Deskripsi Blog Mu

Friday, October 14, 2011


bocah nakal sukabumi

bocah nakal sukabumi

The BIG Difference Between Winners & Losers ...

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 06:45 PM PDT

:::::::::::::::::::: The Official Team Cash Digital Newsletter ::::::::::::::::::::

== You are receiving this email because you responded to one of our
international advertisements, and requested more information by
filling out a web form in regards to making money from home. ==

The information below can potentially help you start earning
$10,000 to $30,000 or more EVERY MONTH.

Your Referral ID Number is JB813

Save that ID number. You can't join our team without it.

Thank You.


Dede ...

Here's perhaps the most IMPORTANT money quote ever:

"There are few things more unbalancing to the mind than the act of
suddenly winning or losing large sums of money"

- Henry Howard Harper - "The Psychology Of Speculation"

Whether you invest or not isn't important here.

What IS important is the mindset described.

You have probably heard about people coming into a lot of money
very quickly (pro athletes, movie stars, lottery winners, etc)
only to end up blowing all their money, getting hooked on drugs
and basically ruining their lives.

And many times they will say, "it was because of the money."

In other words, they couldn't handle it.

It's made them very uncomfortable.

And, as a result, they dumped all their money
(completely subconsciously, via self sabotage)
so they can go back to feeling comfortable again.

Don't think it can happen to you?

Think again.

One of the reasons Team Cash --
has certain guidelines on who can join is because we know
making the money really isn't the hard part.

It's having the mindset to keep and GROW it.

(And not lose it.)

When you have a system in place like Team Cash, making the money
is a completely non-mystical, impartial process -- like a plumber
connecting the right pipes so the water can flow.

But without an entrepreneurial mindset, it won't matter.

Even if you make a lot, you'll lose it.

This is why we spent a fortune building special training and
support systems into our system. You can access forums and info
by successful people. Rub shoulders with them (virtually).

And associate with them on a regular basis.

This can make a HUGE difference.


Because social scientists say your income is the average of the
5 people who you associate with most.

That doesn't mean ignoring your friends, necessarily.

But if you want to make money (and keep it), you have to start
thinking like (and associating with) people who have what you want.

It's the big difference between winners and losers in business.

You can start to associate with WEALTHY WINNERS at the website below ...


Got Questions? Speak To Cash Live ...


Or Email Me --

Your Referral ID Number is JB813


Check out the two links below for details on our
different membership levels & the top 7 reasons why
I am going to help you achieve the FREEDOM that you
and your family deserve ...

== The Top 7 Reasons To Join Team Cash ==

Your Referral ID Number is JB813

== The Team Cash Membership Levels & Bonuses ==


Here is a list of the most frequently asked questions ...


Office Hours: 24 Hours a Day!

Call me anytime!

Cash -- Your Partner In Creating Wealth

Your Referral ID Number is JB813

Copyrights 2005 - 2011 All Rights Reserved

801 2nd Avenue, New York, New York, 10007, United States

To unsubscribe visit:
To change your contact details visit:

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

How to laugh at your savings account....

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 10:45 AM PDT

If you no longer wish to receive these messages, please unsubscribe
by hitting the link at the bottom of this e-mail

How to laugh at your savings account.

With interest rates around 2%, how much money do you need in a
savings account to earn $500 a month in interest?

A. $50,000

B. $150,000

C. $300,000

What did you guess?

The correct answer is $300,000.

Just think how long you would have to work to earn $300,000 after
taxes. And then you could relax and collect that extra $500 a

Earning an extra $500 a month in network marketing sure sounds a
lot better.

I have doubled that within 5 weeks with the company below
and so can you:

The people on the above link are all co-op members aswell,
we just started our co-op today, so it is not too late yet.
Check your statistics in your GVO backoffice as we send traffic
daily to your links and thank you for joining my co-op again...

if you having problems sponsoring people join my co-op here:

have a great week...

Helping Others To Succeed

Brian Michael
Pro Internet Marketer
6 Figure Income Earner

Questions? call us today:
USA: +1 585 682 2250
UK : +44 7891791091

Wealth4Everyone, Latymer Close, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 9ER, United Kingdom

To unsubscribe visit:
To change your contact details visit:

Dede, can you help me out?

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 10:29 AM PDT

Dear Dede,

We need your help.

