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Friday, September 9, 2011


bocah nakal sukabumi

bocah nakal sukabumi

POWERFUL: Death Bed Regrets -- Don't let this be you Dede ...

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 06:40 PM PDT

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Thank You.


Dede ...

I recently read an article about death.

No, I'm not dying any time soon (no worries) and it's not
typically my favorite subject in the world to discuss.

But what grabbed my attention was the ramifications death has for
entrepreneurs vs NON-entrepreneurs.

Here's the scoop:

The article was about a lady who works in a special hospital where
everyone is on their death beds. And she saw two recurring death
bed regrets people have before their death ...

The first is not having the courage to go for their dreams.

This is VERY sad, in my opinion.

There is nothing worse than living with REGRET ...

It bothers me whenever people let fear and social pressure
(from family and friends, especially) hold them back from
pursuing their dreams.

Entrepreneurs, on the other hand, are the total opposite!

We don't care what others think.

We're actually more afraid of NOT trying at all than failing.

And frankly, we tend to THRIVE on nay saying.

Anyway, so that was the first regret.

The other one was:

"I wish I didn't work so hard."

I can relate!

When I was stuck in corporate "servitude" selling stupid credit card
machines 60 to 70+ hours per week, all I did was work.

I barely ever saw my family.

And when I did, I was too tired, drained and exhausted to enjoy them.

Today, I still work a lot of hours.

But it's by CHOICE.

And it's not draining ... it's invigorating!

I get SUCH A RUSH from helping others make their first MILLION :-)

Frankly, entrepreneurs are restless unless we ARE working on
something (I don't even really like going to bed anymore).

Yes, there's balance (you must have balance).

But work is not "work", it's play.

And thus, I'd bet few (if any) of the people who regretted working
so much were entrepreneurs. Most likely they were working for "the
man" -- charter members of the "40/40 club."

(i.e. working 40 hours per week, for 40 years)

And you know what?

Wasting your life working for someone else WILL cause regrets.

It will steal your time with your family.

And will never pay you what you're worth.

But like I said, becoming an entrepreneur has NEVER been easier.

You can even do it today over at ...

Check out all of the information at the website above,
and then call me so I can put together a game plan to
help you achieve your dreams and goals!

Dede ... Work with me ... Live your dreams!


Got Questions? Speak To Cash Live ...


Or Email Me --

Your Referral ID Number is JB813


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different membership levels & the top 7 reasons why
I am going to help you achieve the FREEDOM that you
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Office Hours: 24 Hours a Day!

Call me anytime!

Cash -- Your Partner In Creating Wealth

Your Referral ID Number is JB813

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My Picture Alerts: Marion Cotillard, Serena Williams, Rafael Nadal and more

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 06:04 PM PDT

10 Blazing Ways To Sky-Rocket Your Profits

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 06:03 PM PDT

Hi Dede,

Today's feature article is:

10 Blazing Ways To Sky-Rocket Your Profits

Read it below!

10 Blazing Ways To Sky-Rocket Your Profits
Copyright © Stone Evans, The Home Biz Guy

1. Use a "P.S." at the end of your ad copy. This
is were you either want to repeat a strong benefit
or use a strong close like a free bonus.

2. Publish a free ebook and give it away from your
web site or in your e-zine. This will increase your
traffic, sales and e-zine subscribers.

3. Create multiple streams of income with your web
site. You could sell your own products, join affiliate
programs, sell advertising space, etc.

4. Give your visitors compliments in your ad copy.
This can earn their trust and put them in a good
mood, in return they will be easier to sell too.

5. Create new products or services only if there is
a strong need for them. You won't have anyone to
sell them to if you don't have a market.

6. Sell your backend products to your customers
right after they order. Take them to a "Thank You"
web page that includes other products you sell.

7. Sell a few products on your web site instead of
selling a large amount of products. To many choices
can overwhelm your visitors and they won't buy.

8. Include content and free stuff on your web site
that promote the products you're selling. If they
don't read your ads, they may read your offerings.

9. Remind your visitors that you're human not just
a web site. You could publish information on your
family life, a picture of yourself , a profile, etc.

10. Provide a "Contact Page" on your web site.
Give your visitors as many options to contact you
as possible. This'll add credibility to your business.

