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Tuesday, September 27, 2011


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bocah nakal sukabumi

10 Explosive Ways To Turbo-Boost Your Sales

Posted: 26 Sep 2011 06:51 PM PDT

Hi Dede,

Today's feature article is:

10 Explosive Ways To Turbo-Boost Your Sales

Read it below!

10 Explosive Ways To Turbo-Boost Your Sales
Copyright © Stone Evans, The Home Biz Guy

1. Design your web site to be a targeted resource
center. Choose one subject and build on it. You'll
gain repeat visitors that are interested in that topic.

2. Offer something that is really free. If people go
to your site and what you said was free really isn't,
you'll lose their trust and they won't buy anything.

3. Add a chat room or message board to your web
site. People want to interact with other people that
have they same interests as them.

4. Entice people to link to your web site by giving
them something free in return. This'll increase your
ranking in some search engines.

5. Trigger your reader's emotions in your ad copy.
Example, if you sell a book on gambling tips, tell
them the feelings they'll get when they win money.

6. Make sure your site looks good in all browsers.
You could be losing sales because it looks distorted
in some web browsers.

7. Increase your sales by e-mailing full page ads to
your e-zine subscribers. Remember to tell people
before they subscribe or they may consider it spam.

8. Ask people questions in your ad copy that make
them think about their problems. For example: Do
you want to be free of your debts?

9. Magnify the size of your prospects problem in
your ad; show how your product can solve it.
The bigger the problem, the more sales you'll have.

10. Invest a percentage of your profits right back
into your business. Spend it on marketing, product
improvement, customer service, advertising, etc.

About Stone Evans, The Home Biz Guy:
I Was A Washed Up Restaurant Worker Desperately Searching For
A Way To Save My Family When I Discovered The Internet And
Affiliate Marketing... 24 Months Later I Finally Cracked The
Code And Started Earning Over $10,000.00 Per Month... Now The
Same System That Saved Me Is Available To You! Check It Out:

Quote of the Day:

"The more you lose yourself in something bigger than
yourself, the more energy you will have." -- Norman Vincent

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Posted: 26 Sep 2011 05:04 PM PDT

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Posted: 26 Sep 2011 05:00 PM PDT

kumpulan cara abg menebar pesona 1

Posted: 26 Sep 2011 04:59 PM PDT


Posted: 26 Sep 2011 01:05 PM PDT

:::::::::::::::::::: The Official Team Cash Digital Newsletter ::::::::::::::::::::

== You are receiving this email because you responded to one of our 

international advertisements, and requested more information by 

filling out a web form in regards to making money from home. ==

The information below can potentially help you start earning

$10,000 to $30,000 or more EVERY MONTH.

Your Referral ID Number is JB813

Save that ID number. You can't join our team without it.

Thank You.



The clock is tickin' and SPOTS ARE FILLING UP FAST.

There is less than 3 Weeks Left ...

And ...

There are only 16 SPOTS LEFT

We are currently running a SPECIAL OFFER that has the potential

to stuff your bank account with an EXTRA $60,000 to over $100,000

before the end of 2011.

You DO NOT want to miss this opportunity!

(see details below)

This SPECIAL OFFER expires Saturday October 15th, 2011



Dede ...

This program is CHANGING PEOPLE'S LIVES !!!

If you are looking for a program that cuts through all of the Bull Sh*t, 

and will help you put money in your pocket RIGHT NOW ...

Here it is -------> 

If you want to finish 2011 STRONG, and stuff an EXTRA $60,000

to over $100,000 in your bank account before the end of 2011 ...

Review the website above, and then check out the SPECIAL OFFER

we are currently running ... (see details below)

It will blow your mind.

After you are done reading this ... Call Me! ... 1-888-217-4961

Or email me ... 

For those of you who have just visited my website, and are not aware

of the special offer we are running ... (see details below)

Here is the exact email I sent out on September 7th, 2011 ...

Check out our SPECIAL "Time Sensitive" OFFER ...

Hurry Up!

Spots are limited ...


Let's Finish 2011 STRONG & Over Flow Your Bank Account


I want to help you FINISH 2011 STRONG ...

I want to help you stuff $60,000 to $100,000 (or more) in your 

bank account before the end of 2011.


Let's cut through the FLUFF and the B.S. ...

I'll cut right to the chase ...

This is an EXCLUSIVE offer for the SERIOUS only!