We want to create a bundle of free training material for
you. But we aren't sure what would be the most meaningful
for you, and what would make the biggest impact on your

If you can answer a few questions in our survey, it'll help
us to immediately get started creating something special to
give you.

Just click on this link to take part:

Thanks. We really appreciate your valuable time!

Best wishes,

Justin Hammond, Inspire3
Tiffany Archer, Inspire3

BrainEv -
Brain Salon -
Dream Manifesto -

Inspire3 Ltd, 2nd Floor, 145-157 St John Street, London EC1V 4PY, United Kingdom

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

WARNING - Only 3 Days Left - Do You Have What It Takes Dede? ...

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 09:55 AM PDT

:::::::::::::::::::: The Official Team Cash Digital Newsletter ::::::::::::::::::::

== You are receiving this email because you responded to one of our 

international advertisements, and requested more information by 

filling out a web form in regards to making money from home. ==

The information below can potentially help you start earning

$10,000 to $30,000 or more EVERY MONTH.

Your Referral ID Number is JB813

Save that ID number. You can't join our team without it.

Thank You.



"If you don't take any risk, you'll never get anything"

In other words ...

"If you don't take any risk, you'll NEVER accomplish anything GREAT"

The above quote is from an email that I received recently

from a prospect name Emmanuel.

The quote really got my attention because it is 100% TRUE ...

"If you don't take any risk, you'll NEVER accomplish anything GREAT"

Emmanuel will be joining the team shortly, and he is excited

about changing his life and accomplishing his goals!

Dede, if you TRULY want to change your life, you have

to step out on FAITH and make things happen.

If you do nothing ... Your life will stay the same or GET WORSE.

If you continue to do the same thing over and over again expecting

a different result ... That is referred to as INSANITY.

I'm not kidding ...

Look it up ...

The definition of INSANITY is doing the same thing over and over 

again and expecting a different result.

Don't be INSANE Dede!



Dede, if you want to start the process of changing your life, and

living the life that you have always DREAMED about ...


If you are looking for an opportunity that can stuff $60,000 to 

over $100,000 in your bank account before the end of 2011 ...

Keep Reading ...


Dede ...

This program is CHANGING PEOPLE'S LIVES !!!

If you are looking for a program that cuts through all of the B.S. 

and will help you put money in your pocket RIGHT NOW ...

Here it is -------> 

If you want to finish 2011 STRONG, and stuff an EXTRA $60,000

to over $100,000 in your bank account before the end of 2011 ...

Review the website above, and then check out the SPECIAL OFFER

we are currently running ... (see details below)

It will blow your mind.

After you are done reading this ... Call Me! ... 1-888-217-4961

Or email me ... 

For those of you who have just visited my website, and are not aware

of the special offer we are running ... (see details below)

Here is the exact email I sent out on September 7th, 2011 ...

Check out our SPECIAL "Time Sensitive" OFFER ...

Hurry Up!

Spots are limited ...


Let's Finish 2011 STRONG & Over Flow Your Bank Account


I want to help you FINISH 2011 STRONG ...

I want to help you stuff $60,000 to $100,000 (or more) in your 

bank account before the end of 2011.


Let's cut through the FLUFF and the B.S. ...

I'll cut right to the chase ...

This is an EXCLUSIVE offer for the SERIOUS only!


Bill in North Carolina took advantage of a similar offer last year, and

he made $348,000 from September 1st 2010 - September 1st, 2011

So ...

Let's Get Into It ... I'M SO EXCITED !!!


Let's Finish 2011 STRONG & Over Flow Your Bank Account



** This special offer will run from September 7th, 2011 through

Saturday October 15th, 2011 **

( I normally do not run special offers for that long, however, this offer

is the GREATEST offer in Team Cash history )

( The details are below )

** You must join at the $3,500 level or above **

** I'm only excepting 50 people for this offer ** NO EXCEPTIONS



Once the 50 spots are filled, this offer will be CLOSED.

I'm only taking 50 people! No Exceptions!


This is the LAST offer I am running for the rest of 2011, so take advantage.


Before we get into the JUICY details of the special offer ... 

Check out all of the details about how our program

works by visiting our business information page ... 

If you have already done this, you are a step ahead of the crowd.


If you are serious, take the time to read the details

about how our program works. I will not sign you up unless you

have a full understanding of the program ...

You should appreciate that :)

Okay ...

Here we go ...

Here are the bonuses for taking advantage of this SPECIAL OFFER ...

