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Sunday, November 13, 2011


bocah nakal sukabumi

bocah nakal sukabumi

ABG indonesia, ABG masa kini, ABG mesum, ABG sexy, cewek sexy, ABG sexy

Posted: 12 Nov 2011 07:13 PM PST

generasi muda penerus bangsa kok kaya gini, emang sih bagi-bagi rejeki kepada para lelaki-lelaki mesum (yg merasa tunjuk tangan) hahaaa.







Google, ABG indonesia, ABG masa kini, ABG mesum, ABG sexy, cewek sexy, ABG sexy, ABG gede, ABG nakal, ABG skolahan, putih abu abu, cwe sma, ABG sma, ABG di kamar mandi, cwe semok, cewek cantik, cwe cantik, ABG semok, ABG kampung, ABG ML, ABG sma, ABG smp, ABG belajar, ABG tidur.

Artis Sexy, Gadis Sexy, Gambar Sexy, Sexy Female SPG

Posted: 12 Nov 2011 07:12 PM PST

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REALITY CHECK: The Real Definition Of WEALTH ... I'm Giving You Millions!

Posted: 12 Nov 2011 06:17 PM PST

:::::::::::::::::::: The Official Team Cash Digital Newsletter ::::::::::::::::::::

== You are receiving this email because you responded to one of our
international advertisements, and requested more information by
filling out a webform in regards to making money from home. ==

The information below can potentially help you start earning
$10,000 to $30,000 or more EVERY MONTH.

Your Referral ID Number is JB813

Save that ID number. You can't join our team without it.

Thank You.


Hey Dede ...

You are getting this e-mail for a couple of reasons ...

1. You are looking to make more MONEY

2. You are looking to create WEALTH

3. You are looking for a dramatic change in your life!

I have some great news for you ...

This email you are about to read is the starting point to creating WEALTH!

And ...

It's just a taste of what it's gonna be like working with me ...

Yes, My Cash Gifting System will make you WEALTHY

Yes, My teaching will make you WEALTHY

And Yes ... What you are about to read is the reason I'm on Pace For ...

Over $160,000 This MONTH

Do I have your attention yet?


Read On ...

Ok, so what exactly is True Freedom?

What exactly is WEALTH?

Definition ...


1. An individual who has mastered the art of accumulating, growing,
keeping and controlling money, to the point of positioning themselves
as a stand alone financial super power

2. A financially free person who has the ability to satisfy any material
desire and/or to overcome any monetary challenge WITHOUT having
to borrow or seek assistance from an outside source.

The above definition is the TRUE definition of what it means to be successful
with money. Not making six figures a year, driving a Mercedes, having a nice
home with a $450,000 mortgage and platinum credit cards. But that's what
95% of society actually thinks and it's crazy!

Here's why ...

All of these so called financial gurus with their fancy books really piss me off,
because they're NOT telling people the whole truth and actually they're not giving
a real solution to ending your insanity of chasing money all over the place!

They're all running around screaming ... "Financial Freedom! ... Financial Freedom! ... Financial Freedom!"
and all in the same breath they're telling you to how to lower your interest rate on credit cards,
how to save interest on your mortgage, lower your car note, spend less, save more, etc. etc. etc ...

(I'm stretching and YAWNING now) ............ BOOOORING!!! ................ That is NOT true financial freedom.

See most THINK they know what it is when they see it. Most THINK they know what it is when they
hear about it. Most THINK they know how it feels when they finally get "in the money" ...

But honestly ...

The majority are clueless and have no idea what IT (true freedom) really is.

And the sad part is that close to half of the majority are people WITH MONEY

Here's my proof ...

The average person with or without money, thinks that the guy or woman who:

* Drives a $100,000 Mercedes.
* Lives in a $450,000 home or an expensive condo.
* Plays golf on the weekends.
* Wears power suits.
* Takes exotic vacations every summer.
* Kids go to private schools
* etc., etc. etc ........

They THINK that these are "the people" who have financial freedom.

Now ... don't get me wrong. Some do. But in reality, most people who you
see like this are in debt up to their necks! And besides this ...
they have an immense amount of stress trying to "keep up the front".