Bill in North Carolina took advantage of a similar offer last year, and

he made $348,000 from September 1st 2010 - September 1st, 2011

So ...

Let's Get Into It ... I'M SO EXCITED !!!


Let's Finish 2011 STRONG & Over Flow Your Bank Account



** This special offer will run from September 7th, 2011 through

Saturday October 15th, 2011 **

( I normally do not run special offers for that long, however, this offer

is the GREATEST offer in Team Cash history )

( The details are below )

** You must join at the $3,500 level or above **

** I'm only excepting 50 people for this offer ** NO EXCEPTIONS

** As of today September 26th ... 34 spots have been filled **



LAST UNTIL October 15th --

Once the 50 spots are filled, this offer will be CLOSED.

I'm only taking 50 people! No Exceptions!


This is the LAST offer I am running for the rest of 2011, so take advantage.


Before we get into the JUICY details of the special offer ... 

Check out all of the details about how our program

works by visiting our business information page ... 

If you have already done this, you are a step ahead of the crowd.


If you are serious, take the time to read the details

about how our program works. I will not sign you up unless you

have a full understanding of the program ...

You should appreciate that :)

Okay ...

Here we go ...

Here are the bonuses for taking advantage of this KICK A$$ Offer ...

** For the FIRST time in the history of Team Cash, we are offering what

we call the "Delayed 1-Up" ...

After you watch the video at you will

understand the power of the 1-up compensation plan.

So ...

With the "Delayed 1-Up" ... You will make money FASTER :)

You will be FULLY QUALIFIED (Delayed 1-up) ... 

This will put you in a PROFIT MAKING POSITION immediately!

Instead of "passing up" your first enrollment, you will pass up your 

3rd enrollment. In other words, you will be in a PROFIT making

position from the start.

After you get started, your first enrollment will go directly to you.

Instead of going to your qualified inviter, it will go to you.

This will allow you to get your initial pledge back in your pocket.

Now, you got your money back ...

The second enrollment will "Get you in the profit"

And ...

Then the third enrollment will qualify you.


Before I announce anything to my data base, or to any of my team

members, I always test it first.

I recently tested the "Delayed 1-Up" with some new team members,

and it helped Joanna get her money back 8 days after joining 

Team Cash ...

Then she raked in another $7,000 9 days later!


Bonus # 2

** You will receive HOT LEADS from my PERSONAL advertising! 

Yes, you read that right ...

You will not have to advertise, I will do it for you and you share in 

my WEALTH of leads!

You will receive leads from my PERSONAL advertising campaigns

that I am currently running ...

Yes, you read that right ...

When you join, you will immediately start receiving leads directly from

my personal advertising campaigns.

There will be NO WAITING ...

My marketing campaigns are currently running, so the second you join

my team, you will begin to receive HIGH QUALITY leads directly from

the following resources ...

** International Full Page Advertisements

** Face Book Ads

** Text Message Advertising

** Direct Mail Post Cards

( I have made over $600,000 this year just from my post cards )

** Google & Yahoo Search Engine Marketing

** Email Marketing

** Additional Print Media

This will give you a great start in your business and help you cut down on

advertising expenses in your first 3 months to 1 year.

See the details below, however, depending on which membership level

you choose, we will provide leads to you for up to 1 year.

Also, there will be no delay.

You literally start receiving leads from day one!

** This will also help you put a ton of money in your pocket ... QUICKLY !!!

The leads I create are quality!

Just think ... You are one of the leads I generated Dede!


If you join at the 3,500 level, you will receive leads from my 

advertising for 3 months from the day you enroll.

6,500 Level = Leads for 6 months!

12,500 Level = Leads for 1 Year!

(smile again)

If you need additional information on our membership levels ...

See the document below ...

== The Team Cash Membership Levels & Bonuses ==


Bonus # 3

** I will personally enroll your prospects for you ... In other words ...

I will talk to your prospects and answer all of the HARD questions!

You will not need to speak to anyone!

All you will have to do is follow up with these people by email.

I will talk to your prospects ...

I will answer the hard questions ...

I will handle the follow up ...

I will enroll your prospects for you ...

Dede, all you will have to do is COUNT THE MONEY :)

Easy! Easy! Easy!

This is a "NO BRAINER" ...

** You don't have to sell.

** You don't have to push products.

** You don't have to place ads.

** You don't have to call people.

** You don't have to create marketing materials.

** You don't have to chase your friends and family.

** You get $3500, $6500, or $12,500 CASH IN A BOX  

when someone joins your team!

