, but it allows your partner to become involved in the process of pregnancy, on a physical level.

Home massage is a great form of relaxation and therapy, as well as an effective treatment for many aches and pains, and it is a good idea to include it in your pregnancy routine from early on. Make sure that you do so safely, and that you stop if you notice any adverse or worrying effects and it should be a great way to relax and enjoy your pregnancy more.





Postpartum Depression Miracle Cure now available with 100% money back guarantee

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 12:12 AM PST

The other day I was surprised to find that the Postpartum Depression Miracle Cure is available with a 100% money back guarantee. That, in itself, speaks volumes about the effectiveness of this amazing remedy. Surely it must have proved so successful that the manufacturers are ready to offer a risk-free trial period to new mothers suffering from postpartum depression. You can ask for a full refund – not a part or installment-based refund – within 60 days of purchasing your supplement.

Actually, there seems to be nothing better than the Postpartum Depression Miracle Cure in the market for new mothers right now. Trying harmful drugs like anti-depressants and muscle-relaxants is not a great idea for new mothers who are breastfeeding their babies. Holistic cures come with no side effects and give you a peace of mind not guaranteed with regular prescription drugs. Some doctors also suggest psychiatric therapy sessions but you just might not need them if you try the Postpartum Depression Miracle Cure.

When combined with nutrition, diet and sleep changes, Postpartum Depression Miracle Cure is a potentially successful treatment for postpartum depression.

Several women have tried the remedy with great success. Postpartum depression is a trying problem in itself. Amidst all the household duties, responsibilities of raising the baby and looking after yourself, postpartum depression could be devastating. You would only worsen matters by resorting to drugs with side-effects. Holistic cures like the Postpartum Depression Miracle Cure is ideal for all such situations. And, not just treat postpartum depression, you could prevent it occurring at all when you decide to become a mother next time.

Say goodbye to 'baby blues', regain enthusiasm, energy and continue to feel the joy of being a mother – every single day – with the Postpartum Depression Miracle Cure. You have nothing to lose with their risk-free money back guarantee offer!





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