About Stone Evans, The Home Biz Guy:
I Was A Washed Up Restaurant Worker Desperately Searching For
A Way To Save My Family When I Discovered The Internet And
Affiliate Marketing... 24 Months Later I Finally Cracked The
Code And Started Earning Over $10,000.00 Per Month... Now The
Same System That Saved Me Is Available To You! Check It Out:

Quote of the Day:

"Let us be about setting high standards for life, love,
creativity, and wisdom. If our expectations in these areas
are low, we are not likely to experience wellness. Setting
high standards makes every day and every decade worth
looking forward to." -- Greg Anderson

Thank you for being a valued subscriber Dede!


Dedy Ng

top marketers all recommend 1 website? Because it works!
Will it work for you too? There is only one way to find out
and it starts by visiting this site:

18208 Preston Road, Suite D9-239, Dallas, TX 75252, United States
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$300 in Credit Wallet (hurry) - Croation Movie Site

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 02:56 PM PDT

Hi Friend,

welcome aboard if you have just joined
our global Stiforp family.

This email goes to pre-enrollees and
to the paid members (smart).

I have $450 in my credit wallet and can
help you pay someone in if you have
someone in your team who has no
Visa or Master Card or if you joined
me as a free member so to say and not
paid yet (why not yet?) I can pay you in
via the credit wallet IF you send me
$150 plus $10 fee (paypal or alertpay
receiver fees and exchange fees etc.)
for the yearly membership OR you send
me $50 plus $6 for the monthly membership.

Ask me for the alertpay and paypal
email and let's get this done asap.

You please send me an email to and only
to that email I can honor your request
to the email
with your ID# and the way you want to
send me either paypal or alertpay and
for what membership, yearly or monthly.

As well if you have not upgraded yet (means
you have not paid yet, upgraded means
paid membership) please login to your
temporary info back office from where you
can easy read all about the payplan, products
fees etc. etc. to make a wise decision and
become a paid member asap!

Here you can click and are logged in:

If you are a paid member already, ask
your team please, if you have a team
if they need credit wallet funds.

I can fund more but not want always
have so and so many in the credit wallet
so I only do it by request but have now
$300 left so get back to me asap.

In 2 weeks will be official launch for
stiforp and there will be more great
announcements while there have been already
many great announcements and new website
the past 1-2 weeks and now we even have
a croation movie website :-)

Look below but don't enroll again if
you already enrolled or you overwrite
the better spot and btw, tomorrow
Friday at midnight pst is another
cutoff day and with each cutoff you
lose a little bit more... so take the
chance now and get actively involved
in our stiforp dream team which has
almost 15000 members... Wow!

More updates:

New Croation Movie Website:
(not join again, just take a look)

Change simply the username to yours
if you are a paid member.

And on this update you can see as well
the Russian and Portugues movie website
and more!

More announcements soon and as well
about alertpay :-)


Carpe Diem,
Frank Astheimer
Phone: 202-470-6744
Skype: frankastheimer
Yahoo messenger: the_success_guide




This message was sent to from:

Frank Astheimer | 8101 Sandy Spring Road | Laurel, MD 20707

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GVO and Wealth4Everyone on day 2, why work 9-5?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 12:46 PM PDT

Simply amazing! Just watch this
Get your Life Long Income Now.
Helping Others To Succeed

See you on top

Brian & Dora
Pro Internet Marketer
6 Figure Income Earner

Questions? call us today:
USA: +1 585 682 2250
UK : +44 7891791091

looking forward as always...

P.S. make sure to watch our daily video proof updates,
your head will spinn, trust me .

Wealth4Everyone, Latymer Close, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 9ER, United Kingdom

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

$67,540 Viral Loophole Exploited

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 10:19 AM PDT

Hey Dede

Click below to discover a brand new system that's
been proven and tested for over 5 months to make
you money...

You now have a genuine opportunity to start making
money online.

You can now work from home PART time and make a
FULL time income online.

Just click the link below to download this new
system and start putting it to use:




101 Convention Center Drive, 7th Floor, Las Vegas, NV 89109, United States

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Get paid $1.50 for giving away FREE software ?

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:01 AM PDT

Hi Dede,

Get paid by giving away software!


This powerful software has consistenly generated hundreds
or even thousands of dollars PER DAY.

It is PROVEN to work for ANYONE ,
And does not require any experience or technical knowledge!

You can earn $1.50 for every email address you collect by
giving away this software.

Best of all you keep the email addresses in you own list,
so you can market to them forever.

I have never seen an offer like this.

Rich Stamford













10 Anson Road #26-04 International Plaza Singapore 079903

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.