Dede, this is what $6,500 CASH IN A BOX looks like ... 


Dede ...

The ball is in your court ...

What's it gonna be? ...

If you want to take FULL ADVANTAGE of this incredible offer, 

you need to call my office IMMEDIATELY ...

--------------- 1.888.217.4961 ---------------

Or Email me directly -- 

ACT FAST -----> You must join at the 3500 level or 

above before Saturday October 15th, 2011


Please include the following details in your voice message or email.

** Let me know you are responding to my special offer.

** Make sure you include your Referral ID Number in your voice

message or email.

** Let me know which membership level you will be joining 

(3500, 6500, or 12,500)

** Let me know if you are ready to start now, or if you would 

like to reserve a spot. Reservations are okay, but if someone 

steps up and joins before you, you can lose your spot.

Money talks, and B.S. Walks :)

I reward action takers!

You can make a reservation to join between September 7th 

and Saturday October 15th.

** If you get my voice mail when you call, let me know which day 

and time frame (morning, afternoon, evening, or anytime) is best

to call you back.

All voice mails are time stamped so don't worry about losing your spot! :)

This special offer is on a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE basis.

Spots are limited and the special offer expires Saturday October 15th, 2011


I'm looking forward to helping you achieve your DREAMS and GOALS !!!

------------------------- 1.888.217.4961 -------------------------

Better hurry up ...


Dede ...

I've built a Multi-Million dollar fortune showing people

how to give money to others and then reap the benefits of a

philanthropy circle.

Better yet, I've built a business model where all you have 

to do is follow VERY SIMPLE instructions and you can piggy 

back on my success ...

This is a "NO BRAINER" ...

* You don't have to sell.

* You don't have to push products.

* You don't have to place ads.

* You don't have to call people.

* You don't have to create marketing materials.

* You don't have to chase your friends and family.

** You get 3500, 6500 or 12,500 CASH IN A BOX - when people sign up under you!

Dede, this is what $6,500 CASH IN A BOX looks like ...

Do you see why I'm so EXCITED?



Got Questions? Speak To Cash Live ...


Or Email Me --

Your Referral ID Number is JB813


Check out the two links below for details on our

different membership levels & the top 7 reasons why

I am going to help you achieve the FREEDOM that you

and your family deserve ...

== The Top 7 Reasons To Join Team Cash ==

Your Referral ID Number is JB813

== The Team Cash Membership Levels & Bonuses ==


Here is a list of the most frequently asked questions ...


Office Hours: 24 Hours a Day!

Call me anytime!

Cash -- Your Partner In Creating Wealth


Your Referral ID Number is JB813

Copyrights 2005 - 2011 All Rights Reserved

801 2nd Avenue, New York, New York, 10007, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Mirander Kerr! Football Tickets! Oktoberfest!

Posted: 26 Sep 2011 10:39 AM PDT

bottom line
FHM Friday Email

bottom line

Hi there,

What are you lot up to tonight? A cosy Monday night in or hitting the pubs like it's still the weekend? Best photographic response on Twitter wins a new game called Battleship Shots. It's like Battleships, but with shots. See you tomorrow...

MONDAY NEWSLETTER GIVEAWAY #1: We've got three Fringe Season 3 Blu-ray box sets. To get one, you don't have to do much - just send an email here and include your name and address. Simple.

MONDAY NEWSLETTER GIVEAWAY #2: We have football tickets from the bountiful folk at Chang Beer. If you fancy a pair for Everton against Man United on October 29, just send your details here naming your favourite Wayne Rooney goal (apart from that one against Newcastle).

Enjoy the email...

bottom line

Stalk us: Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.

We'll be here all week:
Story 1
Anna Simon loads up for Gears of War 3
Gears of War 3 is a very manly game – we know, because we've played it. Big hulking mountains of testosterone-laden he-meat...
Story 1
Let's check — yep, Miranda Kerr is still sexy
Phew. Close one, there. Although the odds of Miranda Kerr suddenly becoming unsexy are pretty slim, let's be honest...
Story 1
FHM totally does the mighty Eurogamer Expo
We had a rifle. There was a tank nearby. It seemed important that someone take a picture of us for posterity. Or something...
Story 1
Russell Brand REALLY doesn't trust horses
You might think that Russell Brand is crazy, doing everything in his loquacious power to worm his way out of a sex-filled marriage to the lovely...
bottom line

Before you go...