What do I mean?

Well ... most of these people are living on debt, i.e .... credit.

They're leased and mortgaged down to their socks!

Living beyond their means by the illusion of unlimited capital,
i.e .... more "revolving" credit. And the "privilege" of delaying
payments in full.

But then they are ever pressured to keep up the payments ... with massive interest attached!

Now how is that freedom?


You think just because they can keep up the $1,500 a month car note?

The $2,000 a month mortgage?

The $600 a month private school bill? Insurance payments? Buy nice clothes?
etc., etc. etc ........ that they are financially free?

How is financial freedom being labeled as locking yourself into payments
for 30 years, i.e. a mortgage?

How is financial freedom being labeled as locking yourself into payments for 24 to
36 months to lease (rent really) a vehicle?

I mean, I could go on and on, but see ... that's the illusion.

Keeping you thinking that you can afford it because it's just 3-easy payments of $29.95, i.e .... infomercials.

(You've probably seen those late at night and even purchased some stuff)

Keeping you thinking that as long as you can make small payments every month, then you can afford it.

But then what does the average person begin to do?

Because of their new found increased cash flow, i.e ... credit ... they begin to build a massive list of payments.

Now it's 2 or 3 car notes. 2 or 3 homes.

(Live in one and then you gotta have a summer home right?)

Lots of new furniture --- more payments. etc, etc .....

And soon you have stomach ulcers from the pressure of trying to keep up with monthly payments.

Living in fear of missing a payment. The embarrassment of getting a repo on your record.

Having a foreclosure. etc. etc .....

Now I ask you again ... is this freedom?

Even if the nice job with the fancy executive title lasts for the next 30 years and you never
miss a payment ... just knowing that you're locked into the job because you HAVE TO make
payments on your life is NOT freedom.

TRUE financial freedom ....... looks like this ...

* Paying for things in full with no financing whatsoever.

Example -- I Just bought a BRAND NEW Lexus LS (paid in full)

* Not chasing money to make payments.

Example -- Having Multiple Residual Income Streams -- Cash Gifting, Investments, etc...

* Having Cash-Flow that far exceeds your bills.

Example -- Earning $100,000 Plus Per Month -- EVERY MONTH

* Being able to take advantage of financial opportunities at a moment's notice,
without the stress of seeking monetary help from an outside source.

Example -- I Just Put $375,000 Into Some Long Term Investments!

* Having a liquid (all cash) reserve of 30 to 50 percent of your entire yearly income.

Example -- I Just Put $425,000 Cash Into a Private Safe

* Paying bills the day they come in the mail and not juggling to see who gets paid first.

Example -- I don't have any bills except for the residual bills like electric,
water, cell phone, T.V., etc ... But those bills are a joke!

* Only having necessary residual bills, i.e .... gas, electric, phone, etc.

* Living your life happily without the stress and negative emotion of "constantly chasing survival".

Example -- AHHHHHHHHHHH (Big Smile)

That's true freedom! And once you experience it ... you will see the true reality of your circumstances.

You will start to see things how "they really are" and not how "you are".

Meaning ...

If you take someone who is down in the dumps financially and plop them in front of a TV and one
person on the news says that someone, somewhere is struggling ... they now believe that it's ok.

They're struggling because the whole world is struggling. They're broke and so is everyone else.
They buy into the "It's rough out there" campaign. The economy is falling, etc., etc ...

But yet people all over the world continue to race at break-neck speeds to consume and
spend at record numbers and the world becomes even more abundant. Hmmmmm ...?

And even when things seem to be bad economically, the rich seem to get richer.

Hey, did you know that in the stock market, you can make money even if even your stock goes down.

It's called "options". It's called a "put".

I've made a fortune even though "Times Are Bad"

I Made a Fortune As Lehman Brothers, AIG, & The Entire Financial System
Was Falling Apart back in 2008 ...

Hmmmmm ...?

Making money even if the value declines...

Hmmmmm ...?

Why do you think that is?

Maybe because you need to start seeing things how "THEY ARE", which is ABUNDANT!