Posted: 08 Sep 2011 09:28 AM PDT

Congratulations Friend

As more and more people continue to recognize STIFORP as the most POWERFUL opportunity on the internet, Svetlana Sapozhnikova, who was placed below you in your STIFORP Powerline, has just placed their product order.

Thanks to Svetlana upgrading, YOU HAVE OFFICIALLY EARNED A COMMISSION, as long as you lock in your position BEFORE the next Cutoff Day.

With a track record of providing only the BEST tools and training in the industry, it's no wonder why STIFORP is growing faster than any other company on the PLANET.

So we want to make it as easy as possible for you to get in and start making money.

To do that, we have provided you with TWO things:

1. A way to get started with less risk than almost any other company in the industry. While other companies are charging hundreds of dollars just to get started, and have a very small payout, With STIFORP, you pay just $9.95 per month and can potentially earn over $2,000 per MONTH without ever having to enroll a single person...EVER.

2. With our awesome tools and training, you can make enough money
to cover the cost of your membership, AND even earn a few extra hundred or a few extra thousand dollars a month in residual income on TOP of it. PLUS, if you are involved in another program in the network marketing industry, you can use our tools to TRIPLE YOUR INCOME in your current program at the SAME TIME.


Now that we've proven it works, it's time to LOCK IN YOUR POSITION


Remember: We process orders at Midnight every Tuesday and Friday. Your order must be received before then or you will lose out on Svetlana Sapozhnikova and any other person who has placed their order since our last cutoff date. Worse still, you will forfeit ALL current and future earnings on ALL of those individuals.

EXAMPLE: If today were Monday and you were a Pre-Enrollee who had one or more people below you have become a member, you would have until Midnight on Tuesday to place your order to lock in your position. That will guarantee that you will be placed in the matrix before ALL of the people below you in your powerline who upgrade during the same or later later, and ALL the people who join FOREVER.

To view all of the Pre-Enrollees and Members
below you, click on:

Login with your email address ( in the top box and click on GENEALOGY.

Looking forward to your success,

-YOUR Support Team

You are receiving this message because you have either
signed up to receive information from us or a third-party.
To be cleared from our records, follow the link below
or contact us at:

5753 G Santa Ana Canyon Road
Suite 512
Anaheim Hills Ca
92807 3

INSANE (this really make my eyes pop out)

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 07:37 AM PDT

Dear Dede,
I usually don't participate in a lot of
big launches.. but this is different.

Very different.
Ryan Lee is one of the most well-respected
marketers in the world.

And to celebrate his 10 year anniversary
online (that's right, 10 years!), he's
offering something absolutely insane.
Check it out now and you can thank me later.
==> Click here to continue

Rich Stamford
P.S. Here's a hint.. Ryan's giving away ALL
his coaching products.. Go there now and you'll
see what I mean.
==> Click here now (GO GO GO!)


10 Anson Road #26-04 International Plaza Singapore 079903

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

How to Choose Elder Care

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 05:09 AM PDT

eHow of the Day

If you are facing the challenge of choosing elder care for your aging parents, relatives or acquaintances, you have to decide if the person needs long-term care, home care, assisted living or disability services. With so many kinds of elder care, it is hard to determine which one is right for the aging person. Following are some considerations to keep in mind when making this choice.…keep reading

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Dede, If a King Had a Secret to His Power, It Would Be...

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 03:28 AM PDT

Dede, If a King Had a Secret to His Power, It Would Be...

Dear Dede,

Lee here, from the Brain Evolution System website.

Here's a NO-COST gift to you, to say thanks for being on our newsletter.

NLP. Those three letters—NLP—stand for Neuro Linguistic Programming, which is a powerful and elegantly simple way to get your mind to do what you want!

It has been called the Science of Achievement.

NLP was defined by Richard Bandler and John Grinder as the connection between neurological processes, language, and behaviors. It sounds complex, but NLP is incredibly simple, allowing fast, thorough, and fully integrated change for anyone to achieve what they want.

Bandler and Grinder personally trained and certified NLP Mindfest host and Learning Strategies co-founder, Paul Scheele. NLP has been at the core of all of the programs they created at Learning Strategies since 1981. NLP makes it easier to learn, integrate, and apply what you learn. It's proven its success over and over.

Lucky for you, experts have devoted their lives to the study of NLP so you don't have to! They are using NLP all over the world to help people with effortless breakthroughs in any area of day-to-day life.