** For the FIRST time in the history of Team Cash, we are offering what

we call the "Delayed 1-Up" ...

After you watch the video at you will

understand the power of the 1-up compensation plan.

So ...

With the "Delayed 1-Up" ... You will make money FASTER :)

You will be FULLY QUALIFIED (Delayed 1-up) ... 

This will put you in a PROFIT MAKING POSITION immediately!

Instead of "passing up" your first enrollment, you will pass up your 

3rd enrollment. In other words, you will be in a PROFIT making

position from the start.

After you get started, your first enrollment will go directly to you.

Instead of going to your qualified inviter, it will go to you.

This will allow you to get your initial pledge back in your pocket.

Now, you got your money back ...

The second enrollment will "Get you in the profit"

And ...

Then the third enrollment will qualify you.


Before I announce anything to my data base, or to any of my team

members, I always test it first.

I recently tested the "Delayed 1-Up" with some new team members,

and it helped Joanna get her money back 8 days after joining 

Team Cash ...

Then she raked in another $7,000 9 days later!


Bonus # 2

** You will receive HOT LEADS from my PERSONAL advertising! **

Yes, you read that right ...

You will not have to advertise, I will do it for you and you share in 

my WEALTH of leads!

You will receive leads from my PERSONAL advertising campaigns

that I am currently running ...

Yes, you read that right ...

When you join, you will immediately start receiving leads directly from

my personal advertising campaigns.

There will be NO WAITING ...

We will have everything ready to get you off to a FAST start.

My marketing campaigns are currently running, so the second you join

my team, you will begin to receive HIGH QUALITY leads directly from

the following resources ...

** International Full Page Advertisements

** Face Book Ads

** Text Message Advertising

** Direct Mail Post Cards

( I have made over $600,000 this year just from my post cards )

** Google & Yahoo Search Engine Marketing

** Email Marketing

** Additional Print Media

This will give you a great start in your business and help you cut down on

advertising expenses in your first 3 months to 1 year.

See the details below, however, depending on which membership level

you choose, we will provide leads to you for up to 1 year.

Also, there will be no delay.

You literally start receiving leads from day one!

** This will also help you put a ton of money in your pocket ... QUICKLY !!!

The leads I create are quality!

Just think ... You are one of the leads I generated Dede!


If you join at the 3,500 level, you will receive leads from my 

advertising for 3 months from the day you enroll.

6,500 Level = Leads for 6 months!

12,500 Level = Leads for 1 Year!

(smile again)

If you need additional information on our membership levels ...

See the document below ...

== The Team Cash Membership Levels & Bonuses ==


Bonus # 3

** I will personally enroll your prospects for you ... In other words ...

I will talk to your prospects and answer all of the HARD questions!

You will not need to speak to anyone!

All you will have to do is follow up with these people by email.

I will talk to your prospects ...

I will answer the hard questions ...

I will handle the follow up ...

I will enroll your prospects for you ...

Dede, all you will have to do is COUNT THE MONEY :)

Easy! Easy! Easy!

This is a "NO BRAINER" ...

** You don't have to sell.

** You don't have to push products.

** You don't have to place ads.

** You don't have to call people.

** You don't have to create marketing materials.

** You don't have to chase your friends and family.

** You get $3500, $6500, or $12,500 CASH IN A BOX  

when someone joins your team!

Dede, this is what $6,500 CASH IN A BOX looks like ... 


Dede ...

The ball is in your court ...

What's it gonna be? ...

If you want to take FULL ADVANTAGE of this incredible offer, 

you need to call my office IMMEDIATELY ...

--------------- 1.888.217.4961 ---------------

Or Email me directly -- 

ACT FAST -----> You must join at the 3500 level or 

above before Saturday October 15th, 2011


Please include the following details in your voice message or email.

** Let me know you are responding to my special offer.

** Make sure you include your Referral ID Number in your voice

message or email.

** Let me know which membership level you will be joining 

(3500, 6500, or 12,500)

** Let me know if you are ready to start now, or if you would 

like to reserve a spot. Reservations are okay, but if someone 

steps up and joins before you, you can lose your spot.

Money talks, and B.S. Walks :)

I reward action takers!

You can make a reservation to join between September 7th 

and Saturday October 15th.

** If you get my voice mail when you call, let me know which day 

and time frame (morning, afternoon, evening, or anytime) is best

to call you back.