I mean just look around you ... there is a sea of money out there in the world today.

Everybody is "selling" and "buying". All you gotta know how to do is start attracting some of it.

Use leverage to multiply it. Then save at least 30 to 50 percent of it for investing and lifestyle splurging.

Live off (pay your bills) with what is left.


An income that frees you from a perpetual debt cycle so that you can stop chasing money,
stop chasing payments and enjoy life!

NOT an income that enslaves and chains you to itself, so that you must totally depend on
it to continuously in-debt yourself to keep up a lifestyle.

Isn't it time you make a change? Doesn't this make sense? Want more?

Then check this out ---------->

Then call me ...

Call Me RIGHT NOW & Get On The Road To FREEDOM



Got Questions? Speak To Cash Live ...


Or Email Me --

Your Referral ID Number is JB813


Check out the two links below for details on our
different membership levels & the top 7 reasons why
I am going to help you achieve the FREEDOM that you
and your family deserve ...

== The Top 7 Reasons To Join Team Cash ==

Your Referral ID Number is JB813

== The Team Cash Membership Levels & Bonuses ==


Here is a list of the most frequently asked questions ...


Office Hours: 24 Hours a Day!

Call me anytime!

Cash -- Your Partner In Creating Wealth

Your Referral ID Number is JB813

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Six Figure Income Generator Dede!

Posted: 12 Nov 2011 03:16 PM PST

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with the Can Spam Act. If you are no longer interested in
receiving these offers, promotions, gifts, recommendations
and so forth, please use the link at the bottom of THIS
email and ANY email to follow in order to easily and
quickly remove yourself.

Hi Dede,

Who does NOT want to make more profit for their business?
Nobody....RIGHT? Check out this free six figure income

I am DEAD serious when I say that people are making
money hand over fist in this business. You know how??
They take action and implement great free things
like this. Don't miss your chance :)

Craig Raphael

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sender of this e-mail has an affiliate relationship and/or
another material connection to any 3rd party providers of
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compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should
always perform due diligence before buying goods or services
from anyone via the internet or offline.

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Inbox Cash Techniques Product For Free Dede!

Posted: 12 Nov 2011 11:15 AM PST

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with the Can Spam Act. If you are no longer interested in
receiving these offers, promotions, gifts, recommendations
and so forth, please use the link at the bottom of THIS
email and ANY email to follow in order to easily and
quickly remove yourself.

Hi Dede,

Just wanted to let you know that there is a system
that is simple and straight forward.

But don't take my word for it, you must
Check out the video yourself.

Sounds great, right?

It is a proven system that works, where people fail!!!
Making Money Online comes down to having a System in place.

You need a system that will build You a List and
turn them into Customers who pay YOU!!!


Craig Raphael

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sender of this e-mail has an affiliate relationship and/or
another material connection to any 3rd party providers of
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compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should
always perform due diligence before buying goods or services
from anyone via the internet or offline.

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Your Name : Dede
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Did you miss yesterdays video? Over 50 bucks per day...

Posted: 12 Nov 2011 10:25 AM PST

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by hitting the link at the bottom of this e-mail

I hope you all enjoyed step 1/2/3 few days ago, today we just published
step 4 which will show you how to leverage your Online earnings and make
sure to watch the video on the website below:

Leverage :

if you missed step 1or 2 or 3, no worries, it is on the above website aswell...

have a great weekend and get started placing some ads.

Hope you will learn how the top producers in our
Industry operate Online and grab a huge slice of the
Income Opportunities in this great business...

Helping Others To Succeed

Brian Michael
Pro Internet Marketer
6 Figure Income Earner

Questions? call us today:
USA: +1 585 682 2250
UK : +44 7891791091

Wealth4Everyone, Latymer Close, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 9ER, United Kingdom

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

**VERY IMPORTANT**meet us LIVE in 1 hour...Open

Posted: 12 Nov 2011 07:21 AM PST

Remember... we are running a contest this weekend,
so bring as many guests as you can and you may
just get an instant $1000 on Tuesday!