Thanks to the NLP Mindfest, 20 of these experts are coming together for you in a NO-COST online event, so that you can make measurable progress toward your goals, even with today's uncertainties.

NLP Mindfest begins September 12.
Click Here to sign up TODAY - at ZERO cost!

When you sign-up today, you can listen to 20 individual NLP sessions – all about one hour long – at NO cost to you – and get the breakthrough you want for more success, less weight, better relationships…

Whatever goal you have, there is an expert who will lead you through simple mind-enhancing processes to help vaporize blocks and fears to set you free...

You can listen to these 20 inspiring programs with our compliments:

1) Mind Mastery: How to kick negative thoughts out of your life

2) Brain Switch: How to erase anxiety and boost success

3) Influence vs. Power: How to quickly build connections with others

4) Our Future Leaders: How to reduce fears in children

5) Ultimate Motivation: How to achieve an extraordinary and healthy lifestyle

6) New Life: How to control diabetes and weight

7) Missed by the Masses: What you should know to be more successful

8) Stop the Sabotage: How to uproot nasty habits with ease

9) Game Day Nerves: How to live without performance anxiety

10) Change Catapult: How to self-coach yourself to significant achievement

11) Word Mastery: How to be clear, persuasive, and charismatic

12) X-Ray Listening: Decoding the language of the unconscious mind

13) Winning Strategies: How to use unconscious programming to change your life

14) Living Brilliantly: How to find your personal "sweet spot"

15) Huna & NLP: Ancient and modern keys to well-being

16) Story Time: The truth about your success, relationships, and happiness

17) Social Media: How to use NLP to create sales on the Internet

18) Awareness: The answer to every life problem that actually has an answer

19) Powerful Clarity: Make better life decisions

20) Mending the Wounded Learner: Conquering the fear of learning

All at no charge for you, and completely non-commercial.

Click on this link to signup for yourself, TODAY:

 To your success,

Lee Benson, of the Brain Evolution System
In association with Inspire3

© Copyright Inspire3 Ltd. No copying or distribution is permitted. Nothing herein constitutes medical or professional advice, and no statements are evaluated by the FDA. Individual results will vary. 

Inspire3 Ltd, 2nd Floor, 145-157 St John Street, London EC1V 4PY, United Kingdom

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

New Killer List Building Package (100% Free)

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 03:01 AM PDT

Hey Dede,

I've arranged for you a brand new list building
package that will assists you in building a HUGE LIST fast.


This package will help you bring a tsunami of targeted traffic into
your sites....Act now!


To your HUGE LIST,
Christopher Kimble

Clker4 Enterprises, 923 1/2 Cheyenne St, Golden, Colorado 80401, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

awas toge rosa palsu

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 02:48 AM PDT

dapatkan toge ini

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 02:47 AM PDT

asiknya pacarku

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 02:45 AM PDT

Udah tau kan alesanya apa????

kalo masih belum je;las liat yg bawah:::::


Cewek dengan payudara atau toge yang besar

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 02:43 AM PDT

Cewek dengan payudara atau toge yang besar memberi pengaruh rangsangan secara tak langsung maupun secara langsung kepada lawan jenis. Pengaruh rangsangan ini merupakan yang terbesar dari semua bagian tubuh seorang cewek!

antiq banget ampe pengen

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 02:41 AM PDT

antiq banget ampe pengen gw taru di sangkar nie kalo punya bini beginian.....
Lin Ke Tong
Hometown: China
Birthday: 1988/9/20
Height: 172cm
Profession: Model

Pesta di Area kolam

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 02:39 AM PDT

Pattaya Pool Party- Pesta di Area kolam dari hotel Dusit D2 Pattaya saat ini salah satu yang paling bergaya. Tempat ini sangat cocok untuk pesta kolam renang. banyak cewek seksi, musik keren, dan yang pasti kolam renang. Sesuatu yang umum tentang Pattaya adalah bahwa sebagian besar pemilik bisnis di sana sungguh bebas dan pasti menampilkan yang namanya para gadis sexy dengan tampilan wah, benar-benar sebuah pesta kolam renang ala luar negri.

bocah nakal cute bagian 6

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 02:32 AM PDT

bocah nakal cute bagian 5

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 02:21 AM PDT

bocah nakal cute bagian 4

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 02:20 AM PDT

bocah nakal cute bagian 3

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 02:19 AM PDT

bocah nakal cute bagian 2

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 02:17 AM PDT

bocah nakal cute bagian 1

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 02:15 AM PDT

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