All voice mails are time stamped so don't worry about losing your spot! :)

This special offer is on a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE basis.

Spots are limited and the special offer expires Saturday October 15th, 2011


I'm looking forward to helping you achieve your DREAMS and GOALS !!!

------------------------- 1.888.217.4961 -------------------------

Better hurry up ...


Dede ...

I've built a Multi-Million dollar fortune showing people

how to give money to others and then reap the benefits of a

philanthropy circle.

Better yet, I've built a business model where all you have 

to do is follow VERY SIMPLE instructions and you can piggy 

back on my success ...

This is a "NO BRAINER" ...

* You don't have to sell.

* You don't have to push products.

* You don't have to place ads.

* You don't have to call people.

* You don't have to create marketing materials.

* You don't have to chase your friends and family.

** You get 3500, 6500 or 12,500 CASH IN A BOX - when people sign up under you!

Dede, this is what $6,500 CASH IN A BOX looks like ...

Do you see why I'm so EXCITED?



Got Questions? Speak To Cash Live ...


Or Email Me --

Your Referral ID Number is JB813


Check out the two links below for details on our

different membership levels & the top 7 reasons why

I am going to help you achieve the FREEDOM that you

and your family deserve ...

== The Top 7 Reasons To Join Team Cash ==

Your Referral ID Number is JB813

== The Team Cash Membership Levels & Bonuses ==


Here is a list of the most frequently asked questions ...


Office Hours: 24 Hours a Day!

Call me anytime!

Cash -- Your Partner In Creating Wealth


Your Referral ID Number is JB813

Copyrights 2005 - 2011 All Rights Reserved

801 2nd Avenue, New York, New York, 10007, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now


Posted: 13 Oct 2011 07:49 AM PDT

I am closing this down in the next 24 hours.

As of now, I have already given out $150
to those who have completed this survey.

All I need from you is that if you have not
completed the survey, please help me by
going here.

This is your final chance to be one of our

Talk soon,

P.S. I want to sincerely help you but first
I need to know what's happening over
your side.

And the best way to do this is to complete
this 8 second survey.


Jaz Lai Pte Ltd, 10 UBI CRESCENT, #07-19, UBI TECHPARK, Singapore, Singapore 408564, Singapore

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

How to access one billion new buyers...

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 07:39 AM PDT

Hey great news!

I've got something awesome to show
you today.
I've found over a billion NEW buyers
in your niche waiting to buy from
YOUR link.

Find out the SECRET HERE!

Talk Soon,



101 Convention Center Drive, 7th Floor, Las Vegas, NV 89109, United States

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

Top Freeware Traffic Software Nobody Knows About - But Should!

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 07:03 AM PDT

Hi Dede,

Who said that an effective & stable
traffic software should cost $47-$97?

Clayne Keegan just proved these people
wrong by allowing me to give away
his premium traffic generation software
for free to you:

==>Access The Traffic Generation Software Now

I must say though, that Clayne isn't
what you call a cold blooded individual..

He can change his mind about a thing
15 times in a day, and that's why I highly
recommend grabbing his free traffic software RIGHT NOW!

==>Get Instant Access Now

You've been warned Dede !

Talk soon,
Rich Stamford












10 Anson Road #26-04 International Plaza Singapore 079903

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

Data Entry, Computer Operator Jobs in Indore

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 05:45 AM PDT

Job Summary

Location: Indore 

Key Skills: Basic knowledge of Computer.

Experience: 0 - 3 Years

Specialization: Data entry

Job Function: Front Office Staff/ Secretarial/ Computer Operator

Industry: Banking/ CRM/ CallCentres/ BPO/ ITES/ Med.Trans

Qualification: 10th, 12th or Graduation - Any stream.

Contact Address:

Universal Solution

6/23, Vijay Nagar,

Near DC Memorial School,

Indore 452010

Phone: 09039912740, 09669656859

How to Throw a Halloween Party for Kids

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 05:06 AM PDT

IMPORTANT UPDATE - We Fixed Everything! - Except Your BlackBerry - LOL ...

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 04:34 AM PDT

:::::::::::::::::::: The Official Team Cash Digital Newsletter ::::::::::::::::::::

== You are receiving this email because you responded to one of our 

international advertisements, and requested more information by 

filling out a web form in regards to making money from home. ==

The information below can potentially help you start earning

$10,000 to $30,000 or more EVERY MONTH.