Joel will be doing a repeat call about the internal Pre Launch for those who missed it last week

Meetcheap is the next phase of Host then Profit . 
that is absolutely going to EXPLODE your downline
and organization...

What is

Quite simply, as the name applies
will become the "Godaddy" of the live collaboration
and webinar world!

Currently, the competition like Gotomeeting and Webex
are charging outrageous amounts of money for real time
and live meetings online.

A 50 eat room at Gotomeeting is $49.00 per month!

Meetcheap will be offering a better service with more features
and a 100 seat room at less than $10 per month!!


This product and opportunity is going to EXPLODE your existing
HostThenProfit and GVO business...

Every serious Network and Internet Marketer will need this
tool and it will be offered at the fraction of the cost of
the competition!

Do NOT miss this call, and certainly bring your GUESTS!



Saturday, November 12th 2011 at 11am Eastern



See you Saturday

Brian Michael
Pro Internet Marketer
6 Figure Income Earner

Questions? call us today:
USA: +1 585 682 2250
UK : +44 7891791091

P.S. It is a very good idea to still be promoting your affiliate
URL which looks like this with your username :

that way these folks can get in for the launch of
before we go LIVE!!

Wealth4Everyone, Latymer Close, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 9ER, United Kingdom

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

Free Website For You Dede!

Posted: 12 Nov 2011 07:07 AM PST

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with the Can Spam Act. If you are no longer interested in
receiving these offers, promotions, gifts, recommendations
and so forth, please use the link at the bottom of THIS
email and ANY email to follow in order to easily and
quickly remove yourself.

Hi Dede,

I hope all's good in your world...

I wanted to take 2 minutes to share something with you.


you know - many people write about the most
important 'thing' that you need to start making money online.

Sure there's the website and good writing,
an attractive offer, easy payment options etc...

But - to me - it's abundantly clear
and acutely obvious, that before ALL
of this, you must have the CORRECT MINDSET.

Now, I'm not going to bombard you with
any positive mental attitude talk or the psychology of sales

But I'd like to share with you
just ONE thing that WILL make all the difference.


EVERY single person that has been successful in
ANY field (NOT just the Internet) ALWAYS says the same thing.

Do you know what they all say???

This one 'thing' that every successful
person has in common -- is they TOOK ACTION.

Yeah yeah yeah I know we've heard it all before -
but this is the ONE thing that EVERY successful person has in

It's not talent, it's not luck, it's not intelligence...'s that they got up and DID SOMETHING.


And that's it.

We all convince ourselves that we aren't good enough, or that
we're too old, too young, don't know enough, aren't good looking
enough, can't do this, can't do that...

STOP. And start THINKING differently.

The first step is TAKING ACTION. Now, the GREAT NEWS is, you have
already done this by requesting this information. Already you are
head and shoulders above most.

But you can do more. We all can.



This program has already helped thousands START ONLINE.

Grab your own exclusive copy right here!


I know how busy you are - but I hope you get the opportunity to
do just this.


Craig Raphael

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from anyone via the internet or offline.

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Your Name : Dede
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Country You're From: Indonesia, PO BOX 306, Manzanita, OR 97130, United States
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Young Adults in a Down Economy

Posted: 12 Nov 2011 05:03 AM PST

eHow of the Day

For some reason, that empty nest you expected is a bit crowded and It appears to be a growing condition across the country. Despite graduating first from high school and then from college, allowing you a well-deserved high-five, he's back. And with him is the gaming system taking space under your new flat screen TV and On Demand movie purchases ratcheting up your cable bill. But worse, there is no job in sight. It's happening often these days: Saddled with student loan debt and unable to find jobs, more young adults in their 20s are "boomeranging" back home, causing frustration for them as well as for their parents, many of whom have been impacted by the Great Recession.…keep reading

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Simplify Your Efforts Dede!

Posted: 12 Nov 2011 03:01 AM PST

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quickly remove yourself.

Hi Dede,

I know It seems this is all I've been talking about
and for good reasons. We've already paid out $335,624.20

The best part?

100% of the commissions are paid to the
people and they're directly deposited into their
bank account.

It just hit .....and it's unreal.

