Fun is also good news on this one - Fun is also good news on this one. One of thebest and easiest way to combat acid erosion of teeth is to eat a piece of cheese after every meal. Dental erosion caused thinning of the tooth enamel, making teeth look thin and fragile.Cheese is recommended for consumption because it contains lye,which can neutralize acids left behind by food. Foods or beveragescontaining acids include soft drinks, fruit juices, and foods suchsweet cakes and biscuits.
According to Dr Vida Kolahi, chief dentist at Cathedral DentalClinic in Cardiff, England, cheddar cheese is the best choicebecause the content of the highest alkalinya. While brie or fetacheese will not have much effect. You also do not need to consumein large quantities. Quite a small piece just after meals, to improvedental health with a quick and easy.
For patients who are worried about stains or discoloration on the teeth, Dr. Kolahi have other suggestions. Drink a large glass ofwater after drinking tea, coffee, or wine.
Of course, the cheese should not replace brushing obligations.However, cheese can help deliver results in an instant. You want to try?