It's a man, at Oktoberfest, getting it all wrong.

Until next time!

bottom line - Unsubscribe

Bauer London Lifestyle
Company Number: 842309 (England).
Registered Office: 1 Lincoln Court. Lincoln Road. Peterborough, PE1 2RF

To prevent your FHM Friday email being placed in your spam folder,
please add to your safe sender lists


Friend - AWESOME Pavla Pivkova just Upgraded to Member in YOUR DOWNLINE

Posted: 26 Sep 2011 12:23 PM PDT

Congratulations Friend

As more and more people continue to recognize STIFORP as the most POWERFUL opportunity on the internet, Pavla Pivkova, who was placed below you in your STIFORP Powerline, has just placed their product order.

Thanks to Pavla upgrading, YOU HAVE OFFICIALLY EARNED A COMMISSION, as long as you lock in your position BEFORE the next Cutoff Day.

With a track record of providing only the BEST tools and training in the industry, it's no wonder why STIFORP is growing faster than any other company on the PLANET.

So we want to make it as easy as possible for you to get in and start making money.

To do that, we have provided you with TWO things:

1. A way to get started with less risk than almost any other company in the industry. While other companies are charging hundreds of dollars just to get started, and have a very small payout, With STIFORP, you pay just $9.95 per month and can potentially earn over $2,000 per MONTH without ever having to enroll a single person...EVER.

2. With our awesome tools and training, you can make enough money
to cover the cost of your membership, AND even earn a few extra hundred or a few extra thousand dollars a month in residual income on TOP of it. PLUS, if you are involved in another program in the network marketing industry, you can use our tools to TRIPLE YOUR INCOME in your current program at the SAME TIME.


Now that we've proven it works, it's time to LOCK IN YOUR POSITION

Click here to GET STARTED NOW:

Remember: We process orders at Midnight every Tuesday and Friday. Your order must be received before then or you will lose out on Pavla Pivkova and any other person who has placed their order since our last cutoff date. Worse still, you will forfeit ALL current and future earnings on ALL of those individuals.

EXAMPLE: If today were Monday and you were a Pre-Enrollee who had one or more people below you have become a member, you would have until Midnight on Tuesday to place your order to lock in your position. That will guarantee that you will be placed in the matrix before ALL of the people below you in your powerline who upgrade during the same or later later, and ALL the people who join FOREVER.

To view all of the Pre-Enrollees and Members
below you, click on:

Login with your email address ( in the top box and click on GENEALOGY.

Looking forward to your success,

-YOUR Support Team

Our system does 95% of the work for YOU

You are receiving this message because you have either
signed up to receive information from us or a third-party.
To be cleared from our records, follow the link below
or contact us at:

5753 G Santa Ana Canyon Road
Suite 512
Anaheim Hills Ca
92807 3

super cool Clickbank money makin' video:

Posted: 26 Sep 2011 09:37 AM PDT

Hey Dede,

Have you seen this super cool
Clickbank video yet?

=> Click here now to watch

Its really REALLY quite funny plus it'll
teach you how to make easy commissions too :)

Rich Stamford


10 Anson Road #26-04 International Plaza Singapore 079903

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

RE: Outstanding Clickbank Commissions

Posted: 26 Sep 2011 08:09 AM PDT

Hi Dede,

You'll want to click here NOW.


Here's Why:

As you read every word on that website, you'll begin
to realize that it's totally possible.


You really CAN turn the secret valves that unleash a
crushing tidal wave of commissions into YOUR Clickbank

Click here now to see the undeniable PROOF!



Turning a valve that releases waves of traffic
streaming towards a product you didn't create, a
website you didn't design with copy you didn't write.

"It's Like Taking a Pre-Existing Money-Maker…
Cloning It… and Reaping the Gains!"

All you do next is sit back and watch those Clickbank
bars magically 'inflate' themselves like a thick

It's true!

Click here NOW:


For the first time ever, you can turn on the little
known profit valves all over the web, and witness the
limitless power of "The Clickbank Automated Income

Switch a valve, unleash a swarm of cash-in-hand
visitors and watch as your Clickbank account visiby
swells with sheer moneymaking pleasure.

Ironically, now you just can't help but to draw in
huge wads of cash with very little effort.: - )

And The Best Part Is...

You can replicate this entire process with Swiss Watch
engineered precision and continue to crank out one
"profit funnel" after another with absolute point and
click ease...