You won't believe it when you see it:

Every once in a while something BIG hits
that creates a permanent change in the lives
of those connected.

Timing? Being in the right place at the right time?
Karma? I'm not sure. All I know is....

A lot of people's lives will never be the same. Ever.

Do you think you're ready to have this much
money flowing into your bank account directly?

If so.....

The only thing that matters is RIGHT NOW. Seize it.
If you blink you'll miss it. And you'll miss the chance to change
everything........with one easy and effortless decision.

The decision to get 100% commissions.

And the decision to get an entire 'plug and play'
viral blogging and marketing system that will
help you keep your business simple, easy
and lucrative. Really lucrative.

So you can.....Build your current MLM bigger, better and faster.
Improve and simplify your marketing ten-fold.
Or just get more money. Lot's more money.
Directly into your bank account.

Here's how:

Everything and anything that has stood in your
way of getting paid, living good and working
less has been eliminated.

Because if you aren't getting paid 100%
commissions.....You should be. You deserve to be.

Just decide......

The ball is in your court.

The game just started. And the odds are now in your favor to
have money flowing to you directly. $335,624.20 was paid to the
people in HUGE 100% commissions in the last 5 days.

If some of that $335,624.20 was not deposited into
your bank account should have been.
It could have been. It still can. You still have time.

Go here

The NUMBERS speak for themselves.

So......If you want.....Automation. Viral marketing. 100%
commissions. It's ALL here. You just have to decide to get money.
Lot's of money.

Starting right this minute. Just decide you're ready for it.
The rest is easy. You'll NEVER be the same after you get
money this easy. Here's proof:


Craig Raphael

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another material connection to any 3rd party providers of
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compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should
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from anyone via the internet or offline.

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Your Name : Dede
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Country You're From: Indonesia, PO BOX 306, Manzanita, OR 97130, United States
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System Download Dede!

Posted: 11 Nov 2011 09:35 PM PST

Your subscription information captured when you signed up
is listed below. This is for my protection. I am compliant
with the Can Spam Act. If you are no longer interested in
receiving these offers, promotions, gifts, recommendations
and so forth, please use the link at the bottom of THIS
email and ANY email to follow in order to easily and
quickly remove yourself.

Hi Dede,

Just wanted to let you know that there is a system
that is simple and straight forward.

But don't take my word for it, you must
Check out the video yourself.

Sounds great, right?

It is a proven system that works, where people fail!!!
Making Money Online comes down to having a System in place.

You need a system that will build You a List and
turn them into Customers who pay YOU!!!


Craig Raphael

Material Connection Disclosure: You should assume that the
sender of this e-mail has an affiliate relationship and/or
another material connection to any 3rd party providers of
goods and services mentioned in this message and may be
compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should
always perform due diligence before buying goods or services
from anyone via the internet or offline.

Subscription information captured upon your sign up......

Your Name : Dede
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Country You're From: Indonesia, PO BOX 306, Manzanita, OR 97130, United States
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[F.REE WSO] Learn How To Dominate Google In 10 EASY Steps...

Posted: 11 Nov 2011 09:02 PM PST

Hey Dede,
There's NOTHING for sale here just a F.REE gift
that I think will help you out tremendously.

If not you then please do pass it on to someone
who you think will benefit from it.
A friend of mine Joe Bradley is an SEO specialist,
and he's been working as an SEO consultant for the
past 11 years.
So I think it's only fair to say that he knows his stuff!
Anyway after a little gentle persuasion he has very
kindly agreed to give you FREE access to one of his
In his WSO, he reveals 10 EASY steps he uses to
dominate Google and how you can do EXACTLY
the same.
I don't think I've ever seen such an easy and well
laid-out step by step SEO report anywhere. So I
just had to mail out and let you know about this.
This F.REE WSO is only available to my subscribers
and that includes YOU.
Make sure you grab your F.REE copy before he takes
down the offer. He's currently selling his report at $27.
Here's the link:
Rich Stamford
P.S. Since Joe is currently selling his WSO, he did
say he won't give it away to too many people. So
get it now while you can.










10 Anson Road #26-04 International Plaza Singapore 079903

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