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Thursday, September 8, 2011


Downline Builder - Traffic Exchanges The Surfers Choice

Downline Builder - Traffic Exchanges

The Surfers Choice

The Surfers ChoiceHere is the top ranked traffic exchanges in the industry...Voted on by YOU, the members of Affiliate Funnel.

Along with your critical input on how the traffic exchanges place in our Top 20 list, we also include unique tracking stats such as 'New Members Per Week', 'Average New Members During The Past 8 Weeks', 'Total Hits' and other detailed stats that will show you the best performing and ranked traffic exchanges online.

If you are new to traffic exchanges we suggest you join no more than 10-12 exchanges at most and test them. The ranker guides you to the top exchanges overall but only your own tracker can tell you which exchanges will work the best FOR YOU!

Unless stated otherwise, all these programs are FREE. You can join (or not) any of the top twenty exchanges. Any that you do not join will default to your sponsors referral id. You can change your referral id's at any time. Simply enter the new id and click the "Update" button.

You can vote for every single exchange listed. If your favorite is not yet in the top twenty then your vote could just help them get there!

You can change your rankings any time you like. The system updates the rankings every Thursday night.

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