With ammunition like this, there's no more time to

Get those valves turning NOW, and watch the
commissions forcibly pour itself into your Clickbank

Click here to get started immediately!


To Your Success,
Dedy Ng

18208 Preston Road, Suite D9-239, Dallas, TX 75252, United States
To unsubscribe visit:
To change your contact details visit:

"The 1% Formula" to make $50K in 30 days.

Posted: 26 Sep 2011 07:02 AM PDT

Hey Dede,

From struggling home business owner deep
in debt, to multiple award winning marketer
earning up to $50,000 a month from home
(or from wherever).

It's all true and I'll show you exactly how
Lena Bjorna did it:


See you inside, 
Rich Stamford

PS: If you act fast, I'll even include a copy
of a special report, "The 1% Formula", at
NO COST to you!









10 Anson Road #26-04 International Plaza Singapore 079903

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

Insert Coin To Continue...

Posted: 26 Sep 2011 05:22 AM PDT

Hey Dede,

Get ready.

Because you're about to pull down FAT commissions faster than
Pacman gobbles up ghosts.

All you have to do is plug-in... hit start... and let the system
do the rest...

Time to OWN Clickbank.


P.S. This is a lot better than a 9 to 5 job :)

101 Convention Center Drive, 7th Floor, Las Vegas, NV 89109, United States

To unsubscribe visit:
To change your contact details visit:

How to Speak Salmon

Posted: 26 Sep 2011 05:08 AM PDT

eHow of the Day

Beautiful to look at and even better to eat, salmon is a health-foodie's dream. This fish has spawned fans across the globe, both because of its heart-healthy benefits --- thanks to its omega-3 oil content --- and its versatility in the kitchen or out on the grill. If you feel as though you're swimming upstream when you stand at the seafood counter at the grocery store or scan the menu at your favorite restaurant, don't worry. With a little schooling, you, too, will become hooked on salmon.…keep reading

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Free AutoBlogging Ebook And Plug-in: AutoBlogging Profits

Posted: 26 Sep 2011 01:00 AM PDT

Hi ,

After browsing around and delving deeper into the potential of autoblogging the other day, I came across this impressive and completely free resource that I simply had to share with you.

My good friends over at have just released an all-encompassing guide to autoblogging, and are actually crazy enough to give it away absolutely free.

But that's not all. They're also giving away an autoblogging plugin they've created so you can start autoblogging in the next 5 minutes.

AutoBlogging Profits:

>>>>>Check it out here<<<<<

Personally, I have no problem spending the money to get a copy of this book for myself, but the moment I realized they were giving it away for free I knew I had to spread the news.

I have never seen such an impressive step by step guide to making money with autoblogs that didn't cost an arm and a leg; which is why I can practically guarantee that within minutes of grabbing your own copy you are sure to be that much closer to actual autoblogging success.

Cut down on the confusion, learn how to quickly and easy create an army of blogs, learn about all of the powerful resources you need, and STOP working so hard for your money.

When done right, autoblogging can be just the answer you have been looking for to make money online, and AutoBlogging Profits will give you the push in the right direction. Put this knowledge and the free autoblogging plugin to good use right now:

>>>>>Check it out here<<<<<

Who knows how long these guys are going to be giving this guide away for free, so stop sitting around and wondering how all those others guys are making money.

It's time for you to truly make things happen.

To your success,
Christopher Kimble

Clker4 Enterprises, 923 1/2 Cheyenne St, Golden, Colorado 80401, United States
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last night was good : )

Posted: 25 Sep 2011 09:02 PM PDT

Yesterday was an exciting night in Singapore.

With all the buzz going around wondering if
Sebastian Vettel will win the F1 championship
in Singapore.

Well, he did win the Singapore Grand Prix and
he is just 1 point away from being crowned the
world champion.

Here's a picture of Sebastian's car.

Turn your image on to see this

Last night was amazing for Sebastian, he basically
lead from start to finish and this is simply fantastic.

One more race to go Sebastian Vettel… kudus for
having an exciting season.


My buddy Dylan Loh showed me his new money
making game and I am impressed.

I just can't believe how a gaming addict can earn
so much money while playing games.

Anyway, he is giving away $7,794.00 products
for only $37.

It includes the whole website with content AND

Check out Affiliate Ownage here.

Talk soon,


Jaz Lai Pte Ltd, 10 UBI CRESCENT, #07-19, UBI TECHPARK, Singapore, Singapore 408564, Singapore

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