always follow the trend of cosmetics - Some of us may not dare to use thick black eyeliner on the eyelid. The reason is simple, not afraid to look pretty. But have we ever tried it only once, and see how tiny objects can display a beautiful impression of our eyes open.For cosmetics expert Bobbi Brown, our fears, to experiment in the actual makeup is based on misperceptions about the cosmetics.We too adhere to conventional rules which if violated would mess up our appearance.
Brown was eager to erase the thoughts that fictitious and makes us more willing to again use the makeup. "Let's uncover the veil of myth from the use of cosmetics!"
Cosmetics are good is an expensive Correction to: Select a color and type of cosmetics as needed.
If we always follow the trend of cosmetics that are always changing, we can be sure the savings would run out to buy it all. As a result, so much product is wasted because we fall for the seductive language of advertising. Actually there are certain colors that make us become cosmetic low budget look expensive. Make sure all the materials used in accordance with our choice of cosmetic skin needs, so it will blend perfectly.
"So rather than depending on price or brand, but how do we know what is suitable to our skin," Brown warned.
A good makeup would take a long time Correction to: identify the sequence using the right cosmetics to save time.
Brown assured us, it only takes 5 minutes to remove the aura of beauty. After using skin moisturizers, perform the following steps:
1:00: Use a concealer with the aid of special brush or a can with our fingertips. Do not forget the circumference of the eye to remove the black color that makes your eyes look tired. 2:00: After applying foundation all over your face, especially the nose and the circumference of a smile. Second place is usually that will quickly change color when you sweat. Make sure the foundation close to the perfect facial skin so it does not look discolored. 3:00: Brush bronzer. 4:00: Wipe the lipstick is one level above the color of our skin tone.5:00: Refine with mascara on the eyes. For eye makeup will make all the characters we face the more perfect.
So who says take many hours to look pretty perfect?
Makeup makes skin does not breathe Correction to: use a mild cosmetic formula.
Today many people were mengandrungi mineral cosmetics, because of the perceived effects of mild skin makes us not like he was wearing a mask when her makeup. Starting from concealer, foundation, blush, until the lipstick, there have been made of mineral materials. Apply as we use the ordinary cosmetic products.
Be careful choosing blush, because the wrong choice can make us like a clown Correction to: buy a blusher brush or blush on the new.
According to Brown when we choose the wrong brush, the blush color that brightens facial skin will look really does not fit.Moreover, if the brush that we use too small. When brushed on blush brush will make it collects in one part of the brush. So when we menyapukannya on the cheeks will make it difficult to blend, the shape of the cheekbones. Pick a medium-sized brush with a soft bristle brush, so that it can display a natural effect on our blusher brush.
It seems the various guidelines given Brown will restore our confidence to express themselves through the aura of beauty cosmetics. Remember, the key is do not be afraid and select the appropriate type and skin color. Congratulations to dress up!
(Prevention Indonesia Online / Priska Siagian)