Your Referral ID Number is JB813

Save that ID number. You can't join our team without it.

Thank You.


Good Morning Dede,

Below is IMPORTANT information about yesterday's technical

difficulties, website updates, and why my web development 

and design team are the BEST in the business!

And ...

A quick note on yesterday's CRAZY BlackBerry crisis!


Dede ...

Before I get to yesterday's technical difficulties and how it may

have affected you getting in contact with me ...

I just wanted to comment on yesterday's world wide "BlackBerry Crisis" 

If you own a BlackBerry phone, you know what I am talking about.

From what I understand, most wireless providers here in the U.S.A, 

including Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, and T-Mobile, were effected.

It was CRAZY ... 

Everybody that I know who owns a Black Berry phone is

addicted to it, and they were going CRAZY.

You couldn't send or receive email, and you couldn't send or

receive text and/or BBM messages!

Some of my friends were losing their minds :) 

( LOL )

It was kinda funny!

Everybody who owns a BlackBerry was going NUTS !!!

Anyways, apparently everything is almost back to normal.

If you own a BlackBerry, you can go to the following website

for an update ... -- They post updates every few hours.


Ironically, while the "BlackBerry Crisis" was going on yesterday, 

our website and email accounts were going through some technical

difficulties of their own.

No worries, my AWESOME team of web developers fixed it quickly.

I don't want to brag ...

But I do have the best web development/design team!

They are AWESOME, and they got everything fixed PROMPTLY.

If you happened to be visiting the website at the time we were

experiencing those difficulties, I want to personally apologize,

and I can assure you everything is fixed.

We NEVER have a website issue, and if we do, it gets fixed

very quickly.

With that being said ... 

While we were fixing the website issue, our email accounts were

down for a few hours yesterday late morning/early afternoon.

If you emailed me yesterday, and I did not respond to you, I did not

receive your email.

Please re-send it, and I will respond promptly.

Okay ...

That's it for this update ...

The phones are already ringing!

I gotta go KICK SOME A$$ and help my team prosper!

Make it a GREAT day Dede ...

And ...

Stay tuned to your email for an update on the SPECIAL OFFER.

Have a BLESSED day!


Got Questions? Speak To Cash Live ...


Or Email Me --

Your Referral ID Number is JB813


Check out the two links below for details on our

different membership levels & the top 7 reasons why

I am going to help you achieve the FREEDOM that you

and your family deserve ...

== The Top 7 Reasons To Join Team Cash ==

Your Referral ID Number is JB813

== The Team Cash Membership Levels & Bonuses ==


Here is a list of the most frequently asked questions ...


Office Hours: 24 Hours a Day!

Call me anytime!

Cash -- Your Partner In Creating Wealth


Your Referral ID Number is JB813

Copyrights 2005 - 2011 All Rights Reserved

801 2nd Avenue, New York, New York, 10007, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Important update about our new survey winners

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 02:31 AM PDT

Before I update you about our survey winners
for today, I want to let you in for a good news!

It's been a long wait for our family and finally
we have something that we can all celebrate

As of today, I am officially an UNCLE.

My younger sister has given birth to a baby girl.

Here's how my niece looks like straight out from
the oven.

(Click Display Images to see our baby)

Her name is Levine and she is giving
us the cheeky look.

She is the first baby to be born in our family.

And I am pretty sure she will be pampered
like a Princess by all our us.

Ok, now back to our survey…

The last 24 hours has been great.

As of now, we have 300 people who have
completed the survey and I am starting
to understand some of the issues you have.

This has been an enriching experience for
me and I am commited to help you to
achieve the desired results that you are
looking for.

Ok, so back to our winners for the day.

It's been tough trying to chose the winners
and after much debate with my team.

Here are 3 of our winners for today.

Wayne Reid
Ling Ching Yong
Tracey Isabella

You guys should receive your paypal cash
prizes by now.

We are 24 hours away from closing the survey.

If you have not submitted your survey,
here now and you might just be one of our
lucky winners to walk away with our $225 cash

Fill in your survey here (It won't take you
more than 8 seconds to do this).

I will let you know tomorrow if you are one
of our cash prize winner.

Adios to your new UNCLE Jaz.

Talk soon,


Jaz Lai Pte Ltd, 10 UBI CRESCENT, #07-19, UBI TECHPARK, Singapore, Singapore 408564, Singapore

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

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