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Become a Thumblogger Affiliate and get rewarded for promoting Thumblogger!
Interesting for who?
The most important thing is that you know or have access to people that might be interesting in blogging.
Promotion material
You may create any banners or other promotion material for promoting thumblogger. You can also use pre made material:
A small button banner: (don't hotlink please)
A text banner:
Thumblogger, free adult blog hosting service.
Another text banner:
Free Adult Blog Hosting
Stable, Trusted and Free.
In business for over 2 years.
Or a combination: (don't hotlink please)
Thumblogger, a free adult blog hosting service in business for over 2 years
The most important thing is that you know or have access to people that might be interesting in blogging.
- Blog Directory Owner
If you are a blog directory owner then you can promote thumblogger on your blog submission page, blog webmasters that submit their blog will see the thumblogger promotion and might start using it. - Adult Webmaster Sites
If you own a adult webmaster resource site or forum which is visited by adult webmasters or possible future adult webmasters then you can promote thumblogger on these sites. - Blog Owner
If you are a blog owner and you can reach a lot adult webmasters, for example via link trades or forums then you can also promote thumblogger and get rewarded. You can do this by placing a link in your forum signature or other ways. - Anyone else
If you know or have access to people that are interested in bloggin then you can promote thumblogger!
- Spamming is not allowed.
- New webmasters should be active webmasters.
- Cheating is not allowed and can easily be detected.
- You will be notified by email when you are one of the 2 winners.
Promotion material
You may create any banners or other promotion material for promoting thumblogger. You can also use pre made material:
A small button banner: (don't hotlink please)
A text banner:
Thumblogger, free adult blog hosting service.
Another text banner:
Free Adult Blog Hosting
Stable, Trusted and Free.
In business for over 2 years.
Or a combination: (don't hotlink please)
Thumblogger, a free adult blog hosting service in business for over 2 years